What are customers turned off by? What’s the importance of good customer service? In today’s fiercely competitive marketplace, businesses that fail to deliver exceptional service are destined for irrelevance. According to hotel manager Horst Schulze in Excellence Wins, this is because lackluster service can drive away even your most diehard fans. Continue reading to learn why every business needs to invest in exceptional customer service.
The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley: Book Overview
What’s The Rational Optimist about? What would’ve happened if we never discovered free trade? In The Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley writes that such a cross-pollination of ideas would have been impossible without free trade and the exchange of goods. This is because when we trade goods, we create networks of knowledge that reach beyond local communities and nations—allowing innovators to build upon each other’s work. Read below for a brief overview of The Rational Optimist.
3 Great Customer Service Tips Every Business Should Follow
Are you having trouble figuring out what the customer wants? Do you need tips for good customer service? Exceptional customer service is so crucial for business success. In Excellence Wins, Horst Schulze examines some specific tips that all employees can follow to deliver world-class service experiences. Let’s look at Schulze’s great customer service tips below.
Hidden Potential: Book Overview & Takeaways (Adam Grant)
Are geniuses born with their gifts? What’s the book Hidden Potential about? A common assumption is that talent is something that you’re born with. However, Adam Grant’s book Hidden Potential says that you can tap into your potential by building your skills and connecting with other people. Read below for a brief Hidden Potential book overview.
The Benefits of Specialization for Individuals & Communities
Why does every community need several skills to survive and thrive? What are the benefits of specialization? In The Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley emphasizes a key benefit of trade: specialization. According to Ridley, when societies engage in trade, individuals can specialize in activities where they have a competitive advantage. Keep reading to learn what society and individuals gain out of the specialization process.
How to Satisfy Customer Needs and Wants: Be the Solution
Do you know what your customers need and want? What are three things that all consumers desire? Building customer loyalty is all about going above and beyond to create the ideal customer experience. To do that, you have to pay attention to the customer, even if they don’t explicitly say what they want or need. Continue reading to learn how to satisfy customer needs and wants.
How to Tap Into Your Potential: Fun & Uncomfortable Learning
How can you tap into your potential? What should learning be like? Adam Grant contends that to accomplish great things, you need to spend a lot of time honing your skills. To do this, you need to engage in fun, yet uncomfortable practice. Let’s explore this idea more deeply.
The Importance of Trade in Agriculture & Growing Communities
What’s the history of trade in agriculture? What did trade offer in the world of agriculture? Trade, according to Matt Ridley, provided the impetus for agriculture. As a result, agriculture became the cornerstone of settled civilization. Below, we’ll explore how this happened over time and the importance of trade in agriculture.
How to Deal With Customer Complaints: Make It a Chance to Grow
How do you handle customer complaints? What’s the upside of receiving complaints? Complaints could mean there’s something wrong with your product or service, but it’s also an opportunity to learn and grow. By handling customer complaints, you can show that you’re willing to change to help solve their problem. Check out how to deal with customer complaints without dismissing them.
How to Learn From Your Mistakes to Improve Yourself
Are you scared of making mistakes? What’s the upside of failing? One kind of discomfort you must overcome to stay focused on your goals is making painful mistakes, argues Adam Grant. Perfecting a skill or achieving a goal requires learning from the mistakes you made to get there. Check out how to learn from your mistakes without being too hard on yourself.