A woman crying while looking at her smartphone.

How bad is online hate speech today? Why do online influencers and podcast hosts employ a “zero-tolerance policy?”

Brittany Broski delves into the topic of online hate and bullying in an episode of her podcast The Broski Report. She discusses why a zero-tolerance policy is necessary, and how women interpret aging based on cruel societal demands.

Continue reading for Broski’s enlightening stance on inclusion and acceptance.

The Effects of Offline and Online Hate

Broski is firm with her stance on content that promotes racism, sexism, homophobia, and misogyny, stating a zero-tolerance policy for online hate speech.

While examining the pressures of societal norms on women to remain youthful and the patriarchal-influenced perspective of aging, Brittany confesses her own apprehension of growing old. This fear is directly linked to societal demands for women to preserve their youth. 

However, she encourages her audience to see the beauty of age and life experience. Describing getting older as a gift, she emphasizes that aging encompasses the richness of life experiences.

On Mortality: An Introspective Discussion

The concept of mortality is one that Broski has been intrigued by since she was young. 

This intrigue was recently reignited, stimulated by her interaction with the TikTok age filter. This served as the core of a discussion intertwined with the dialogue on aging and societal norms.

Understanding Prejudice and Hate

Broski, a content creator and influencer, has recently sparked discussions on social media with her zero-tolerance policy towards prejudice. In her online presence, which primarily centers around platforms like TikTok, Brittany firmly stands against content promoting racism, sexism, homophobia, and misogyny. To fully grasp the significance of her stance, it is important to understand the concepts of prejudice and feminism. Prejudice refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes held without sufficient evidence or understanding that often result in unfair treatment or discrimination. Meanwhile, feminism advocates for equal rights and opportunities for all genders while challenging patriarchal systems and structures.

One of the main themes explored by Broski is the pressure on women to remain youthful in a society influenced by patriarchal norms. She delves into the challenges faced by women regarding aging and questions societal expectations surrounding youthfulness. By embracing age and life experience rather than conforming to narrow beauty standards dictated by societal norms, Broski encourages personal growth and self-acceptance. Additionally, she engages in introspective discussions about mortality—recognizing its significance in human life—and how it prompts self-reflection.

While no specific historical context or recent events are mentioned in the article about Broski’s views on prejudice and aging norms, there are several related topics worth exploring further. Content moderation on social media platforms can be compared to Broski’s zero-tolerance policy as both aim to address prejudiced content effectively. 

Online Hate Speech: Why We Need Zero-Tolerance Policies

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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