How COVID-19 Changed the World (Schwab & Malleret)

a globe that has been broken in several places depicts how COVID-19 changed the world

Are you prepared for the next global crisis? How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed your perspective on worldwide interconnectedness? The book COVID-19 by Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret delves into how COVID-19 changed the world across various global systems. The authors explore how the crisis has exposed vulnerabilities, shifted international dynamics, and heightened risks for vulnerable nations. Keep reading to uncover the complex web of consequences stemming from this unprecedented global emergency.

How COVID-19 Changed Our Lives (Schwab & Malleret)

a man working on a computer at a home with trees and a setting sun outside the window depicts how COVID-19 changed our lives

Have you ever wondered how a global pandemic could reshape our entire way of life? Was COVID-19 the catalyst for a major societal shift? In their book COVID-19, Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret explore the far-reaching impacts of the pandemic. They outline how COVID-19 changed our lives, altering our perspectives on community, values, and nature. They also examine the potential for long-lasting changes in our behavior and priorities. Continue reading to discover how COVID-19 has put us all on a new path.

COVID-19: The Great Reset (Klaus Schwab & Thierry Malleret)

a bearded man reading a book in a workspace with computer monitors and a window in the background

Are you curious about how COVID-19 changed our world? What might the future look like after this global crisis? Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret tackle these questions in their book COVID-19: The Great Reset. They explore the pandemic’s far-reaching effects on various aspects of society. From economics to technology, the authors examine how this crisis reshaped our world. Continue reading for an overview of this book, and discover the challenges we face and the opportunities that lie ahead in our post-pandemic reality.

Sylvia Likens: Tortured by the Ones Who Should Have Loved Her

an abstract image of a girl running through swirls of color trying to escape

How did a temporary care arrangement turn into a nightmare for Sylvia Likens? What drove Gertrude Baniszewski to commit such horrific acts against a child in her care? In Torture Mom, Ryan Green reveals the disturbing details of Sylvia Likens’s torture and death in 1965. The book chronicles the escalating violence she faced at the hands of Gertrude Baniszewski and neighborhood teenagers. It’s a disturbing example of public humiliation evolving into severe physical torture. Read on for a harrowing account that exposes the dark potential within seemingly ordinary people.

Who Profits From War? Smedley Butler Identifies the Real Winners

a drawing of men in suits from behind walking on money-covered floors illustrates who profits from war

Have you ever wondered who profits from war in the end? What if the biggest winners aren’t on the battlefield but in boardrooms? You’re about to discover the sad truth about war profiteering. War Is a Racket by General Smedley D. Butler exposes how corporations and financiers have reaped enormous wealth from conflict throughout history. Prepare to have your eyes opened as you dive into the hidden economics of war.

Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton (Book Overview)

A phone screen showing the Twitter logo.

Who founded Twitter? Why were there so many power struggles? What changes and influences has Twitter had over the years? In the book Hatching Twitter by Nick Bilton, he explores the timeline of Twitter—from conception to success (before Musk’s takeover). Twitter’s history is full of deception, greed, and the fight for power. Here’s a brief overview of the book Hatching Twitter.

Who Was Percy Fawcett? His Upbringing and Early Expeditions

An explorer in the Amazon Rainforest in the early 1900s.

Who was Percy Fawcett? What experiences led him to become an explorer? What did he discover about indigenous tribes? Percy Fawcett, born in 1867, was a famous British geographer, explorer, cartographer, and archaeologist. He’s most famous for his expeditions to South America in search of a theorized lost civilization—and for disappearing mysteriously on one said expedition. Keep reading to learn about Fawcett’s upbringing and early expeditions, from the book The Lost City of Z by David Grann.

Percy Fawcett’s Search for a Lost Amazon Civilization

A man digging up stones looking for a lost Amazon civilization.

What is the “City of Z”? Why led Percy Fawcett to believe in its existence? How did he fund his expeditions? In the late 1800s/early 1900s, a British explorer named Percy Fawcett was convinced that there was a lost Amazon civilization, and he was determined to find it. However, he struggled to secure the funds for his expedition due to skepticism and rivals. Here’s why Fawcett believed the City of Z existed and how he funded his expeditions, according to The City of Z by David Grann.