The Sales Bible: Review of a Sales Classic

The Sales Bible: Review of a Sales Classic

What sales wisdom does Jeffrey Gitomer have to share from his vast experience? Why does he regard selling as a science rather than an art? Jeffrey Gitomer has 40 years of experience in sales. He believes that anyone can learn to sell, and he shares his insights and solutions in the book The Sales Bible. While he doesn’t go into depth about any particular methodology, he offers plenty of practical tips for everyday selling scenarios. Keep reading for The Sales Bible review.

No Rules Rules: Review, Background, and Reception

No Rules Rules: Review, Background, and Reception

Are you thinking of reading No Rules Rules? How well was the book received by critics?  In No Rules Rules, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and business professor and author Erin Meyer detail how the company achieved this level of success by implementing unconventional management practices that empower employees and promote innovation. Here is our No Rules Rules review.

The Art of Happiness: Review & Critical Reception

The Art of Happiness: Review & Critical Reception

What is the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler’s book The Art of Happiness about? What’s the key message to take away from the book? The Art of Happiness presents the Dalai Lama’s Buddhist approach to achieving greater happiness in life. Happiness, he says, isn’t something that happens to lucky people and eludes the unlucky: It’s something you can—and should—actively work to increase in your life. Here’s our review of The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler.

The Power of Habit: Review and Critical Reception

The Power of Habit: Review and Critical Reception

What is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg about? How was the book received when it was released? In The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explores the components of habit formation. He helps readers understand why they have certain habits, just how much these habits influence their daily lives, and how they can stop or change bad habits.  Continue below for our The Power of Habit review including intellectual context and critical reception.

Many Lives Many Masters Review: Are Its Claims Valid?

Many Lives Many Masters Review: Are Its Claims Valid?

Why is the book Many Lives Many Masters controversial? Are its claims true? In 1981, the course of Dr. Brian Weiss’s career changed dramatically when one of his therapy patients, “Catherine,” suddenly recalled details of her past lives while under hypnosis. Weiss wrote about his experience with Catherine in his book Many Lives Many Masters. In the decades since the book’s publication, many have grappled with its claims. Continue reading for our Many Lives Many Masters review.

Algorithms to Live By: Review and Critical Reception

Algorithms to Live By: Review and Critical Reception

Is Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths’ Algorithms to Live By worth reading? What is the key message to take away from the book? In their book Algorithms to Live By, Brian Christian and Tom Griffiths make the case that computer science, a field that’s typically seen as highly specialized, actually contains a wealth of practical knowledge we can use to improve our lives. The authors argue that by utilizing the same strategies as computers, we can process tasks with blinding efficiency and quickly come up with creative solutions to complex problems. Here is our review of Algorithms to Live By:

The Obstacle Is the Way: Review & Critical Reception

The Obstacle Is the Way: Review & Critical Reception

What is Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is the Way about? What is the Stoic secret to staying calm and unperturbed in the face of adversity? The Obstacle Is the Way is an instruction manual on how to solve life’s toughest problems, based on the teachings of the Stoics of Ancient Greece. Ryan Holiday argues that by adopting the Stoics’ historically proven formula for success, you can redirect the forces that typically work against you and will them to push you toward your goals. The following The Obstacle Is the Way review covers the book’s context, background, and critical reception by

Blue Ocean Strategy: Review & Critical Reception

Blue Ocean Strategy: Review & Critical Reception

What is Blue Ocean Strategy about? What is the key premise of W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne’s blue ocean business model? In Blue Ocean Strategy, W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne argue that the key to building a successful business is to create a blue ocean—a brand-new market for an innovative idea. You can create such a market by focusing on your product’s characteristics that customers really care about while discarding the characteristics they don’t. This creates a new product offering that doesn’t currently exist, in a space without direct competitors.  Here is our review of Blue Ocean Strategy.

Surrounded by Idiots: Review, Background, and Context

Surrounded by Idiots: Review, Background, and Context

Are you thinking of reading Surrounded by Idiots by Thomas Erikson? What kind of impact and reception did the book have when it was released? Surrounded by Idiots is a guide to understanding yourself and the people at work who just aren’t like you. Bestselling author and communication expert Thomas Erikson asserts that there are four personality types, and we all fall into one or more of these categories. Continue reading for our Surrounded by Idiots review.

Raving Fans: Book Review, Background, and Context

Raving Fans: Book Review, Background, and Context

What is the book Raving Fans about? What are the book’s strengths and weaknesses, and how was it critically received? In Raving Fans, management experts Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles argue that successful organizations have one common central focus: providing an excellent customer service experience. And that any type of organization or business that serves people can benefit from these principles to create “Raving Fans.” Here’s our Raving Fans book review.