An illustration of fashion designer Gianni Versace.

What was the aftermath of the murder of Gianni Versace? Why did it take so long for the FBI to track down murderer Andrew Cunanan?

In an episode of Last Podcast on the Left, the hosts critically discuss the Miami Police Department’s incompetencies in the FBI manhunt for Andrew Cunanan. Cunanan had previously murdered Gianni Versace and five other people until his own death.

Learn more about the FBI and Miami Police Department’s difficulties in tracking down Cunanan.

FBI’s Manhunt and Miami Police Department’s Inefficiencies

When discussing the murder of Gianni Versace, the podcast emphasizes significant oversights, such as the South Beach police’s reliance on outdated methods and neglect of important paperwork, which collectively contributed to Cunanan slipping through the cracks and evading detection.

Missteps in Homicide Investigations Linked to Cunanan

The hosts dissect the investigative missteps following Versace’s murder, including a particular crime initially attributed to Cunanan that was later found to be financially motivated. This exemplifies law enforcement’s haste in connecting crimes to a notorious figure without conclusive evidence. 

The podcast also draws on comparisons to the wrongful attributions seen in cases involving serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.

In exploring the final days of Cunanan’s run from the law, the podcast sheds light on Fernando Carriero’s encounter where his attempt to claim the reward for information on Cunanan’s whereabouts was rejected due to insufficient detail, though he later received a consolation prize from other groups.

Contrary to popular belief, Cunanan wasn’t HIV positive, which disputes one of the speculated motives for his crimes. Additionally, it was noted that Cunanan had abstained from drugs toward the end, possibly due to financial difficulties and his growing infamy.

His last moments came unexpectedly after being discovered by his houseboat caretaker Carreira inside a houseboat, which led to his suicide, with the FBI outside, preparing for negotiations, unaware that their search had come to an end.


The FBI manhunt for Andrew Cunanan and the inefficiencies of the Miami Police Department are brought to light in this podcast episode. To fully grasp the discussions in this episode, it is important to have a background understanding of criminal investigations, law enforcement procedures, and the concept of a manhunt. This includes familiarity with high-profile criminal cases and the role of the FBI in such investigations.

The podcast delves into themes such as law enforcement incompetence, investigative missteps, and the challenges faced when connecting crimes to a specific perpetrator. It explores how these factors can impact the pursuit of justice. Set against the historical backdrop of 1997, when Andrew Cunanan embarked on his murderous spree that ultimately claimed five lives including that of renowned fashion designer Gianni Versace, this series sheds light on specific circumstances and challenges faced by law enforcement during that time period.

While there may not be recent events directly related to Andrew Cunanan’s case or the Miami Police Department’s inefficiencies specifically discussed in this podcast series, it is worth considering recent developments in forensic technology and advancements in investigative techniques as relevant context. Additionally, other true crime narratives exploring law enforcement failures or investigative missteps—such as those surrounding infamous criminals like the Zodiac Killer or Golden State Killer—can provide valuable comparisons.

The Murder of Gianni Versace: Why Couldn’t the FBI Crack It?

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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