Is rest truly a form of resistance? Can taking a break actually lead to social change? Rest Is Resistance, a book by Tricia Hersey (the “Nap Bishop”), challenges our society’s obsession with productivity. The book offers both inspiration and practical advice for reclaiming our lives from exhaustion and burnout. Keep reading for an overview of the book and to discover how rest can be a radical act of self-care and societal transformation.
Principles for Dealing With the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
How does history unfold in cycles? What can we learn from studying these patterns? Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio explores the cyclical nature of history and its impact on global powers. Dalio examines how empires rise and fall, economies expand and contract, and societies experience periods of harmony and discord. Keep reading for our overview of this book, and discover Dalio’s insights on navigating an uncertain future in a changing world.
The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley: Book Overview
What’s The Rational Optimist about? What would’ve happened if we never discovered free trade? In The Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley writes that such a cross-pollination of ideas would have been impossible without free trade and the exchange of goods. This is because when we trade goods, we create networks of knowledge that reach beyond local communities and nations—allowing innovators to build upon each other’s work. Read below for a brief overview of The Rational Optimist.
The Live-to-Work Mentality: 3 Myths of Grind Culture
Is your work-life balance out of whack? Have you forgotten how to truly rest and enjoy leisure time? The live-to-work mentality has become deeply ingrained in our society, warping our relationship with rest and leisure. Many people find themselves unable to stop working, either because they’ve forgotten how to relax or believe they don’t deserve a break. Keep reading to explore three myths behind this toxic belief system that Tricia Hersey identifies in her book Rest Is Resistance.
Ray Dalio: China & the US Are Key to Understanding the Future
Is China poised to become the world’s next superpower? What factors are shaping the future of US-China relations? According to Ray Dalio, China and the US are the ones to watch. In his book Principles for Dealing With the Changing World Order, he examines key concepts such as human inventiveness, economic cycles, and geopolitical tensions to paint a picture of China’s rising influence and the challenges facing the US. Read on to discover Dalio’s thought-provoking analysis of these two global giants and their potential trajectories in the coming years.
The Benefits of Specialization for Individuals & Communities
Why does every community need several skills to survive and thrive? What are the benefits of specialization? In The Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley emphasizes a key benefit of trade: specialization. According to Ridley, when societies engage in trade, individuals can specialize in activities where they have a competitive advantage. Keep reading to learn what society and individuals gain out of the specialization process.
Rest as a Form of Resistance: Tricia Hersey on Fighting Back
Is rest more than just a break from work? Can taking time to relax actually be a way to fight back? Tricia Hersey advocates rest as a form of resistance. She challenges the beliefs of a society focused on constant productivity, arguing that rest is a way to heal from the damage of grind culture and imagine a better future. Keep reading to discover how rest can be a powerful tool for both personal and social change.
Ray Dalio’s Predictions for the World & Advice on How to Prepare
What does the future hold for the world? How can we prepare for uncertain times? In Principles for Dealing With the Changing World Order, Ray Dalio offers insights on global trends and power shifts. He examines four key factors: human inventiveness, debt cycles, sociopolitical dynamics, and geopolitical tensions—with a focus on the evolving relationship between the US and China. Read on to discover Ray Dalio’s predictions and strategies for navigating turbulent times.
The Importance of Trade in Agriculture & Growing Communities
What’s the history of trade in agriculture? What did trade offer in the world of agriculture? Trade, according to Matt Ridley, provided the impetus for agriculture. As a result, agriculture became the cornerstone of settled civilization. Below, we’ll explore how this happened over time and the importance of trade in agriculture.
What Is Grind Culture? Tricia Hersey Explores Its Roots
What is grind culture? How has society’s relentless focus on productivity affected your life? Tricia Hersey’s book Rest Is Resistance explores the concept of grind culture and its impact on society. She argues that this mindset, rooted in capitalism and white supremacy, has robbed us of essential human experiences and treats people like machines. Read more to learn about the origins of grind culture and how it has shaped our modern world.