Importance of Business Administration for Your Platform

A conference meeting of empty chairs with a chart, showing the importance of business administration.

What’s the importance of business administration? How can a strategic platform administration help your company? A strategic platform administration system can help you maintain control of your platform’s quality as it grows. To keep users happy, your administration must be straightforward, clear, judicious, and fair.  Learn more about why a business administration is important.

What’s Causing the Nurse Shortage in the US?

An exhausted nurse in a hospital depicting the nurse shortage in the us

Why is there a nurse shortage in the US? How can hospitals and the government address it? The US nurse shortage is predicted to reach up to 5.7 million by 2030. It’s caused not by a lack of registered nurses, but by high turnover. Causes of the shortage include COVID-19-induced departures, burnout, a dearth of nursing educators, and more. Continue reading to learn about the factors causing the nursing shortage.

How to Get Out of a Slump: 5 Ways to Kickstart Progress

A worried man holding his hands to his face, wondering how to get out of a slump

Are you stuck in a rut? What are Adam Alter’s recommendations for pushing through the barriers of life? As anyone who feels like they’ve hit a wall knows, the hard part is picking yourself up and pushing on. Alter says that, when you feel like progress has ground to a halt, there are a variety of ways to kickstart it again. Check out how to get out of a slump with Alter’s recommendations.

Why You Shouldn’t Look for Negotiation Compromises

Two men who know how to please everyone, shaking hands with each other outside.

Do you want everyone to win in a negotiation? Should compromises be allowed in a negotiation? Herb Cohen states that the first step in a win-win negotiation is to establish a common goal: Announce to the person you’re negotiating with that you want to find a solution that satisfies everyone’s desires. This way, once you get into negotiation, both parties will actively search for win-win solutions. Continue reading to learn why negotiation compromises fall short.

How to Build an Effective Team: 3 Steps From Scaling People

A leader in front of his workers in a building, demonstrating how to build an effective team.

Do you know how to build an effective team? Is your current team failing to work cohesively? Claire Hughes Johnson recognizes that the work isn’t finished after you’ve hired the best candidates to round out your team. On the contrary, you must take active steps to integrate these new employees successfully into the team. Let’s examine three steps that Hughes Johnson recommends for building and sustaining effective teams.

How to Write Employee Reviews: The 3 Parts of an Evaluation

A female manager who knows how to write employee reviews, writing on a clipboard while evaluating a male employee.

Is it time for you to evaluate employees? What are the three parts of an employee review? Claire Hughes Johnson points out that managers should implement formal reviews that occur on a consistent basis. Such reviews have three parts: gathering feedback from various sources, adjusting that feedback to account for irregularities, and determining any changes to compensation. Discover how to write employee reviews that are thorough and helpful.

What Is a Business Operating System? A Company’s Outline

Several workers sitting at a table for a meeting on the business' operating system.

What is a business operating system? How does accountability improve a company? Claire Hughes Johnson notes that your operating system—the set of underlying norms that outline how your company functions—allows your company to function effectively. She discusses three subsystems that are essential to your operating system: constructing strategy, ensuring accountability, and fostering communication. Here’s more on the three subsystems of a business operating system.

How to Mentor Employees: 2 Approaches for Great Advisors

A man who knows how to mentor people, sitting in front of there people at a table.

Do you know how to mentor employees? What is inquisitive coaching? Claire Hughes Johnson recognizes that management’s work doesn’t end with the formation of a thriving team. On the contrary, she holds that managers should continue to develop the skills of their employees through active instruction. Let’s discuss Hughes Johnson’s informal approach to mentoring employees.