Mental Health Help for Teens: 6 Strategies for Parents

A teenage girl attending therapy as part of mental health help for teens.

How can parents help teenagers with mental health issues? How can you transform your home to create a more comfortable environment for teens? If your teenager is struggling with depression or anxiety, there are several actions you can take to help them. Among these actions are open communication, professional help, and making your home a sanctuary. Check out six strategies that deliver mental health help for teens.

Are Kids Growing Up Too Fast? Here’s Evidence They Are

Young girls on their phones and wearing makeup, showing that kids are growing up too fast.

Are kids growing up too fast these days? How does technology affect adolescent development? Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety warns that technology and social media are causing kids to mature earlier than they should. Not only are they more self-aware about their identities, but they’re experiencing anxiety far too soon. Here’s why children these days appear more mature than they should be.

Diagnosed Psychopaths: Jon Ronson Talks to Tony and Toto

Journalist Jon Ronson talking into a microphone

Can someone be misdiagnosed as a psychopath? Why are mental health evaluations so complex? British journalist Jon Ronson spoke to Tony, a Broadmoor inmate, and Toto, a former leader of a Haitian paramilitary group, in his book The Psychopath Test. One is a diagnosed psychopath who might not actually fit the bill, and the other was released from an institution. Keep reading to learn about Ronson’s meetings with Tony and Toto.

Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety: Book Overview

A father and his teenager reading books together on the couch.

What’s Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety about? How can parents help teenagers who are suffering with their mental health? In Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety, psychologist John Duffy looks at the reasons why teenagers are struggling with anxiety and depression. In a world run by social media and technology, parents have a responsibility to raise their teenagers in a supportive and healthy environment. Read below for a brief overview of Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety.

Why Psychopathic Leaders Are Common in Politics & Business

In a dark room, one man stands in front his employees, signifying a psychopathic leader

Why are psychopathic traits common among leaders? Why do some think former CEO Al Dunlap could be a psychopathic leader? According to Jon Ronson, the author of The Psychopath Test, the percentage of psychopathic tendencies is higher among individuals in top corporate positions than the general population. He lays out why many psychopaths become leaders and what he thinks should be done. Here’s Jon Ronson’s take on psychopaths in leadership.

Mental Health in Society & Media: How It’s Sensationalized

A man laughing at media on his phone while he sits in a chair

Why is the media fascinated with mental health disorders? Why have mental health diagnoses been increasing lately? In his book The Psychopath Test, British journalist and author Jon Ronson explores how the mental health sector has expanded in recent years. He also discusses the media’s sensationalism with people it finds to be “crazy” and why it’s an unfair representation. Keep reading to learn more about how mental health is depicted in the media.

The Psychopath Test: Book Overview (Jon Ronson)

A man in a tie with glasses reading a book at a desk, a bookshelf is behind him

How can you identify a psychopath? Why are there so many psychopathic leaders? How is mental health sensationalized in the media? In The Psychopath Test, book author and journalist Jon Ronson explores how psychopaths are diagnosed, their characteristics, and where they stand in society. He also discusses the expansion of mental health diagnoses and how mental health is portrayed in the media. Here’s a brief overview of The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson.