101 Things I Learned in Architecture School: Book Overview

An architect reading a book in front of architecture drawings on a wall

What’s 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School about? What secrets do professional architects use to bring their visions to life on paper? Matthew Frederick’s 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School reveals the fundamental techniques and principles that transform architectural sketches into powerful design tools. The book explores everything from line work and spatial relationships to the cultural dimensions of architectural design. Read more in our brief overview of 101 Things I Learned in Architecture School.

The NEA Strike (2024): Issues, Context, & Impact

People on strike with signs that say "HIGHER PAY" and "RESPECT TEACHERS" illustrate the NEA strike in 2024

What happens when America’s largest education union faces off against its own staff? How can a labor organization known for protecting workers’ rights end up in a bitter dispute with its employees? The National Education Association (NEA) strike in 2024 marked an historic moment in American education, as the NEA locked horns with its staff over wages, healthcare, and alleged unfair practices. This unprecedented conflict led to canceled events, political ripples, and a complex web of accusations. Keep reading to discover how this internal battle exposed deep contradictions within one of the nation’s most influential labor organizations and its lasting

Why There Isn’t Enough AI Talent to Keep Up With Demand

An artistic image of a vacant office desk, signifying the lack of AI talent in the workforce

Why aren’t there enough AI professionals to fill open roles? What parts do employers and education facilities have to play in the AI talent crisis? As demand for AI talent soars, companies and universities face a double crisis: a severe shortage of AI-skilled workers and demographic disparities in AI training. These issues require an overhaul of AI workforce development. Continue reading for a closer look at the AI talent shortage.

What the Decline of Reading Means for America’s Future

An artistic image of a young man using his phone on a couch while a pile of books lies on the table, signifying the decline of reading

How often do you read books? What are the benefits of reading literature? Why are fewer Americans reading now than ever before? In the US, the decline of reading rates across all age groups can be seen, threatening cognitive development and civic engagement. Experts say literary reading could virtually disappear within 50 years, changing how future generations process information and participate in civic life. Here’s why fewer people are reading and how the trend could impact society.

US Colleges Are Shutting Down: Here’s Why (+ the Impacts)

Students walking on a college campus during the fall, representing the fact that large colleges are doing well while small colleges are shutting down

Why are so many small colleges shutting down in the US? How do these closures affect students and communities? Small colleges are rapidly disappearing across the US, with more than 500 private nonprofit institutions closing since 2014, and one closing every week in 2024. Many students whose colleges close never complete their degree—college closures also upend local economies. Keep reading to learn why small colleges are closing in the US and why it’s such a big deal.

How to Teach Responsibility to Your Children at a Young Age

A cartoon image of a young boy standing in a clean bedroom while holding a broom, representing teaching responsibilities to your children

Why is teaching responsibility to your children so important? How early should you start? What are the benefits? In her book 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do, psychotherapist and mental strength trainer Amy Morin stresses the importance of instilling a sense of responsibility in your children. Responsible children grow up to be more self-reliant, empathetic, and more. Here’s how to set your child up for success.

Punishment vs. Discipline: Which Is Most Effective as a Parent?

A young boy sitting in a chair in a living room looking sad, representing punishment vs. discipline in parenting

What’s the difference between punishment and discipline? Which one should you be using on your children? While often confused, discipline and punishment are not the same thing. Discipline is the act of teaching your child whereas punishment is making your child suffer for a mistake. Punishments are unhelpful and can oftentimes make situations worse. Continue reading for a deeper look into punishment vs. discipline when it comes to parenting.

What Are You Curious About? Rekindle Your Innate Wonder

A boy thinking about a beehive, a guitar, and books illustrates innate curiosity and asking "What are you curious about?"

What are you curious about? How can you reclaim your authentic interests and independent thinking? In Awaken Your Genius, Ozan Varol explores the suppression of natural curiosity in traditional education systems. He offers insights on rediscovering your true self and nurturing your innate wonder about the world. Keep reading to get Varol’s techniques for rekindling your innate curiosity.

How Internet Reading Moves Us From the Depths to the Shallows

A bearded man engaged in internet reading on a laptop at a desk with a mobile phone and a cup of coffee

Is the internet changing the way we read? How does online reading affect our ability to concentrate? Internet reading has transformed our habits and cognitive processes. Nicholas Carr explores this shift in his book The Shallows. He examines how deep reading, once encouraged by printed books, is being replaced by skimming and shallow engagement online. Read more to get Carr’s insights and discover how our digital habits are reshaping our minds and media consumption.