What Is the Meaning of Modern? Forced Stability

What Is the Meaning of Modern? Forced Stability

What is the meaning of modern? How does modern stability reinforce false ideas about stability? The meaning of modern varies but is considered to be a society in which the structures and systems are consistent over leading to the present. This is problematic when people believe they can force modern society to be stable and prevent changes. Read more about the meaning of modern society and why enforcing it is untenable.

The Iatrogenic Effect Is Proof of Fragile Systems

The Iatrogenic Effect Is Proof of Fragile Systems

What is an iatrogenic effect? Is this the result of fragile systems? An iatrogenic effect is when harm is caused as a result of a medical treatment or intervention. Sometimes, harm is caused because of the fragile medical system, and humans’ intense need to do something in the face of suffering. Read more about the iatrogenic effect and how human intervention can cause fragility.

Seneca: Stoicism and Early Antifragility Theories

Seneca: Stoicism and Early Antifragility Theories

What were Seneca’s stoicism teachings? What do Seneca and Stoicism have to do with antifragility? Long before Nassim Nicholas Taleb wrote Antifragility, thinkers and philosophers were searching for the idea of antifragility. One of the philosophers was Seneca, whose views on stoicism promoted indifference. Read more about Seneca, stoicism, and how they were an early form of antifragility.

How to Be Antifragile: Start With Understanding

How to Be Antifragile: Start With Understanding

Do you want to know how to be antifragile? How can you start building antifragility? In order to know how to be antifragile, you first need to understand what antifragility is and where it comes from. Since there’s no specific word in English for what antifragility actually is, you’ll have to open your mind and try to understand something totally new. Read more about understanding antifragility and how to be antifragile.

How to Find and Use Your Personal Frequency

How to Find and Use Your Personal Frequency

What’s a personal frequency? How does Matthew McConaughey explore this topic in his memoir, Greenlights? In Greenlights, Matthew McConaughey explores the idea of personal frequency, a center of gravity that’s unique to you and helps you make the right choices. McConaughey says that personal frequency guides all your choices and helps you see the greenlights in front of you. Read more about Matthew McConaughey’s thoughts on personal frequency below.

Epiphenomena: Definition, Examples, and More

Epiphenomena: Definition, Examples, and More

What’s the definition of epiphenomena? Does it explain the difference between causation and correlation or cause and effect? Epiphenomena by definition is the incorrect belief that one thing causes another. While there is such a thing as cause and effect, people often create links between events when there are none, or believe that correlation is the same as causation. Read more about epiphenomena, it’s definition, and more.