Best Apologetics Books, Websites, & Podcasts: Equip Yourself

Do you feel equipped to answer challenges to your faith? How could you do a better job of explaining what you believe and why?

Apologetics are sound arguments designed to justify your beliefs. You need facts and reason at hand to solidify the foundation of your faith and respond to questions and challenges from others who see things differently. Here’s some good news: established facts and reasoned arguments for biblical Christianity exist, and many people have already done a lot of the hard work to bring them together.

I’ve assembled what I think are the best apologetics resources. Keep reading for an exploration of some of the best apologetics books, websites, and podcasts that you can put to use today.

Best Apologetics Resources

You’ve probably heard people claim that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead or that He wasn’t even divine. Maybe someone’s told you that the Bible condones slavery and racism. If you’re like most people, you’ve experienced a sinking feeling when you’ve been unable to respond with anything intelligent.

Perhaps your faith was shaken or even diminished when heartbreak came your way and you struggled to understand why God would allow bad things to happen to good people.

Evidence-based beliefs are less likely to be shaken and more likely to be true. As you learn more and more evidence about Christianity, you might find that some of your long-held beliefs have nothing to stand on. You’ll definitely find that many of your beliefs are supported by amazing evidence.

Imagine being able to clarify what you believe and why you believe it—to yourself and others. Picture yourself enjoying a faith that is grounded in evidence and explaining that evidence to people who will be transformed by the good news.

Your faith is your own, but it’s part of a tapestry that belongs to everyone. While it’s always a good idea to do your own study and analysis, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to research and argumentation that others have already done. Take a look at this collection of the best apologetics resources, with descriptions of the best apologetics books, websites, and podcasts available.

Best Apologetics Books

Many great apologists have written books over the years. I’m tempted to include even the apostle Paul and his writings here. Let’s just consider those a given and explore a few more. Here are what I believe are some of the best apologetics books out there:

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

All of Lee Strobel’s books are worth reading, and The Case for Christ is the classic that got the ball rolling. He tells his own story, the journey from being a hostile atheist to being a believer who can’t stop sharing the good news he’s found.

Strobel didn’t have a road-to-Damascus experience. He wasn’t touched by an angel. A reporter for the Chicago Tribune, he decided to treat Christ and Christianity like a story he was reporting on. He dived into the research scholarship on the Bible as well as the text of the Bible itself. He interviewed experts and studied the archaeological record. As his knowledge grew, he found himself drawn to a conclusion he’d previously thought absurd: that Jesus had not only existed but was also divine.

It seems that Christians should believe that everything Jesus said about Himself was true; this book unpacks that. By reading The Case for Christ, you’ll learn what Strobel learned. Even if you already believe, you’ll be amazed by the evidence that backs up your belief—and you’ll be far better equipped to explain and defend it to others.

Expository Apologetics: Answering Objections With the Power of the Word by Voddie Baucham, Jr.

If you don’t already know of Voddie Baucham, Jr., you’ll thank me for this introduction. He’s a brilliant thinker and bold communicator who has a big heart for God and God’s people. I have to include his Expository Apologetics among the best apologetics books.

Baucham rightfully believes that all Christians should be apologists. The Bible calls us to that role. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be ready to tell everyone who asks you why you believe as you do. Be gentle as you speak and show respect.” Taking that call to heart, Baucham argues that apologetics isn’t the domain of preachers alone. He shows in practical ways how each one of us can defend our faith in everyday situations.

I have to mention that, in addition to being an excellent writer, Baucham also is a gifted preacher. He speaks with conviction and persuasion. I encourage you to find some of his sermons online, as I would list them among the best apologetics resources, as well.

Gunning for God: Why the New Atheists Are Missing the Target by John C. Lennox

John C. Lennox is another giant of the faith whom everyone should know. Truly wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove (Matthew 10:16), Lennox finds and fashions arguments that cut down the fiercest opposition.

Next on the list of best apologetics books is his highly-rated Gunning for God. Lennox reveals the agenda and tactics of the “New Atheists,” helping Christians know what they’re up against in the near-timeless debate that has taken on unprecedented fervor.

Lennox has publicly debated prominent atheists such as Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss, and he shares in his book how their arguments can be dismantled with brilliance, integrity, and Christlikeness.

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek

If you’re a Christian, you’ve been accused of being irrational because of your belief. Many atheists think that Christians are just indulging in blind faith and putting reason aside. While that’s certainly true of some, it doesn’t have to be that way. Authors Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek argue that the weight of evidence points to the existence of the God of the Bible. That means that, according to the authors, atheists are the ones who exercise blind faith and faulty logic.

In I Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, Geisler and Turek examine the evidence for a creator, the trustworthiness of scripture, the basis for morality, and the claims of Jesus. Lee Strobel includes this title in his own list of the best apologetics books—he said that he wished it had been around when he was an atheist, as it would have saved him a lot of time!

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

Readers and critics alike consider Lewis to be among the most important, if not the most important, writer of the last century. I can’t compile a list of the best apologetics books without including his classic Mere Christianity.

Perhaps you’ve already found this book to be an encouragement along your journey of faith. You’d likely benefit from reading it again, looking more closely at the arguments and internalizing them. Lewis lays out the basics of Christian doctrine in a way that can compel a hard heart to soften and, perhaps, even believe.

Mere Christianity is a book that is worth visiting again and again, and you might just keep a copy on hand to give to someone who could use a more solid foundation of hope and joy.

Best Apologetics Websites

God has called many believers to apologetics ministry. They might write blog articles or books, go on speaking tours, or produce videos. I encourage you to do your own online search to see who’s doing what, and I’m happy to share what I think are five of the best Christian apologetics websites out there.

Evolution News & Science Today

Christians should be interested in science. Science is the study of nature, and nature is one of the two books of evidence (along with Scripture) about God. You don’t have to be a scientist, but it’s an exciting field for anyone to understand and follow.

Associated with the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture, Evolution News & Science Today is one of the best Christian apologetics websites. It covers some of the latest research on evolution-related science, bioethics, intelligent design, human origins, and medicine. The site also looks at the nexus between science and culture and addresses free speech and academic freedom in the field of science. You also can find fact-checks and analyses of how the media covers scientific matters.

Evolution News’s writers include molecular biologist Douglas Axe, paleontologist Günter Bechly, and biochemist Michael Behe. The site has a Spanish-language edition and an affiliated YouTube channel, and you can subscribe to their newsletter to get the latest.

Gary Habermas’s Website

If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, Christianity has no basis. It all would be a delusion. For me, the most compelling evidence for the truth of Christianity is this: The witnesses’ claim that Jesus rose from the dead was falsifiable at the time. If the people who said they saw a resurrected Jesus were lying, they easily could have been called out on the lie, and the movement never would have gotten off the ground.

But, not only did Christianity get off the ground, it flourishes to this day, 2,000 years later. That’s why I include Gary Habermas’s site in my list of the best Christian apologetics websites. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Liberty University, Habermas’s single professional focus has been to examine the evidence about Jesus’s death and resurrection. He engages in extensive research, writing, speaking, and debate about the issue.

Habermas’s site—which includes articles, Q&A topics, audio, video, and educational games—also covers the philosophical and practical implications of the resurrection. If you want to be an effective apologist, you must understand the resurrection of Jesus. If you want to understand the resurrection of Jesus, you must familiarize yourself with Habermas’s research.

Mama Bear Apologetics

If you want to be a better apologist, that involves leaving a legacy of a strong defense of your faith. As the maturity of the knowledge of good and evil grows and society falls farther and farther away from God, what could be more important?

As a strong advocate of teaching others how to think and not what to think, I encourage you to check out Mama Bear Apologetics. If you have kids (or if you simply want to equip others), this site is a must-visit online destination. Among the best Christian apologetics websites for moms, it promises to help you learn “how to raise kids who think critically, love biblically, and stand firm against the cultural tide.”

Arguing that you can’t just leave religious education to church programs, these fierce moms are dedicated to giving you the tools you need. You can find links to books and podcasts and many more resources for Christian parents, teachers, and leaders that will help the next generation successfully navigate culture with their faith not only intact but stronger than ever.

Stand to Reason

If you want to be an impactful “player in the world of ideas,” be sure to check out Stand to Reason. Consider it a school for apologetics, with a faculty of teachers (led by Greg Koukl) who are dedicated to equipping you to shore up your faith and make an eternal difference. In fact, they have an online training program (STR U) with courses designed to help you intelligently and persuasively discuss and defend biblical Christianity in the public square.

The site includes articles, videos, and podcast episodes on topics such as understanding other religions, reconciling apparent scriptural differences, progressive Christianity, abortion, sexuality, and science. Definitely go find out why Stand to Reason is one of the best Christian apologetics websites out there—and see how they train “Christian ambassadors” for today’s world.

The Veritas Forum

I recently watched a stimulating discussion on religion, morality, and pluralism called “The Closing of the Modern Mind” online. The presenters were social psychologist and atheist public intellectual Jonathan Haidt and author and pastor Tim Keller. New York University was the host. The Veritas Forum was the sponsor.

In an era when academic freedom is under attack and educational institutions are often indoctrinating more than educating, The Veritas Forum serves as an oasis for students who really want to know the truth. They seek to get universities back to their roots, where truth-seeking was the main agenda and where people felt free to exchange ideas in respectful dialogue.

An outreach to people of all religious backgrounds, The Veritas Forum invites students to wrestle with—and be transformed by—the big ideas together, discussing and debating within the context of community. This is definitely one of the best Christian apologetics websites for students, so be sure to check it out if you or someone you know fits that demographic.

Best Apologetics Podcasts

These days, a list of the best apologetics resources would be incomplete without mentioning podcasts. The trend to listen rather than read is growing fast. Many ministries realize how effective podcasts are at reaching an ever-larger audience. An avid learner, I appreciate having thousands of podcasts available on my phone as I get ready in the morning or drive to an appointment. Here’s my list of the five best apologetics podcasts out there.

The Alisa Childers Podcast

I came across The Alisa Childers Podcast on YouTube, where the video versions of the episodes reside. I was struck at how Childers dealt with hot topics with a gentle strength. Most of the time, she interviews people who have a certain expertise. While Childers is well-informed and does her homework, I find it refreshing that she’s also learning along with me as her guests answer her insightful questions.

You get the option to listen to or watch podcast episodes, where Childers respectfully digs into theological points, evidence for historical Christianity, and issues facing the Church today.

Author of Another Gospel?, Childers puts a spotlight on progressive Christianity and how it differs from historical Christianity. If the phenomenon of progressive Christianity is new to you, this is a great place to start learning about this movement that is growing in influence.

ID the Future

I never had much of an interest in science (I took “rocks for jocks” in college) until I got to know the work of the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture (CSC) a few years ago. Now, I see that science is an exciting and important endeavor because of what it can tell us about God.

The CSC exists to “advance the understanding that human beings and nature are the result of intelligent design (ID) rather than a blind and undirected process.” They follow and fund cutting-edge scientific research, educate and train young people, and fight for academic freedom and integrity.

An outlet of the CSC, the ID the Future podcast shares news and analysis of evolution and ID issues (scientific, educational, and legal), including interviews with scientists and scholars. As an enthusiastic advocate for the CSC’s work, I heartily include ID the Future in my list of the best apologetics podcasts, and I urge you to check it out.

Reasonable Faith With William Lane Craig

Growing up as a Christian, I remember philosophy being downplayed in church and church school. Perhaps some believed that philosophers’ ideas (many of them pagan in origin) had no place in Christian circles. Whatever the reason, I never had much exposure to philosophy—either its ideas or its tools.

Now I know what a shame that was. I give most of the credit to William Lane Craig. Visiting Scholar of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology and Professor of Philosophy at Houston Baptist University, Dr. Craig is also a sincere follower of Jesus. Brilliant and humble, he successfully tackles the big questions of life and equips others to do the same.

Sure, he deals with deep philosophical stuff such as existentialism, Christian Platonism, and universal salvation, but he also provides reasoned analysis of cultural hot topics such as Roe v. Wade, the war in Ukraine, and what’s going on at The Walt Disney Company.

If you want to hear how critical philosophical arguments are put together—and learn how to do it yourself—head over to the Reasonable Faith podcast to listen or watch Dr. Craig in action. Take a look at the main site, as well, for some of the best apologetics resources in general.

Reasons to Believe

You might have noticed by now that several of these ministries use some form of the word “reason” in their name. Of course, there’s the applicable concept of “reason” as in the ability to think, understand, form judgments, and make arguments. There’s also the instruction from 1 Peter 3:15 that urges you to be “ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.”

I once asked an apologist whether he had always been a believer. His answer: “Yes, but I didn’t always have a reason to believe.” That’s what the Reasons to Believe ministry seeks to provide through their podcast and other resources. They exist to “open people to the gospel by revealing God in science.”

I’ve already discussed why it’s important for Christians to be interested in—and informed about—science. Astrophysicist (and former skeptic) Dr. Hugh Ross founded Reasons to Believe in 1986. Along with all apologists, the people at this ministry hold this premise: that “truth invites and withstands testing.”

With both scientists and theologians on staff, their podcast discusses scientific matters—such as cosmology and evolution—and doctrinal issues, including the nature of Christ and the differences between Catholicism and Protestantism. Check out their main site, as well, for some of the best apologetics resources in general.

Unbelievable? With Justin Brierley

If you’re timid when it comes to debate (or if you just love hearing both sides of the debate), the Unbelievable? podcast is for you. This format is what makes it of the best apologetics podcasts out there. You hear the arguments and counterarguments, and you’re exposed to numerous examples of respectful debate—something that’s hard to come by these days.

Moderated by Justin Brierley, the Unbelievable? podcast builds relational bridges while the hard questions get asked and answered. Here’s what one of their listeners had to say: “To listen to Christians go toe-to-toe with the best atheists has given me new confidence as a Christ-follower.”

You also can find video versions of the podcast on the Unbelievable? YouTube channel.

Wrapping Up

I could go on and on, as more great resources are available, but I’ll leave it here for now. Perhaps you’d like to add some of your favorites in the comments below.

While all believers are called to defend their faith, apologetics isn’t a one-size-fits-all endeavor. I encourage you to check out a variety of sources. Different approaches and emphases fit different people. Pray about it, look around, and find what fits you best.

Whatever you do, keep doing your own study and analysis. Think for yourself. Share what you find. What’s compelling to you will be compelling to others. Keep in mind that you can make an eternal difference.

There’s a good reason for the hope that’s in you. Always be ready to share it.

Best Apologetics Books, Websites, & Podcasts: Equip Yourself

Elizabeth Whitworth

Elizabeth has a lifelong love of books. She devours nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, theology, and philosophy. A switch to audiobooks has kindled her enjoyment of well-narrated fiction, particularly Victorian and early 20th-century works. She appreciates idea-driven books—and a classic murder mystery now and then. Elizabeth has a blog and is writing a book about the beginning and the end of suffering.

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