Sadhguru: Mindfulness and Meditation Help You Live and Die Well

A woman meditating in a forest

What are Sadhguru’s views on mindfulness and meditation? What difference does he believe they can make in your life and your death? Sadhguru is a spiritual teacher and founder of the Isha Foundation. The foundation teaches spiritual practices including yoga and meditation, offers holistic medical services, and organizes large-scale environmental activism. According to Sadhguru, mindfulness and meditation help you live and die well. Keep reading to understand Sadhguru’s concepts and practices surrounding mindfulness and meditation.

How to Change a Routine by Retraining Your Subconscious Mind

A hipster man writing in appointment book

How often do you operate on autopilot? Are you in control of your thoughts? How do they impact your routines, habits, and behaviors? Your subconscious mind forms automatic routines to save mental energy. These are reinforced by feedback loops. But, you can retrain your subconscious mind to deliberately create new routines of your choosing. Read more to learn how to change a routine by taking control of your thoughts and subconscious mind.

How to Create Habits That Stick: 6 Ways to Align Your Subconscious

Hands holding a taped sign that says Habit

Do you find it easy to start a new habit but nearly impossible to stick with it? What do you need to change about your approach to instill real change in your life? It’s one thing to adopt a new habit. It’s another to make that habit stick and become part of your life. The key is to get your subconscious mind—not just your conscious mind—to want to adopt the new habit. Keep reading to learn how to create habits that stick by aligning your subconscious with your new behaviors.

How to Spend Your Last Years of Life: Insights From Sadhguru

An old couple walking their dog in a forest

How should you spend your last years of life? What environments and activities will give you a healthy perspective? In his book Death: An Inside Story, spiritual teacher Sadhguru shares advice on how to overcome the fear of death, how to prepare for death, and how to die well. One aspect of this is the way you spend the last years leading up to your death. Read more for Sadhguru’s insights that might cause you to reevaluate your plans.

How to Die Well: 3 Tips From Spiritual Teacher Sadhguru

An old woman smiling with arms wide open

If you want to die well, how should you live? What should you avoid at the very end of your life? Dying well isn’t just about your last moments; it’s about the hours, days, and even years before your death. In Death: An Inside Story, spiritual teacher Sadhguru recommends that you practice mindfulness throughout your life, spend your final years in nature, and surrender your individuality as you die. Keep reading for Sadhguru’s advice on how to die well.

The Practice of Groundedness: Book Highlights and Overview

A bearded man reading a book in a cozy room.

What are the main points in The Practice of Groundedness by Brad Stulberg? What can we learn from Stulberg about the value of groundedness? In The Practice of Groundedness, author Brad Stulberg explains how our culture’s obsession with productivity has reduced our ability to stay grounded. A look at his argument and proposed solutions can give you insight into how to live more mindfully instead. Read on to learn about what groundedness is and how you can cultivate it in your life.

How to Accept Reality and Be Happy Through Self-Compassion

A man accepting reality and being happy as he sits on a bridge overlooking an Asian scenery.

Do you want to learn how to accept reality and be happy? What does it take to be happy with how things are? Learning how to accept reality and be happy requires an objective perspective paired with self-compassion. Looking at your life this way can help you be more content regardless of your circumstances. Keep reading to learn how to become more comfortable accepting reality.

How to Be Present in the Moment and Focus Your Energy

A hiker learning how to be present in the moment as they look out at a mountain scenery.

Want to learn how to be present in the moment more? How can you focus your energy on the here and now? When you live in the present moment, you’re able to experience life more richly. To achieve this, you should schedule time to focus on tasks, remove potential distractions, and decide which tasks aren’t worth your time at all. Continue reading to learn how to live fully in the present and focus better.