Scapegoating at Work: It Changes the Whole Culture


What is a scapegoat? How does scapegoating at work create a culture of fear? A scapegoat is someone who throws you under the bus when things go wrong, often making you fear mistakes. According to the book Black Box Thinking, scapegoating at work can be avoided by coming up with proper punishments for making mistakes. Keep reading to learn why scapegoating at work is instinctive and how scapegoating at work creates a culture of fear.

How Did Elon Musk Start SpaceX With So Little Money?

How Did Elon Musk Start SpaceX With So Little Money?

How did Elon Musk start SpaceX? What set SpaceX apart from other companies in the space industry? Elon Musk started SpaceX because of his belief in the importance of space travel and his frustration with NASA. To do this, he set extremely high expectations and focused on building a rocket cheaply and quickly, which was a unique approach in the space industry. Keep reading to find out how Elon Musk started SpaceX.

The MVP Test: How Lean Startups Learn From Failure

mvp test

What is an MVP test? How does an organization use the MVP test to improve? An MVP test is a way to test out a product by building out a prototype or stripped-down version of the product and then gathering feedback to act upon. The author of Black Box Thinking uses the minimum viable product test as an example of how learning-oriented institutions grow from failure. Keep reading to find out how lean startups use MVP tests to gather feedback.

The Book Black Box Thinking: Here’s the Key to Growth

The Book Black Box Thinking: Here’s the Key to Growth

What is the book Black Box Thinking about? How does black box thinking drive human progress? In the book Black Box Thinking, the author argues that collecting data, analyzing data, and learning from failures drive human progress. The idea comes from airlines that use black boxes as in-flight recording systems.  Keep reading for more about the book Black Box Thinking. 

Elon Musk: Book Review, Context, & Critical Reception

book review

Are you looking for an Elon Musk book review? What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses? How was the book critically received? In the book Elon Musk, author Ashlee Vance uses a conversational approach to telling the life story of Elon Musk. He discusses Musk’s passions, business ventures, and management style while weaving in details about his personality and personal life throughout the story. Here’s our Elon Musk book review.

A Learning Organization Is Built Off These 3 Techniques


What is a learning organization and why do you need one? How do you successfully build one? A learning organization uses failures to improve its operations and innovate solutions to tough problems. According to the book Black Box Thinking, clarifying feedback, breaking down the problem, and finding opportunities to innovate are the most effective ways for you to build a learning organization. Read on to learn about the top three techniques you can use to build a learning organization.

Elon Musk’s Management Style: 5 Methods for Success

Elon Musk’s Management Style: 5 Methods for Success

What does Elon Musk’s management style look like? Is it possible for you to replicate his management style at your business? Elon Musk’s management style involves five methods that led him to success. However, he’s also been known to cross the line when it comes to overworking, retaining control, and setting deadlines. Keep reading to learn more about Elon Musk’s management style.

Elon Musk’s Risk Tolerance: Why He’s So Successful

Elon Musk’s Risk Tolerance: Why He’s So Successful

How does Elon Musk manage risk? Does Elon Musk create safety nets? Elon Musk risks his personal life, money, time, and health to see his dreams become realities. His willingness to make large personal investments is what sets him apart from other entrepreneurs and makes him so successful. Keep reading to explore why Elon Musk risks everything to make his visions realities.