How to Realize Your Full Potential With a Success-Oriented Mindset

A man wearing a backpack realizing his full potential, looking at a red door that has a sign reading "POTENTIAL"

Are you ready to unlock your true potential? What sets high achievers apart from the rest? Brandon Bornancin’s book Whatever It Takes teaches you how to overcome restrictive beliefs and realize your full potential. You’ll learn how to develop a success-oriented mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Here’s how to reach your fullest potential by getting into the right mindset.

How to Stay Committed to Your Goals: 3 Successful Tactics

A person running up steep stairs, showing how to stay committed to your goals

Do you have trouble sticking to your goals? What are habits that can keep you committed? Habits that pave the way for success, including consistent discipline, are essential to achieve your objectives. We have guaranteed tactics from successful individuals in their commercial and entrepreneurial endeavors. Continue reading to learn how to stay committed to your goals.

How You Can Use Retirement to Rediscover Yourself

An older woman doing a yoga pose surrounded by palm trees rediscovering herself.

Do you want to find purpose in your post-retirement life? Do you want to forge a new identity beyond your old job title? In his book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, Ernie Zelinski says that retirement should be a time to rediscover yourself. He says you can do so by embracing your interests, exploring new hobbies, mentoring others, and more. Here are some ways you can find your second wind after retirement.

How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free—Book Takeaways

An older couple laughing with a pile of luggage between them on a plain background.

Are you planning on retiring soon? Are you worried that your golden years will be spent in boredom? How can you take full advantage of your retirement? The book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free by Ernie Zelinski encourages you to spend your retired years redefining yourself beyond your old job title. Some methods of doing this are pursuing passions you put on hold, traveling, volunteering in your community, and more. Keep reading for a brief overview of this motivational book.

How to Take Action on Your Goals: 3 Tactics to Reach Success

A man walking up steps above a city illustrates how to take action on your goals

What goals are you trying to achieve? Does your life keep getting in the way of achieving them? When you’re stuck in a rut, nothing but action will get you out—so long as that action is well-considered and productive after taking a pause to review your best options. Continually taking action toward your goal turns progress into a habit that makes future slowdowns easier to avoid. Find out how to take action on your goals with these tactics.

How to Change Direction in Life & Work: Find a New Way Forward

A person holds a vintage compass and map illustrates a change direction in life

Are you thinking of doing something different with your life? How might you experiment with new goals and ambitions? Despite all your efforts to keep moving forward, sometimes your plans simply don’t work out and you discover that a goal isn’t as achievable as you’d originally thought. Adam Alter argues that, rather than throwing your hands up and quitting, you might need a change in direction. If you’re facing failure, here are ways you can change direction in life.

How to Face Difficulties in Life: 3 Areas to Confront Like a Stoic

A woman facing an obstacle in the road and learning how to face difficulties in life.

Do you know how to face difficulties in life? How would a Stoic approach failure and death? William B. Irvine says there are three key areas of life where you can apply Stoic strategies for overcoming adversity. Namely, he discusses how to approach failure, falls from high places, and death as a Stoic would. Here are the three difficult areas of life where you need to embrace your inner Stoic.