The Path of Mastery: Expect a Journey, Not a Destination

The Path of Mastery: Expect a Journey, Not a Destination

What’s mastery? What’s the life of a master like? Is being a dabbler, an obsessive, or a hacker keeping you from becoming a master? If you want to master something, you should expect to travel a path, not arrive at a destination. George Leonard explains that mastery isn’t an end goal so much as a continual process of learning, discovery, and exploration of that skill, whether it’s taekwondo, oil painting, marathon running, or chess.  Read more to learn what to expect on the path of mastery.

The Importance of Instruction in Skills Mastery: Don’t Go It Alone

The Importance of Instruction in Skills Mastery: Don’t Go It Alone

Are you trying to master a skill? Do you have an instructor? What role should an instructor play in your pursuit of mastery? In Mastery, writer and educator George Leonard describes in detail how you can walk the path of the master—the life lived in disciplined dedication to your chosen skill, craft, or art. He says that you shouldn’t walk this path alone; you should take along an instructor. Continue reading to understand the importance of instruction as you pursue mastery.

Commitment to Learning: Surrendering to the Master’s Path

Commitment to Learning: Surrendering to the Master’s Path

Are you willing to look foolish for the sake of learning? If you have a teacher, how well do you trust them? Writer and educator George Leonard says that, if you want to take the path of mastery, you must surrender to it. He explains that mastery of any skill or art is a process, and you have to submit to that process if you want to learn all that you can. Read more to understand the all-in commitment to learning that Leonard describes in his book Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment.

Visualize Learning: How to Train Your Mind for High Performance

Visualize Learning: How to Train Your Mind for High Performance

What are you learning right now? Can you see yourself nailing it? Visualizing isn’t just about seeing yourself on the other side of a challenge. It’s more about mentally rehearsing the way you break through to the other side. In his book Mastery, educator George Leonard says that mental rehearsals will help get you on the master’s path. Keep reading to discover how to visualize learning and performing the skills and processes of your craft.

6 Benefits of the Library: It’s Not Just a Place With Books

6 Benefits of the Library: It’s Not Just a Place With Books

When was the last time you went to the library? Do you know how you can use the library right from your own home? In today’s digital age, where information is readily available at our fingertips, the humble library might seem like a relic of the past. But, libraries continue to play a crucial role in society, offering a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond just books. Continue reading to discover six benefits of the library that you should be taking advantage of.

6 Benefits of Reading to Your Children: The Power of Story Time

6 Benefits of Reading to Your Children: The Power of Story Time

Do you read to your children? Why do so many experts recommend this shared experience? Reading benefits adults and children alike. But, there’s something particularly special about a parent reading to their child. In addition to the obvious bonding it cultivates, reading to your children helps them develop cognition, emotions, and skills. It also sparks imagination, creativity, and a love of learning. Keep reading to discover the profound benefits of reading to your children that will serve them throughout their lives.

How to Become a Master: 4 Imperatives in the Pursuit of Your Craft

How to Become a Master: 4 Imperatives in the Pursuit of Your Craft

When you embark on the path of mastery, what should you pack in your suitcase? What mindset do you need? What must you understand and accept? George Leonard spent years as a student and teacher of two disciplines: flying jets and practicing aikido (a Japanese martial art known for its subtle complexities). He wrote Mastery, originally published in 1991, to share the expertise he gained in these pursuits. Read on to learn how to become a master of your chosen skill, craft, or art.

How to Be a Better Reader and Improve Your Literary Skills

How to Be a Better Reader and Improve Your Literary Skills

Are your reading skills lacking? How can you be a better reader? Reading is an important skill that people of all ages need. Don’t worry if your literary skills aren’t up to par—we have plenty of tips that’ll help you get the most out of your reading time. Learn how to be a better reader and why picking up a book every once in a while is worth your time.

Why a Well-Rounded Education Will Get You Far in Life

Why a Well-Rounded Education Will Get You Far in Life

What does it mean to have a well-rounded education? Why is it better to be a generalist than a specialist? In the context of skill sets and education, a specialist is someone proficient in one area while a generalist has a wide range of skills, which they gain from a well-rounded education. If you want to succeed in the changing workforce, it’s better to be a generalist. Below we’ll look at why a well-rounded education will help you in your life and career, and what subjects are the most useful to learn.

To Read Nonfiction Faster, Do This Before You Read

To Read Nonfiction Faster, Do This Before You Read

What should you do before you read a work of nonfiction? How can reading more content actually help you read faster? The authors of 10 Days to Faster Reading offer this surprising speed-reading strategy: Familiarize yourself with the content before you begin. It might seem like you’re taking unnecessary extra time, but you’ll be able to read faster—and with more comprehension—when you take this step. Let’s take a closer look at this reading strategy.