Weights on shelves and the floor at the gym, disputing common fitness myths.

What are the most common fitness myths? Do carbohydrates always turn into body fat?

On 2 Bears, 1 Cave, Layne Norton candidly unpacks various fitness and health-related topics with Tom Segura. He busts misconceptions about fitness and health, offering the truth that you may not know about.

Continue reading if you want the hard facts to help you on your health and fitness journey.

Busting Common Fitness Myths

Norton critically addresses the common fitness myth that fitness trackers are always reliable. These devices often greatly overestimate the actual calories burned, which could mislead users about their energy expenditure. 

Segura corroborates this view with his personal experiences, recounting notable calorie count discrepancies on various fitness machines, illustrating the challenge of accurately tracking one’s caloric burn with technology. 

Additionally, Norton points out that while many resist the idea of tracking food intake, they find the tracking process manageable once they start. It enables them to enjoy their favorite foods within their caloric limits.

Facts and Fictions of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

In discussing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with Segura, Norton dispels myths and underscores the significance of a comprehensive view on the topic. 

He emphasizes the importance of maintaining testosterone levels as one ages and explains that the aim of TRT is not solely to increase muscle mass but to enhance a person’s overall well-being. 

With proper management, TRT can be a beneficial tool against the symptoms of low testosterone levels.

Sleep Quality, Artificial Sweeteners, and Diet Insights

Norton stresses the importance of quality sleep for daily function and overall well-being, recognizing that good sleeping habits can buffer against the impact of occasional rest disturbances. He and Segura agree on the critical link between being active and achieving restful sleep.

Additionally, Norton debunks myths about carbohydrates, explaining that they rarely turn into body fat. Instead, carbohydrates are metabolized for immediate energy or stored as glycogen.

Moreover, he discusses how in a ketogenic state, while fat is heavily utilized for energy, its storage is also proportionate, rebutting the idea that carbohydrates have a direct and significant contribution to fat storage.


Understanding the complexities of metabolism and its impact on weight loss is crucial for individuals seeking to improve their health and fitness. Metabolism refers to the chemical processes that occur within our bodies to convert food into energy. It plays a vital role in determining how efficiently we burn calories and manage our weight. However, it is important to note that metabolism is influenced by various factors, including genetics, age, body composition, and hormone levels. This means that different individuals may have different metabolic rates, making it essential to find personalized weight loss strategies that work best for each person.

One common tool used in fitness tracking is calorie burn measurement devices. While these devices can provide estimates of calorie expenditure during exercise or daily activities, they often have limitations and inaccuracies. Factors such as individual variations in metabolism and non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) can significantly affect actual calorie burn. Therefore, relying solely on these trackers may not provide an accurate representation of one’s energy expenditure or progress toward weight loss goals.

Another topic worth exploring is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Testosterone is a hormone primarily associated with male characteristics but also present in females at lower levels. TRT involves medical treatment to increase testosterone levels in individuals with low testosterone. While TRT can be beneficial for those with diagnosed deficiencies or medical conditions affecting hormone balance, there are misconceptions surrounding its use as a performance-enhancing drug or a shortcut for achieving fitness goals without proper lifestyle changes.

Quality sleep plays a vital role in overall well-being beyond just feeling rested. Sleep deprivation has been linked to various health issues such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and impaired cognitive function. Establishing good sleep hygiene practices like maintaining consistent sleep schedules and creating a conducive sleep environment can contribute significantly to better physical and mental health outcomes.

Lastly debunking myths about carbohydrates’ role in fat storage is essential when considering diet choices for weight management purposes. Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients along with proteins and fats. They are an important source of energy for the body.

Debunking Common Fitness Myths: Carbs, Trackers, & More

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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