Spy the Lie Book Overview: Tips From Former CIA & NSA Experts

A woman with long brown hair reading a book.

What is the Spy the Lie book about? What can we learn from the CIA about lie detection? In Spy the Lie, a book written by former CIA and NSA professionals, the authors explain their system for asking questions and watching responses in an interrogation. Their system can be used in many contexts, both in an interrogation and in daily life. Continue reading to learn how to spot a lie according to the experts.

How to Save the Trees: Actionables From The Hidden Life of Trees

A lumberjack trying to save the trees by blocking the road that a logging truck is driving down.

How many trees are at risk of extinction? Why are sustainable forestry practices necessary? How can arboreal mortuaries help save forests? In his book The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben doesn’t just teach readers about the science of trees, it’s also a call to action to help save the forests. He lays out multiple ways that people and governments can help save the trees. Here are the actionables that Wohlleben shares in his book.

Quotes From The Hidden Life of Trees (With Explanations)

A man sitting against a tree in the woods as he reads a book.

Are you looking for quotes from The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben? What can this book teach you about the importance of protecting forests? In The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben draws on scientific research to shed light on the ways trees interact with their environment and one another. Amid deforestation and climate change, understanding the intricate lives of trees offers insights into their innate value and why it’s important to protect them. Here’s a selection of the best quotes from the book along with explanations.

The Asshole Survival Guide by Robert Sutton (Book Overview)

A woman reading a book in an office.

Do you feel helpless or angry when confronted with mean people? Do you wish you had better strategies for dealing with them? The Asshole Survival Guide by Robert Sutton offers wisdom for dealing with jerks—rude and tyrannical people of all kinds. Focusing primarily on bad behavior in the workplace, he argues that, with the right tools, you can take away a jerk’s power, lessen their effect on you, and keep them from harming others.  Continue reading for an overview of this practical book.

Confidence Man by Maggie Haberman: A Donald Trump Biography

Donald Trump waving.

What can we learn from Confidence Man, by Maggie Haberman? How did Donald Trump become the public figure that he is? In Confidence Man by Maggie Haberman, we learn how Donald Trump’s family values led to a transactional mindset in relationships that fed his success in business and politics. To understand why Trump carried the presidency the way that he did, it helps to hear New York Times journalist Maggie Haberman’s analysis. Continue reading to learn more from this biography of Donald Trump.

The Wolf of Wall Street Quotes: Getting Rich Through Crime

A young man reading a book with a view of a city.

What are the best The Wolf of Wall Street quotes? How did Jordan Belfort lead Stratton Oakmont to its success, and then its downfall? In The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort explains how he enriched himself through illegal stock manipulation and how he hid his ill-gotten riches by laundering his money. He also details how he fostered a culture of hedonistic excess at his firm. Below is a collection of The Wolf of Wall Street quotes that summarize Belfort’s story.

The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort: Book Overview

An open book on a messy table.

What’s The Wolf of Wall Street by Jordan Belfort about? How did Belfort’s lifestyle cause him to lose his power? In The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort explains how he grew his wealth through stock manipulation and money laundering and attempted to evade prosecution through his crimes. He also delves into his lifestyle of drug abuse and self-indulgence that almost killed him. Read below for a brief overview of The Wolf of Wall Street.

The Molecule of More: Book Overview and Key Points

A man reading a book in an open office.

What is The Molecule of More book about? How does it explain what dopamine is and how it works? The Molecule of More by Daniel Z. Lieberman and Michael E. Long explains that dopamine motivates us to do things that we think will make us happy. Understanding how this works practically shows you the role dopamine plays in determining behavior, politics, and relationships. Continue reading for key points from The Molecule of More book.

Weapons of Math Destruction: Book Overview & Takeaways

A bearded, gray man reading a book with bookshelves in the background.

What’s Weapons of Math Destruction about? How is math used to discriminate against people in poverty? In Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil explores the difference between benign mathematical models and dangerous ones. She also describes the negative effects that dangerous mathematical models produce. Read below for a brief Weapons of Math Destruction book overview.