Why Buddhism Is True by Robin Wright: Book Overview

A buddhist reading a book by the water

What’s the book Why Buddhism Is True about? Do science and Buddhism share similar worldviews? In Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright draws on his experience as both a science journalist and meditator to show that modern evolutionary science supports Buddhism’s core insights about the human condition. Wright explains how evolution shaped us to be chronically dissatisfied, how this leads us to misperceive reality, and how mindfulness meditation offers a solution. Read more in our brief overview of Why Buddhism Is True.

Ethical Dilemmas in Healthcare: How Doctors Navigate Morals

A doctor having a serious conversation about ethical dilemmas in healthcare with a patient

What happens when a doctor’s professional judgment clashes with a patient’s personal beliefs? How do healthcare providers maintain ethical standards? Ethical dilemmas in healthcare form the backbone of Adam Kay’s memoir This Is Going to Hurt. These challenges range from respecting religious beliefs during medical procedures to managing aggressive patient behaviors. Keep reading to discover real-world examples of how healthcare providers navigate these delicate situations.

What Should You Do Before an Interview? 4 Ways to Prep

A person typing a resume on a laptop, showing what to do before an interview

Do you want to stand out in today’s competitive market? What should you do before an interview to prepare for difficult questions? Russell Tuckerton’s book, 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, reveals essential strategies for interview success that go far beyond standard preparation techniques. Prepping for an interview involves various interview formats, from career expos to phone screenings, and knowing how to navigate each one effectively. Discover how you can become the candidate employers can’t ignore.

Why Are Humans Never Satisfied? How Feelings Drive Us

A bored woman showing why humans are never satisfied

Why are humans never satisfied with anything? How did we as a species evolve to have cravings? According to Robert Wright, evolutionary science supports the idea that dissatisfaction is a core part of the human condition. He says that early on, simple organisms evolved to use feelings to distinguish between what was good or bad for their survival and reproduction. Continue reading to learn how our positive and negative feelings drive us.

15 Minutes to a Better Interview: Book Overview & Tips

A business person reading a book in front of a bookshelf

What’s the difference between a good interview and a great one? What if you could transform your interview performance in just a few minutes? In 15 Minutes to a Better Interview, Russell Tuckerton shares strategies that can revolutionize your interview approach. His proven techniques help job seekers master the art of interviewing, from crafting compelling responses to maintaining a professional presence. Read more in our brief overview of 15 Minutes to a Better Interview.

What Does the Human Condition Mean? The Buddhist Philosophy

A man wondering what the human condition means, looking up at the sky

What does the human condition mean? Why does Buddhism believe that humans are unsatisfied in life? In Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright asserts that the Buddhist concepts of dukkha (suffering) and tanha (craving) offer an accurate view of the human condition. According to Wright, modern science supports these ideas.  Keep reading to learn what the Buddhist interpretation of the human condition is.

Why Did Adam Kay Leave Medicine? The Last Straw

A doctor's white coat hanging on a rack

What did Adam Kay leave medicine? How does someone transition from saving lives to pursuing a completely different career path? In This Is Going to Hurt, Adam Kay explains why he walked away from his calling, detailing the emotional toll of working in Britain’s healthcare system. His journey from obstetrics and gynecology to comedy writing reveals the hidden struggles many medical professionals face. Discover the story of Kay’s difficult decision to prioritize his mental health over a demanding medical career.

How to Conduct Yourself in an Interview: 6 Tips for Professionalism

A man interviewing a woman for a job, who knows how to conduct herself in an interview

How are candidates expected to act during an interview? Do you want to transform your interview performance from mediocre to memorable? Learning how to conduct yourself in an interview requires mastering essential techniques, as outlined in Russell Tuckerton’s book, 15 Minutes to a Better Interview. The book covers everything from professional appearance and authentic enthusiasm to maintaining proper boundaries during your interview interactions. Read on to discover how to stand out from other candidates and significantly boost your chances of landing your dream job.

Anatta in Buddhism: Why There Is No Permanent Self

A meditating buddhist representing anatta

What does “anatta” mean in Buddhism? Does the idea of your “self” even exist? In Why Buddhism Is True, Robert Wright explains how we view ourselves with the idea of “no-self.” In Buddhism, “anatta” is the claim that what you conventionally think of as your “self” doesn’t have inherent existence. Let’s dive deeper into this concept to better understand how we perceive ourselves.

Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation: The Many Benefits

A statue of a buddhist practicing mindfulness meditation in front of a lake

Why do Buddhists encourage the practice of mindfulness? How can mindfulness change society? Buddhism and modern science agree that we’re caught in a cycle of dissatisfaction, and it’s largely because we don’t see reality. Robert Wright says that although science validates this belief, Buddhism offers a solution: mindfulness meditation.  Let’s look at the benefits of Buddhist mindfulness meditation below.