How to Get Out of a Slump: 5 Ways to Kickstart Progress

A worried man holding his hands to his face, wondering how to get out of a slump

Are you stuck in a rut? What are Adam Alter’s recommendations for pushing through the barriers of life? As anyone who feels like they’ve hit a wall knows, the hard part is picking yourself up and pushing on. Alter says that, when you feel like progress has ground to a halt, there are a variety of ways to kickstart it again. Check out how to get out of a slump with Alter’s recommendations.

How to Check Yourself: Monitoring What Your Brain Consumes

A strong determined man showing his brain and that he knows how to check himself.

Do you know how to check yourself? How are you perceiving and reacting to the world around you? By consistently checking yourself, you’re ensuring that only accurate information is given to your brain. You’ll also guarantee that you’re solving problems effectively and handling ruminative thoughts. Author Mo Gawdat provides a few methods to check yourself.

3 Stress Relief Strategies for When You Feel Stuck

A young woman with a peaceful look and closed eyes holding a cup of tea illustrates stress relief strategies

Is stress preventing you from being successful? Do you get anxious when making difficult decisions? When you feel like you’ve hit an impasse, you need to center yourself and calmly evaluate your situation. The anxiety that feeling trapped provokes can lead to rash and reckless decisions. Adam Alter says the antidote is to slow down even more, taking stock of your options as you do. Alter offers several stress relief strategies to deal with the anxiety brought about by feeling trapped or stuck.

Stoic Training: 2 Methods to Prepare You for Real-World Challenges

Three philosophers talking in ancient times and practicing Stoic training.

What are the two methods of Stoic training? What do these methods prepare you for? In The Stoic Challenge, William B. Irvine discusses two methods of training you can use to practice the Stoic strategy. Both training methods help you develop resolve and resourcefulness.  Continue reading if you want to practice these methods yourself to become a modern-day Stoic.

How to Cope With Failure: 3 Tactics to Accept Setbacks

A drawing of a woman throwing away a paper with a big red letter F on it illustrates how to cope with failure

Do you know how to cope with failure? What can you learn from failure? Handling obstacles poorly and not persevering through difficult times will set you up for failure, not success. However, certain types of “failure” that we’ve learned to stigmatize are actually crucial stepping stones along your path. Below, Adam Alter suggests some new ways to approach failure.

Adam Alter’s Anatomy of a Breakthrough: Overview & Takeaways

A young woman standing in the woods holds an open book

What’s Anatomy of a Breakthrough about? Do you have writer’s block or feel stuck in your personal life? We’ve all felt trapped at some point in our lives when our motivation falters and all our hard work grinds to a halt. In Anatomy of a Breakthrough, Adam Alter proposes a range of solutions that might help you find your way out of the woods. Read below for an overview of Adam Alter’s Anatomy of a Breakthrough.