Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program: A Success Story

A doctor talking to a homeless man.

What’s the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program? Who supported the program in its earliest days? In 1985, Dr. Jim O’Connell founded the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. The program was able to rapidly grow thanks to the support of many politicians and partnerships with hospitals in Massachusetts. Check out how the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program came to fruition.

Healthcare Challenges When Helping the Unhoused Population

A homeless person experiencing a healthcare challenge as they look inside a hospital through a glass door.

What are common healthcare challenges that homeless people face? How does the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program fix these problems? In Rough Sleepers, Tracy Kidder outlines the challenges the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program had to combat in order to help people. Just a few problems they came across were stable housing and building trust with traumatized patients. Take a look at how Jim O’Connell, the founder of the program, found solutions to these issues.

Rough Sleepers: Book Overview (Tracy Kidder)

A woman reading a book in a library next to a lamp.

What’s the book Rough Sleepers about? How did the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program transform the homeless population? In Rough Sleepers, Tracy Kidder tells the extraordinary story of the development of Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. The program provides medical services to the unhoused population that doesn’t have easy access to healthcare. Read below for a brief Rough Sleepers book overview.

Healthcare and the Homeless: Jim O’Connell’s Mission

A homeless man sitting in a doctor's waiting room, showing the lack of connection between healthcare and the homeless.

Is there a link between a lack of healthcare and the homeless? What initiatives have been taken to give the homeless necessary medical attention? A big problem among the unhoused population in Boston is that these people don’t have easy access to medical care. In Rough Sleepers, Tracy Kidder tells the inspiring story of Jim O’Connell’s efforts to provide healthcare for the homeless. Continue reading to learn how O’Connell changed the lives of the homeless community in Boston.

The Mediterranean Diet for Beginners—Book Takeaways & Tips

A woman in a kitchen with a window that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. Ingredients are on the counters.

Are you thinking of taking up the Mediterranean Diet but don’t know where to begin? What effects can the diet have on your body? The book The Mediterranean Diet for Beginners shares recipes and tips for those just starting out. In this overview, we’re going to focus on the benefits, principles, and foods to incorporate. Keep reading if you want to make a switch to healthier eating.

Why Is Body Shaming Bad? 3 Reasons That Might Surprise You

a sad overweight woman looking in a mirror raises the question, Why is body shaming bad?

Have you ever felt ashamed of your body? Why is body shaming bad? In The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor explores the consequences of body shame. She outlines its effects on individuals and society, providing compelling reasons to put a stop to this attitude in ourselves and others. Keep reading to discover three reasons why body shaming is harmful.

4 Ways to Find a Purpose After Retirement (Ernie Zelinski)

An older man finding purpose in retirement by volunteering in a kitchen

Are you retired and struggling to find purpose in your life? What activities might help you feel more fulfilled? In Ernie Zelinski’s book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, he offers practical tips for finding a purpose after retirement. Some of his tips include volunteering, learning new hobbies, joining workout classes, and more. Continue reading for tips on how to avoid boredom and find more fulfillment after retiring.

The Top 3 Ways to Have an Active Retirement & Stay Healthy

A group of older people participating in an aerobics class for an active retirement.

Are you worried your physical and mental health could decline after you retire? What are some ways to maintain an active retirement? It’s easy to become complacent after retirement and stop prioritizing your health. However, in How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, Ernie Zelinski stresses the importance of remaining physically, mentally, and socially active in retirement. Here’s why you should put down the TV remote and go for a walk.

What the Blackcat Hack on UnitedHealth Group Exposed

A black cat hacking computer code in a dimly lit room.

How did the Blackcat hack impact the US healthcare system? What vulnerabilities did it expose? How did UnitedHealth Group and the federal government respond to the breach? A February cyberattack on Change Healthcare severely disrupted the healthcare system’s operation and exposed its vulnerability to cyber threats. The attack highlighted the sector’s systemic weaknesses, including outdated technology, a lack of dedicated cybersecurity staff, and inadequate emergency protocols. Below we’ll look at the cyberattack, what happened in the wake of the attack, and what can be done to prevent it from happening again.