Your Inner Artist: 5 Steps to Tap Into It (Julia Cameron)

A man surrounded by gears as he unleashes his inner artist.

How is artistry a spiritual practice? What, exactly, is art? Is there any untapped creativity inside you? In The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron asserts that your inner artist is your deeper creative self that contains your seemingly crazy ideas, raw emotions, dreams, desires, and so on. This is a conduit for the creative force. The more intimate you are with this self, the more creative and artistically guided you’ll be. Keep reading to learn Cameron’s five-step process for connecting with your inner artist.

Believe in Your Abilities: 3 Ways to Foster a Sense of Positive Belief

A superhero doing a pose and looking in the mirror to believe in her abilities.

What’s your destiny? Are you holding onto things that are holding you back? Are you failing to embrace the things that will move you forward? In The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron argues that belief is a cornerstone in maximizing your creative potential and achieving your artistic destiny. She shares three tips that can help you believe in your abilities and potential: trust the process, embrace and detach, and nourish yourself. Continue reading to get the details of her advice.

How to Gain Self-Discipline With Emotional & Logical Tools

A person running up a hill as they gain self-discipline.

Do you give in to impulsive behavior? Do you know how to gain self-discipline? Peter Hollins, the author of The Science of Self-Discipline, has a variety of internal strategies to improve your discipline in the long run. By becoming more self-disciplined, you’ll be able to endure the distractions life throws at you and steadily progress toward your goals. Let’s look at how to gain self-discipline with these emotional and logical tools.

The Importance of Purpose in Life (+ How to Find Yours)

The Importance of Purpose in Life (+ How to Find Yours)

What’s the importance of purpose in life? How does a purpose maximize human performance? In Peak Performance, Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness argue that purpose is crucial for exceeding our limits. They contend that having a purpose that goes beyond our interests is essential to maximizing performance because such purposes help us overcome our perceived psychological limitations. Let’s look at why everyone should have a purpose they strive to achieve.

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs: 3 Tips From Julia Cameron

A person jumping over a hurdle to overcome limiting beliefs.

Are you your own worst enemy? Do you tend to make excuses for why you’re not pursuing your dreams? In her book The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron shares practical advice on how to overcome limiting beliefs: ground yourself, disprove your belief, and use positive affirmations. Although her book is aimed at artists, her advice on this topic can apply to anyone. Keep reading to get the details on Cameron’s advice.

How to Resist Temptations: Surround Yourself With Discipline

A person resisting temptations by stepping on two burning cigarettes on the ground.

Do you know how to resist temptations? What type of people bring out the best in you? Although it’s important to have a strong foundation for discipline in your mind and behaviors, your environment plays a large role in your success. If you’re constantly surrounded by unhealthy temptations, your discipline will be more likely to waver. Let’s discuss the importance of surrounding yourself with discipline in your environment and relationships.

Julia Cameron: Artist Dates Are a Must for Creatives

A woman standing in an art museum as part of an artist date.

Have you ever taken your inner artist on a date? Does the concept intrigue you? According to Julia Cameron, artist dates are a must for anyone who wants to cultivate their creativity. They provide essential ingredients—including solitude, inspiration, and reflection—that help you unleash your inner artist. Keep reading to learn how weekly artist dates can spark creativity.

The 3 Types of Motivation to Help You Stay Disciplined

A sign that says "MOTIVATION" in a field of plants.

How do motivation and discipline go hand-in-hand? What are the three types of motivation? According to Peter Hollins, if you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve through discipline, it will motivate you to keep your healthy habits on track. By keeping this idea in mind, you’ll also persevere through challenging moments in life. Discover more about how to use the three types of motivation to stay disciplined.

The Artist Mindset: 3 Steps Toward Faith, Positivity, & Abundance

The mindset of an artist illustrated with gears coming out of a man's head with a checkerboard in the background.

Do you feel like you haven’t reached your artistic potential but something’s holding you back? Or, are you afraid that your art is as good as it’s ever going to be? Julia Cameron explains that many people struggle to maximize their creativity and reach their artistic potential because they engage in forms of negativity that block their connection to the creative force. She shares several practical tips to remove these mental blocks. Keep reading for Cameron’s advice on fostering an artist mindset.