How to Become More Masculine: 4 Tips for Aspiring Alphas

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Why do women fall for masculine men? What are some things you can do to increase your masculinity in the eyes of women?

Women recognize that few men provide both high-quality DNA and protection. This type of man is what Richard Cooper calls a “high-value alpha,” or a dominant, and masculinity is a big factor in an alpha male.

With this in mind, here’s how to become more masculine, according to Cooper.

1. Become (and Present Yourself as) Masculine

In his book The Unplugged Alpha, Richard Cooper gives several tips on how to become more masculine. The first step, he says, is to start by focusing on your physical appearance. Hit the gym to tone your physique, find clothes that fit well and are flattering, and do something about your hair—whether that’s finding a hairstyle that complements your features or leaning into your hair loss and shaving it all off. 

(Shortform note: In Models, Mark Manson provides more specific recommendations for appearing stronger and masculine. To become fit, don’t obsess over how to exercise or diet; just find an exercise you enjoy and cut out junk food (like soda and desserts). In addition to finding clothes that fit well, make sure they flatter not just your physical appearance but also your personality; a businessman won’t look good in clothes meant for a skater. And be wary of asking any female friends for advice on your looks, including your hair—they’re prone to recommend what they’re attracted to, not necessarily what flatters you.)

2. Check Your Testosterone Levels

As Cooper notes, testosterone is essential to male health. But once you hit 30, your testosterone levels begin to slowly decrease, which manifests in symptoms such as lower energy. So work with a doctor who’ll help you maintain the testosterone levels you need to function at your best (which may be higher than the levels deemed “normal” for your age). Do your best to increase your testosterone naturally, using proven methods such as reducing how much time you spend near electromagnetic fields that disturb your endocrine system—which you can do by keeping your phone out of your pants pocket and away from your testicles.

However, if you want to maintain ideal levels, you’ll likely eventually need to go on testosterone replacement therapy. This involves introducing additional testosterone into your body through medical intervention. 

How to Approach Your Testosterone Levels if You Want Children

If you’re trying to have children, your testosterone levels are particularly important because low testosterone in aging men is linked to male infertility. When speaking with your doctor, ask them to test both your total and free testosterone levels. Most doctors only test your total testosterone levels—which includes both the testosterone that is and isn’t bound to proteins in your body. However, as you age, your total testosterone levels don’t decrease as much as your levels of free testosterone—which isn’t bound to proteins in your body but is associated with symptoms of low testosterone. Therefore, if your doctor only measures your total testosterone levels, they might conclude that you have normal testosterone levels, even though you have low free testosterone levels that are causing issues.

Pay special attention to reducing the time you spend near electromagnetic fields, as Cooper suggests. In The 4-Hour Body, Tim Ferriss notes that pulling your phone out of your pocket can increase not just your testosterone levels but also your sperm count. But contrary to Cooper’s advice, Ferris says to avoid testosterone replacement therapy, which can cause (potentially irreversible) infertility.

3. Own a Motorcycle

Cooper explains that riding a motorcycle will help you feel powerful and thus masculine, as well as provide a space to process your emotions and thus improve your mental health. It also makes you especially attractive to young women, who love the adrenaline rush of being on a bike. If you feel unsafe, you can substitute a motorcycle with a convertible.

What Other Experts Say About Riding Motorcycles 

Experts agree that riding motorcycles helps men feel masculine because it involves dominating, or mastering, the machine, and mastery is associated with masculinity. They also agree that riding a motorcycle improves your mental health: Since safe motorbiking requires total focus, it allows you to forget your troubles for a while—perhaps providing your subconscious the space it needs to process unpleasant emotions. 

That said, don’t drive either a convertible or a motorcycle when you’re angry, as anger can increase your crash risk tenfold. And to make sure that you remain safe on the road, start with short rides when you do put a woman on the bike: Having a passenger will change how the bike feels, and you want to give the woman a thrilling adrenaline rush, not a terrifying experience.

4. Learn a Martial Art

Cooper explains that you must learn how to be violent when necessary so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Join a Mixed Martial Arts dojo and pick your favorite; Krav Maga is beloved by specialized military units worldwide. 

(Shortform note: Contrary to Cooper’s recommendation, other experts warn against learning Krav Maga because it won’t provide you with any real-world fighting experience. As Cooper notes, Krav Maga focuses on only being violent when necessary and is so violent that it’s not permitted in professional MMA fights—but it’s so violent that many dojos won’t even let you practice sparring it. Instead, experts recommend that you learn a martial art you can practice fighting with so you can protect your loved ones effectively: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which was originally developed as a street fighting technique, is a good choice.)

How to Become More Masculine: 4 Tips for Aspiring Alphas

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Like what you just read? Read the rest of the world's best book summary and analysis of Richard Cooper's "The Unplugged Alpha" at Shortform.

Here's what you'll find in our full The Unplugged Alpha summary:

  • The three big lies modern men have been told about society
  • How to break free from the lies and become a high-value man
  • How you can use this newfound status to become sexually successful

Darya Sinusoid

Darya’s love for reading started with fantasy novels (The LOTR trilogy is still her all-time-favorite). Growing up, however, she found herself transitioning to non-fiction, psychological, and self-help books. She has a degree in Psychology and a deep passion for the subject. She likes reading research-informed books that distill the workings of the human brain/mind/consciousness and thinking of ways to apply the insights to her own life. Some of her favorites include Thinking, Fast and Slow, How We Decide, and The Wisdom of the Enneagram.

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