How does technology affect a person’s health? Is it possible to get addicted to a smartphone? Adam Alter claims that, as of 2017, over 40% of people displayed symptoms of behavioral addiction to various forms of technology, ranging from common devices like smartphones to more niche technologies like high-tech eyeglasses. What’s worse is that this number is bound to increase. Keep reading to learn more about the biggest health concern of using technology: addiction.
How to Live a Full Life: 4 Tips From You Only Die Once
Would you like to live with purpose and energy? How can you create a life that’s both meaningful and vibrant? Jodi Wellman’s approach to living a full life in her book You Only Die Once combines practical strategies for increasing your daily energy with deeper insights about creating lasting purpose. Her framework offers a comprehensive path to a more enriched existence. Keep reading to discover how to live a full life—starting today.
The Double-Edged Sword of Technology: Toxic Self-Improvement
Is technology good or bad? What’s the double-edged sword of technology? Adam Alter argues that some forms of technology are designed to encourage the doggedly relentless pursuit of personal growth, which can be a good and bad thing. This comes in two forms: skill mastery and all-around perfectionism. Find out how the benefits of technology can also be a disadvantage.
How to Feel More Alive: 4 Ways to Go From Mundane to Vibrant
Do want to feel more alive? Why do some days feel more vibrant and meaningful than others? Feeling alive isn’t about seeking thrills or making dramatic life changes; it’s about understanding what drains your energy and discovering simple ways to reconnect with life’s natural vibrancy. In You Only Die Once, Jodi Wellman shares practical steps anyone can take to revitalize their daily experience. Read on to discover proven strategies that can help you transform mundane moments into opportunities for genuine aliveness and joy.
4 Technology Addiction Solutions for Adults and Teens
Do you or someone you know suffer from technology addiction? What are ways to overcome this behavioral addiction? Knowing that we’re intrinsically vulnerable to addiction, tech developers can aim to create experiences that make healthy behaviors more habit-forming. However, this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to escape an addiction to technology. Discover several technology addiction solutions for people who already have it.
How to Prevent Technology Addiction: Tips for Adults & Kids
Do you feel like you rely on your phone or computer too much? What does a healthy relationship with technology look like? Since technology can be so addictive, you might be tempted to avoid it. But, for most people, this is an impractical solution. Countering technology addiction is a matter of learning how to live with it in a healthier way. Here are Adam Alter’s three methods that will help anyone learn how to prevent technology addiction.
Are Fitness Apps Worth It? 3 Ways They Harm Your Mental Health
Do you use fitness apps regularly? Are fitness apps worth it? Fitness tracking apps help you identify, quantify, and measure your progress toward goals in various areas of your life. Trying to reach goals isn’t inherently harmful, but Adam Alter argues that the culture around goal-setting is toxic for three reasons. Continue reading to learn what these three reasons are.
Can Stress Cause High Blood Pressure? The Surprising Answer
Is stress the leading psychological cause of hypertension? How can resolving emotions help patients with high blood pressure? It’s a common belief that stress causes high blood pressure, but Samuel J. Mann doesn’t think that’s the case. In fact, he says repressed emotions are the culprit at play here. Read below to learn more about what Mann believes is the true psychological cause of high blood pressure.
How to Maintain Energy: 3 Steps to Nourish Your Mind & Body
Is mental energy just as important as physical energy? How can you keep yourself invigorated throughout the day? How much energy you have depends on both your body and your mind, and how you care for them. Simon Alexander Ong says you can raise and maintain your personal energy by treating your body well, feeding your mind, and letting your energy levels recharge. Keep reading to learn how to maintain energy, both physically and mentally.
How Motivated Perception Distorts Reality & Fuels Addiction
What is motivated perception? Why is it perceived as a sign of addiction? Adam Alter explains that both gambling experiences and immersive technologies present a deceptively superior alternative to reality. Gamblers can easily fall victim to motivated perception, a psychological phenomenon where intense desire primes your brain to interpret the world in a way that aligns with your desires. Read more to learn how motivated perception deceives you to believe reality is different than what it truly is.