Mel Robbins giving a speech on a stage.

What happens when you keep secrets in a relationship? What kind of feelings do secrets induce?

According to Michael Slepian and Mel Robbins, secrets can harm a marriage or friendship. Relationships are supposed to be built on trust, so instead of keeping a secret, you should openly communicate with the other person for transparency.

Discover the impact secrets have on relationships, as discussed on The Mel Robbins Podcast.

Keeping Personal Secrets in Relationships and Families

Mel Robbins offers her perspective by sharing personal experiences of infidelity from her past, the immense relief of revealing secrets, and the emotional harm secret-keeping can cause. 

Building on Michael Slepian’s research findings and his own experiences with secrets, Mel Robbins discusses how secrecy induces feelings of shame, isolation, and falseness that resurge every time the secret enters one’s thoughts. 

One profound instance she references is a family secret from Slepian about his grandparents not being genetically related to him. This revelation significantly altered his understanding of family bonds. 

Slepian stresses the importance of initial discussions on charged issues, such as infidelity. He emphasizes that these discussions should be presented not as an accusation but as a desire for transparency and mutual effort to resolve issues.

The Impact of Secrets on Children

Significant moments in the episode involve discussions on family secrets, particularly their emotional weight and impacts on children. 

Slepian and Robbins emphasize the detrimental effect of involving children in family secrets. They warn about inappropriate parenting behaviors and the undue emotional load placed on children—behaviors Robbins describes as emotional manipulation. 

They also advise against secretive practices that sway children into equating loyalty and compliance with love.

More on the Consequences of Secrets

To fully grasp the content of this podcast episode, it is important to have a basic understanding of secrets and their impact on personal relationships and families. Secrets are intentionally withheld or hidden information that can range from harmless to potentially damaging. This article delves into the emotional and psychological effects of keeping secrets, particularly within the context of relationships and families.

The themes explored in this podcast episode revolve around the consequences of secrets on individuals and relationships, emphasizing the significance of transparency and open communication. It highlights how secret-keeping can cause emotional harm, disrupt trust, and lead to feelings of betrayal. Additionally, the potential consequences of involving children in family secrets are examined. While no specific historical context is provided in the article, these discussions on personal secrets are relevant across different time periods and cultural contexts.

Moving beyond its immediate scope, this topic intersects with related subjects such as trust, communication, honesty, betrayal, and how family dynamics impact individual well-being. Further exploration could include examining forgiveness as a means to heal from secret-related trauma or strategies for fostering open communication within relationships and families. Additionally, investigating the long-term effects of childhood exposure to family secrets on adult mental health would be valuable.

Mel Robbins on Secrets: The Downhill Effect of Being Dishonest

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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