How COVID-19 Changed Our Lives (Schwab & Malleret)

a man working on a computer at a home with trees and a setting sun outside the window depicts how COVID-19 changed our lives

Have you ever wondered how a global pandemic could reshape our entire way of life? Was COVID-19 the catalyst for a major societal shift? In their book COVID-19, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret explore the far-reaching impacts of the pandemic. They outline how COVID-19 changed our lives, altering our perspectives on community, values, and nature. They also examine the potential for long-lasting changes in our behavior and priorities. Continue reading to discover how COVID-19 has put us all on a new path.

4 Ways to Find a Purpose After Retirement (Ernie Zelinski)

An older man finding purpose in retirement by volunteering in a kitchen

Are you retired and struggling to find purpose in your life? What activities might help you feel more fulfilled? In Ernie Zelinski’s book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, he offers practical tips for finding a purpose after retirement. Some of his tips include volunteering, learning new hobbies, joining workout classes, and more. Continue reading for tips on how to avoid boredom and find more fulfillment after retiring.

Why You Should Travel After Retirement (+Tips)

An older couple on a sailboat on the ocean traveling after retirement.

Are you planning on settling down after retirement? Have you considered using your golden years to travel or pick up new creative pursuits? Rather than viewing retirement as a time to sleep in, kick back, and put your feet up, you should view it as a chance to explore the world freely. Whether that means spending more time with family or moving to another country, you can now do it all without the overarching stress of work. Here’s what Ernie Zelinski says about travel after retirement in his book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free.

Enjoy Life After Retirement With These 5 Mindset Shifts

An elderly woman in a beach house painting, showing how to enjoy life after retirement.

Are you retired or planning on retiring soon? What can you do to enjoy life after retirement to the fullest? In his book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, Ernie Zelinski provides advice on how to live a fulfilling life after retiring. Rather than spending your days in front of the television, retirement is a chance for you to pursue your hobbies, reinvent yourself, and find joy in the simple things. Here are Zelinski’s tips for living your retired life to the fullest.

How You Can Use Retirement to Rediscover Yourself

An older woman doing a yoga pose surrounded by palm trees rediscovering herself.

Do you want to find purpose in your post-retirement life? Do you want to forge a new identity beyond your old job title? In his book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free, Ernie Zelinski says that retirement should be a time to rediscover yourself. He says you can do so by embracing your interests, exploring new hobbies, mentoring others, and more. Here are some ways you can find your second wind after retirement.

How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free—Book Takeaways

An older couple laughing with a pile of luggage between them on a plain background.

Are you planning on retiring soon? Are you worried that your golden years will be spent in boredom? How can you take full advantage of your retirement? The book How to Retire Happy, Wild, and Free by Ernie Zelinski encourages you to spend your retired years redefining yourself beyond your old job title. Some methods of doing this are pursuing passions you put on hold, traveling, volunteering in your community, and more. Keep reading for a brief overview of this motivational book.

The 3 Benefits of Letting Go of Unhelpful Emotions

A smiling old woman holding her arms out, experiencing the benefits of letting go.

What are the benefits of letting go of unhelpful emotions? How are these negative feelings destroying your relationships? David R. Hawkins cites that there are tangible benefits you can experience if you release unhelpful emotions. These benefits will rid you of self-imposed limitations, improve your relationships, and protect your health. Continue reading for more information about these life-changing benefits.

Adversity in Life: Why You’re Not Handling Hardships Right

A woman and other people running a marathon and pushing through adversity in life.

Do you experience adversity often? Do your strategies for overcoming adversities fail? William B. Irvine says that the Stoics perceived adversity not as a setback, but as a training ground, an opportunity for growth. We’ll explain Irvine’s take on adversity—what it is, how we typically respond to it, and why those responses don’t work.   Let’s look at how people typically handle adversity in life, and why it doesn’t work.

The 3 Basic Human Survival Instincts That Cause Stress

A man surviving in the woods with a bow and arrow, using his human survival instincts.

What are the most basic human survival instincts? When do these survival instincts kick in? Human survival instincts tell us to fear and avoid something, to protect something, or to want something better. Mo Gawdat says these instincts can be problematic because they cause us unnecessary levels of stress and dissatisfaction. Let’s discuss each of these faulty instincts, how they function, and what happens when we use them to process information.