The Will to Change: Book Overview & Takeaways (bell hooks)

A silhouette of a man outside.

How does patriarchal masculinity affect men’s emotional well-being? How can women help support men to heal emotionally? bell hooks’s book, The Will to Change, explores the impact of patriarchal masculinity on men’s lives. The book explains how societal expectations shape men’s emotional experiences and relationships. Read below for a brief The Will to Change book overview.

3 Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself (and Your Body)

a smiling overweight woman smiles in a mirror, illustrating why you should love yourself

Have you ever wondered why you should love yourself? What if embracing yourself fully could change not just your life, but the world? In The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor explores the transformative power of radical self-love. She presents a journey that goes beyond traditional self-esteem, showing how deep self-acceptance can dismantle oppressive systems. Keep reading to discover three reasons why you should love yourself, according to Taylor.

bell hooks on Masculinity: Society’s Toxic Expectations of Men

A silhouette of a man outside thinking about masculinity against a sunset.

How does society’s definition of masculinity affect men’s emotional well-being? What does bell hooks say about masculinity? bell hooks’s groundbreaking work, The Will to Change, explores the complex relationship between masculinity and emotional authenticity. Her insights challenge traditional notions of manhood and offer a more holistic understanding of male identity. Discover more of bell hooks on masculinity, and how she challenges patriarchal norms.

Why Do People Body Shame? Sonya Renee Taylor Explains

A man with a disapproving look directed at an overweight woman raises the question, Why do people body shame?

Have you ever felt ashamed of your body? What if you could break free from those negative feelings? Why do people body shame? In The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor explores the origins of body shaming. She explains how personal experiences and societal pressures shape our self-image—and our expectations of others. Read more to understand the origins of harmful attitudes about our bodies.

Why Emotional Repression in Men Is Such a Big Problem

A stoic man standing in front of a chalkboard with thought bubbles of different emotions, showing emotional repression in men.

How does emotional repression affect men’s relationships? What role does patriarchy play in shaping men’s emotional lives? bell hooks’s book The Will to Change explores the impact of patriarchal norms on men’s emotional well-being. She further examines how societal expectations shape men’s ability to express feelings. Keep reading to discover how emotional repression in men holds them back.

Why Is Body Shaming Bad? 3 Reasons That Might Surprise You

a sad overweight woman looking in a mirror raises the question, Why is body shaming bad?

Have you ever felt ashamed of your body? Why is body shaming bad? In The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor explores the consequences of body shame. She outlines its effects on individuals and society, providing compelling reasons to put a stop to this attitude in ourselves and others. Keep reading to discover three reasons why body shaming is harmful.

Why Men Need Women + How to Help Men Grow Emotionally

A woman holding a man and supporting him, representing why men need women.

Why do men need women in their lives? What role do women play in fostering emotional growth and love in men? Feminist author bell hooks explores these questions in her book The Will to Change. She explores the complex dynamics between men and women, highlighting the importance of women in men’s emotional development. Read on to discover why men need women for emotional support and growth.

How to Cultivate Self-Love: 3 Tips From Sonya Renee Taylor

How to Cultivate Self-Love: 3 Tips From Sonya Renee Taylor

Have you ever felt at odds with your body? What if you could transform that relationship into one of deep self-love and acceptance? In The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor presents several practical techniques for cultivating profound self-love. Her strategies can help you overcome body shame and experience self-kindness. Continue reading to learn how to cultivate self-love and revolutionize your relationship with your body.

Fight Body Discrimination With Tips From Sonya Renee Taylor

a group of people discuss approaches to fighting body discrimination in society

Have you ever felt judged based on your appearance? Do you want to learn how to combat body-based discrimination? In The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor explores strategies to fight biases related to physical identity. She outlines two practical approaches that challenge societal norms and create inclusive spaces. Get ready to transform your perspective and take action against body discrimination.

The Best Non-Fiction MBTI Books for the 12 Personality Types

A bookshelf full of MBTI books and knick-knacks.

Have you ever wondered what books might be perfect for your Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type? Do you need reading recommendations tailored specifically to your unique traits and preferences? For every MBTI personality type, books are waiting to be read. From thought-provoking non-fiction to captivating novels, you’ll find books that resonate with your strengths, interests, and growth areas. Keep reading to discover the MBTI books that await you on your reading journey.