A microphone placed in front of a large auditorium with empty seats.

How did Joy Koy get Into stand up? What were Koy’s influences at the beginning of his career?

In an episode of Fly on the Wall, David Spade and Dana Carvey interview stand-up comedian Jo Koy about his comedic journey. He cites several various personalities in the field and his Filipino family for helping him rise high in the world of comedy.

Read below for an overview of Jo Koy’s biography and stand-up career and the people who made it happen. 

Jo Koy’s Influences and Early Experiences

The first place in Jo Koy’s biography to look at is his Filipino family, who had the habit of nurturing talent from within their own ranks. This familial encouragement was instrumental in Koy developing his talent for impersonating Michael Jackson at family gatherings. 

Defying his family’s preference for a mainstream career, Koy made the daring decision to plunge into the turbulent world of comedy after high school. This decision eventually led to his first stage performance in Vegas. 

He recounts humorous experiences from his early days in comedy, especially his time working as an opener for John Lovitz’s stand-up shows. Koy recollects being caught off guard by Lovitz’s distinctive real voice. 

In addition, he warmly remembers the camaraderie among the Saturday Night Live (SNL) cast, sharing some fond memories from his time on the show.

In addition to being influenced by these personalities, Koy specifically expresses his admiration for Spade and Carvey, acknowledging their status as pioneers in the comedy world even before the advent of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. 

This deep appreciation for the hosts marks a distinct recognition of their lasting impact on comedy. He warmly remembers camaraderie among the SNL cast, likening them to a close-knit group of friends.

Role and Impact of Recognition in Comedy

Koy, Carvey, and Spade underscore the influence of public figures on their careers while emphasizing the validation felt when recognized by fellow professionals.

This validation has been particularly helpful in combating the loneliness often felt in the field of stand-up comedy. Jo especially points out the joy and feeling of amazement when Chris Rock acknowledged his work, indicating how industry recognition can be self-affirming.

The Power of Authentic Interactions and Encouragement

Koy’s narrative shares how a performance by Eddie Murphy fueled his pursuit of comedy. This event significantly sparked his passion for the humor industry, leading him to tread on the path of comedy.

Furthermore, he sheds light on another notable aspect of his journey. He narrates how a compliment from a Lionel Richie impersonator once encouraged him to stay on the comedy circuit. This proved to be a major stepping stone in his comedy career.  

Lastly, in the narrative, David Spade illustrates the distinct difference between casually meeting a celebrity and being recognized by a celebrity for one’s work. This part of the narrative distinctly showcases the importance of genuine and positive engagement in the comedy industry. It underlines the significance of proper recognition of one’s work in the celebrity world.

Jo Koy’s Path to Success

An emphasis on self-promotion and independence has been a unique and successful strategy for Koy in the entertainment industry. This led him not just to sell out a show, but to achieve repeated sell-out shows at the LA Forum, even without mainstream support.

In particular, Koy’s ticket sales experienced a sharp increase following the airing of his live specials. His shows, initially sold out two months in advance, soon started to occupy the entire year’s calendar.

An instance of this is when he had to arrange twelve additional shows in succession in Hawaii due to rapid ticket sales. He managed to shatter Mariah Carey’s record with a sale of 24,000 tickets.


Stand-up comedy is a popular form of entertainment that has captivated audiences for decades. In order to fully grasp the nuances of a recent article on the subject, it is helpful to have some background knowledge about stand-up comedy and the entertainment industry as a whole. Familiarity with renowned comedians such as David Spade, Dana Carvey, John Lovitz, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, and Jo Koy would also enhance understanding.

The podcast delves into Jo Koy’s journey in comedy, exploring various themes along the way. It highlights influences and early experiences in comedy that shaped his career trajectory. Additionally, it emphasizes the role and impact of recognition in the world of comedy—how being acknowledged for one’s talent can propel a comedian’s success. The power of authentic interactions and encouragement is another key theme discussed in the article. It underscores how genuine connections with others can inspire and motivate comedians to pursue their dreams.

Independence and self-promotion are portrayed as crucial paths to success in stand-up comedy. The article suggests that comedians like Jo Koy often need to take matters into their own hands when it comes to promoting themselves and building their careers. This aspect ties into broader discussions about self-promotion and independent success within the entertainment industry.

While no specific historical context or recent events are mentioned in this particular article, it provides valuable insights into Jo Koy’s journey spanning several decades—a testament to his enduring presence in stand-up comedy.

Building upon these main ideas, there are several extensions worth exploring further. One could delve into how family background and cultural influences shape comedic talent or analyze how social media has impacted the landscape of stand-up comedy by providing new avenues for exposure and audience engagement.

Jo Koy’s Biography: His Early Inspirations for Comedy

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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