How to Raise Resilient Children: 2 Tips for Parents

A father trying to raise a resilient child by talking to them after a bike accident

Do you want your child to be more independent? How can you be an authoritative parent? In Bad Therapy, Abigail Shrier says modern parenting has become too dependent on experts and interventions. To raise more resilient children, Shrier encourages parents to trust their instincts instead of relying on expert opinions. Read below to learn how to raise resilient children who don’t need to be coddled.

Peace With Yourself: 4 Ways to Travel This Spiritual Path

A painting of a woman with her head tilted up, eyes closed, and surrounded by flowers illustrates peace with yourself

Do you feel like you consistently live at peace with yourself? How can you break free from past regrets and cultivate genuine happiness? In his book Million Dollar Habits, Stellan Moreira shares strategies for achieving inner peace and personal growth. His insights focus on four key practices: self-forgiveness, gratitude, spiritual connection, and mentorship. Each approach offers practical ways to embrace a more fulfilling life. Continue reading to discover how these methods can help you create lasting peace with yourself.

Authoritative Parenting Benefits: Raising Capable Children

An authoritative parent disciplining their child at home

What’s authoritative parenting? What are the upsides of parenting with discipline and rules? Abigail Shrier explains that modern parenting has become overly permissive and therapeutic. She encourages parents to adopt a more authoritative parenting style—an approach that combines love with clear rules, high standards, and consistent discipline. Continue reading to learn the authoritative parenting benefits that both you and your child can experience.

How to Use Anger for Good: Transform Negativity Into Positivity

A woman holding an upset emoji trying to use anger for good

Can anger be a good emotion? How can you make anger a productive power? Unbound by Kasia Urbaniak delves into how anger can be harnessed as a constructive energy. She challenges the deep-rooted social norms that frequently pressure women to stifle their anger and other emotions considered “negative,” suggesting that these emotions hold powerful force. Find out how to use anger for good with Urbaniak’s advice.

How to Promote Independence in Children (Abigail Shrier)

An independent child doing work on their own

How can you promote independence in children? Is there a level of independence that is considered too dangerous for young people? In Bad Therapy, Abigail Shrier writes that children need time away from adult supervision to develop properly. This could mean letting children solve problems on their own or allowing them to participate in activities without your intervention. Here’s how you can push your child to be more independent so they don’t have to rely on you.

Gender Barriers of Communication: Thriving as a Woman

The silhouettes of a man and woman showing gender barriers in communication

Have you ever wondered why some conversations feel like hitting a brick wall? How do gender dynamics come into play in conversations? In Unbound, Kasia Urbaniak explores a common obstacle faced by women in the realm of communication, detailing strategies for interaction when confronted with refusal or a negative response. Urbaniak portrays resistance not as a sign of failure or personal insult, but as an opportunity to build connections and influence people. Keep reading to learn more about overcoming gender barriers of communication.

Bad Therapy by Abigail Shrier: Book Overview & Takeaways

A woman wearing an orange sweater reading a book

Can mental health treatments ever be harmful for children? What’s Bad Therapy by Abigail Shrier about? In Bad Therapy, Abigail Shrier lays out her argument for why mental health treatments aren’t helping young people. She also discusses how well-intentioned interventions by parents, schools, and mental health professionals can damage youth mental health. Read more in our brief overview of Bad Therapy.

Women and Communication: How to Lead a Conversation

Two women communicating with each other in front of a window

Do you want insights about women and communication? Do you want to transform challenging interactions into opportunities for connection and influence? In Unbound, Kasia Urbaniak suggests that often in various exchanges, one person unconsciously assumes a position of dominance, while the other person, without realizing it, takes on a more submissive posture. By honing their focus, women gain the ability to deliberately select their position and mold the interaction to their advantage. Discover practical techniques that will transform your ability to communicate effectively in any situation.

37 Confidence-Building Exercises: Stop Doubting & Start Believing

A woman in front of a whiteboard that says "Confidence" with a checkmark after it illustrates confidence-building exercises

What if you had unshakeable self-confidence? How can a few simple exercises transform your mindset and lead to lasting success? In his book Million Dollar Habits, Stellan Moreira reveals seven powerful strategies that can help anyone overcome self-doubt and achieve their goals. He focuses on transforming limiting beliefs, embracing challenges, and developing resilience. Read on to find confidence-building exercises based on Moreira’s strategies.

Leadership Identity: Balancing Authenticity & Adaptation

A female business leader standing next to her reflection, thinking about her leadership identity

What does it mean to evolve as a leader? How can you maintain authenticity while adapting to new leadership challenges? Leadership identity development is a transformative journey that requires both personal growth and professional adaptation. In her book Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader, Herminia Ibarra explores how leaders can successfully navigate this evolution while staying true to their values. Keep reading to embrace your leadership transformation and overcome common obstacles that emerge along the way.