Defining Your Own Success: Advice From Greenlights

Defining Your Own Success: Advice From Greenlights

What does defining your own success mean? How did McConaughey redefine himself in his acting career? According to McConaughey, defining your own success means you’re responsible for your actions and the outcomes they create. McConaughey used his philosophy to change his career path from rom-coms to serious dramas. Read more about defining your own success according to Matthew McConaughey’s Greenlights.

Greenlights: Matthew McConaughey’s Book on Life

Greenlights: Matthew McConaughey’s Book on Life

What is Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey about? What inspired McConaughey to write the book? Throughout his life, McConaughey has relied on what he called greenlights—signs to continue on with an action or goal. In his book Greenlights, McConaughey tells his life story, shares the lessons he’s learned, and discusses how to see the greenlights that get you where you need to go. Read more about Greenlights, Matthew McConaughey, and his life story.

A Guide to Overcompensation in Psychology

A Guide to Overcompensation in Psychology

What is overcompensation in psychology? How is it a part of antifragility? Redundancy, a form of overcompensation in psychology, is that we tend to push back harder and continue doing the same thing when faced with adversity or challenge. It’s why banned books become more popular and why some social movements become stronger. Read more about overcompensation in psychology and how it works.

Matthew McConaughey: A Year in Australia

Matthew McConaughey: A Year in Australia

Why did Matthew McConaughey go to Australia? What did he do there and what did he learn? After graduation from high school, Matthew McConaughey went to Australia as an exchange student. After originally struggling with his host family, McConaughey had a positive experience and learned how to set boundaries for himself. Read more about Matthew McConaughey, Australia, and his time there.