The US Online Sports Betting Industry Is on the Rise

A man at an online sports betting center highlighting the growing industry

What’s propelled the overwhelming growth of the US online sports betting industry? What risks stem from the sector’s largely unchecked expansion? How will sports betting evolve? The US online sports betting industry, now legal in 38 states, has grown exponentially in recent years due to increased digital accessibility and changing societal norms. Critics say the sector’s unchecked growth is fueling Americans’ gambling problem and increasing the potential for money laundering. Below, we’ll look at the rise of online sports betting and the dangers that come with it.

How to Earn Profit in Business: 3 Money-Making Strategies

A man writing on a sheet of paper with coins stacked next to him, showing how to earn profit in business..

How do you turn a profit in business? What are effective profit-making strategies? Turning a profit can be difficult because many strategies can actually decrease your business’s value. Thankfully, Geoffrey G. Parker, Marshall W. Van Alstyne, and Sangeet Paul Choudary have strategies that will guarantee your business earns more money. Find out how to earn profit in business below.

What Is Drip Pricing & How Is It Dangerous?

A man holding a credit card in front of a computer screen who is shocked at drip pricing

What is drip pricing? What psychological tactics enable the practice? How can regulation curb it? Drip pricing is a deceptive business practice that advertises a low price, then adds hidden fees at the final payment. US federal agencies are exploring regulatory action against drip pricing as part of the Biden Administration’s economic agenda, though the success of these measures remains to be seen. Keep reading to learn about deceptive drip pricing practices and if anything can be done to prevent them.

The Most Common Tax Deductions & 3 You Didn’t Know About

A piggy bank in hands depicting the money you can save with common tax deductions

How can tax deductions save you money? What are some examples of deductions that might apply to you? Both common tax deductions like those for dependent care and lesser-known deductions like those for energy efficient home improvements can lower your taxable income, meaning you’re taxed on a smaller amount. Understanding what you can deduct can help you save more money this tax season. Let’s explore how to determine which common tax deductions you qualify for and how to claim them on your tax return.

Judge Engoron: Trump’s Documents Are Nothing But Misleading

Donald Trump waving.

Has Judge Arthur Engoron been favorable to Donald Trump in his ongoing legal battle? What did Trump’s sons say about their father when they took the stand? In a civil lawsuit overseen by Judge Engoron, Trump hasn’t been on the winning side. The Daily podcast highlights the most crucial moments from the case in a new episode. Keep reading to learn how Judge Engoron feels about Trump’s sketchy financial statements.

Breakdown of Ivanka Trump’s Testimony at Her Father’s Trial

Ivanka Trump talking into microphones in front of two flags.

How did Ivanka Trump’s testimony go in her father’s trial? Did she admit to being involved in fraudulent documents? In November 2023, Ivanka Trump testified in Donald Trump’s case surrounding alleged fraudulent financial documents. Her statements in court had a profound effect on the outcome of the trial, in which Trump was ordered to pay a large fine.   Learn more about Ivanka Trump’s testimony from The Daily podcast.

How to Be Financially Responsible: Leo Skepi on Mindful Spending

A piggy bank wearing a superhero costume while holding dollar bills and a big coin.

Are you struggling to save money? What are good personal finance tips so you can be more responsible with money? The Aware & Aggravated podcast houses a striking conversation around mindful personal finance strategies. Leo Skepi emphasizes his own experience during the early stages of setting up his app, where he prioritized savings over leisure spending. Discover how to be financially responsible, according to Skepi’s tips.

The IRS Is Now Using AI to Assist Audits & More

A robot working at the IRS

How will AI boost the IRS’s scrutiny of various taxpayer groups? What benefits and hurdles might taxpayers encounter as the IRS ramps up the use of AI? The IRS is using artificial intelligence to improve tax compliance and customer service this tax season. New AI-powered systems aim to curb tax evasion, improve audit precision, and help close a $688 billion tax gap. Here’s how the IRS is using AI and what the benefits and challenges are.