No Rules Rules Book: The Unique Practices at Netflix

No Rules Rules Book: The Unique Practices at Netflix

What is the No Rules Rules book about? What does Reed Hastings share about the unconventional and unique business practices at Netflix? The No Rules Rules book is the guide to how Netflix operates. Author and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings discusses the often unconventional strategies that have been used to bring and maintain success for Netflix. Keep reading for more about the No Rules Rules book by Reed Hastings.

Brainstorming: Research Shows It’s Ineffective

Brainstorming: Research Shows It’s Ineffective

What is brainstorming and is it effective? What does brainstorming research say about this collaborative strategy? Brainstorming is based on the theory that groups come up with better ideas than individuals working independently. However, brainstorming research has shown that this exercise is ineffective. Keep reading to see what brainstorming research says about why brainstorm sessions don’t always work.

Introversion and Extraversion: Each Has Strengths

Introversion and Extraversion: Each Has Strengths

What are introversion and extraversion? How are the two personality types different and are there any similarities? Introversion and extraversion are two of the key terms that identify a person’s personality type. These terms were popularized in 1921 by psychologist Carl Jung. Keep reading to see what introversion and extraversion say about an individual’s personality, as well as what this information cannot tell you about someone.

How The Netflix Innovation Strategy Empowers Staff

How The Netflix Innovation Strategy Empowers Staff

What is the Netflix innovation strategy? How does it apply to the management of staff within Netflix? The Netflix innovation strategy relies on securing high performers and empowering these employees to act on their talents and insights. These people are best at what they do, and by allowing them the freedom to do it well, Netflix is able to stay innovative and competitive. Keep reading for more about how employees play into the Netflix innovation strategy.

Open Office Productivity: Why It’s Actually a Myth

Open Office Productivity: Why It’s Actually a Myth

What is the rationale behind creating open office plans? Is open office productivity possible or is it actually a myth? Open office productivity is a myth, despite the fact that many companies have moved towards this design. While the intention is to increase productivity, it can actually be a distraction and be especially detrimental to introverts. Read more about the open office productivity myth.

Wildly Important Goals: Examples and Case Study

How to Develop Your Success Consciousness

Are you trying to figure out what goals to set? Do you need examples of wildly important goals? For wildly important goals, examples will vary depending on who is setting the goals. See some examples through the lens of a case study at a fictional book production department. Read on for more about wildly important goals, examples of these goals, and the context of a case study.