The Effects of Procrastination on Health: Mental and Physical

A sick person wearing a mask feeling the effects of procrastination on health

How does procrastination affect your mental and physical health? How does putting off a task result in stronger negative emotions? The desire to avoid negative emotions often drives procrastination. Timothy A. Pychyl warns that this rarely works out the way we expect it, because procrastination doesn’t make us happier, nor does it make us feel physically better. Take a look at the mental and physical effects of procrastination on health below.

History of Oral Hygiene: Why Ancient Humans Had Better Oral Health

An ancient caveman smiling with great oral hygiene and straight teeth

How did ancient humans, with no toothbrushes, have better oral hygiene? How are we hindering our jaw development with modern diets? In the book Jaws, Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich explain that our ancestors tended to have healthier mouths than we have now, even though they didn’t have dentists or toothbrushes. This is due to a number of factors, including our modern diet. Here’s a look at the history of oral hygiene, including how ancient humans maintained their oral health by simply using their jaws as they were meant to be used.

The 4 Major Disadvantages of City Life (The Nature Fix)

A person looking out the window of a small city apartment building, displaying the disadvantages of city life

What are the disadvantages of city life? Are city-dwellers really more stressed? How do cities affect sleep? In the book The Nature Fix, Florence Williams explains that people who live in cities suffer from excess stress, poor sleep quality, a lack of sunlight, and less empathy. While cities do offer numerous advantages for employment, socialization, and entertainment, the benefits may not outweigh the downsides. Here’s an in-depth look at the real cost of urban living.

The Top 4 Benefits of Time in Nature for Mental & Physical Health

A man enjoying the benefits of time in nature by roasting marshmallows on a campfire

In what ways can nature heal you? What are the benefits of listening to songbirds? Why does smelling eucalyptus make you feel relaxed? If you’re feeling stressed, depressed, or in a funk, consider the last time you went outside. In The Nature Fix, Florence Williams contends that humans have an innate affinity for nature, and thus the antidote to many of our physical and mental ailments is a good dose of the outdoors. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of time in nature, according to Williams.

Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic (Book Overview)

A woman with braces reading a book while sitting on a dentist chair in a dental office

Did you know that ancient humans had better oral health than we do today? Why are jaw problems so common around the world? What can you do to prevent jaw deformities? Jaws discusses how our modern lifestyle has created an epidemic of jaw deformities, leading to widespread health problems. Orthodontist Sandra Kahn and ecologist Paul R. Ehrlich say that a decrease in average jaw size is contributing to health issues. Keep reading for an overview of Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic.

The Consequences of Mouth Breathing: Decay, Halitosis, & More

A colorful, artistic depiction of air coming from a person's open mouth

How can mouth breathing jeopardize your oral health? How common is mouth breathing? The consequences of mouth breathing can go way beyond bad breath, according to the book Jaws by  Orthodontist Sandra Kahn and ecologist Paul R. Ehrlich. They explain that mouth breathing can contribute to deformed jaws, gum disease, tooth decay, and more. Keep reading to learn why you should breathe through your nose, if you can.

How Jaw Problems Can Lead to Other Health Issues

A man with jaw problems who is touching his jaw with a look of pain on his face

How can jaw problems lead to chronic diseases? What are the social consequences of having a deformed jaw? In their book Jaws, Kahn and Ehrlich say that a deformed jaw doesn’t only cause dental problems, but can lead to broader health issues as well. In addition to physical health issues, people with deformed jaws often experience mental health problems due to social stigmas. Here are some of the ways poor jaw structure can lead to chronic diseases.

3 Methods to Promote Jaw Health and Structure

A woman sitting at her work desk and eating a raw carrot to promote jaw health

What can happen if you don’t chew enough? What should your resting jaw posture look like? What is forwardontics? Orthodontist Sandra Kahn and ecologist Paul R. Ehrlich share three ways you can prevent and correct poor jaw structure in their book Jaws. These methods are especially important for children, whose jaws are still developing. Continue reading for Kahn and Ehrlich’s three jaw health strategies.

The Nature Fix: Book Overview (Florence Williams)

A girl reading a book while in a hammock in the forest

Feeling stressed, depressed, or just generally unhealthy? When was the last time you spent time outdoors? In The Nature Fix book, Florence Williams explains how researchers are tapping into the healing power of nature. She shares the many proven benefits of spending time outside—and what those of us living in the urban jungle can do to reap its benefits. Continue reading for an overview of The Nature Fix.

Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program: A Success Story

A doctor talking to a homeless man.

What’s the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program? Who supported the program in its earliest days? In 1985, Dr. Jim O’Connell founded the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. The program was able to rapidly grow thanks to the support of many politicians and partnerships with hospitals in Massachusetts. Check out how the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program came to fruition.