The 20-Hour Rule: Josh Kaufman’s 7 Tips for Practicing a Skill

The 20-Hour Rule: Josh Kaufman’s 7 Tips for Practicing a Skill

When practicing, which is more important—quality or quantity? When should you sleep in relation to your practice time? How much practice should you fit into one day? In The First 20 Hours, skill acquisition expert Josh Kaufman outlines a step-by-step process for mastering the basics of any new skill with only 20 hours of practice. He provides several tips designed to help you get the most out of those 20 hours. Keep reading to get Kaufman’s advice on leveraging the 20-hour rule of skill acquisition.

Hustle Culture Is Toxic: Here’s Why (+ the Solution)

Hustle Culture Is Toxic: Here’s Why (+ the Solution)

Why is hustle culture toxic? Is organizational growth always a good thing for business? In today’s “hustle culture,” many workers end up ruining their lives in their attempts to get ahead in their careers. They sacrifice the time and energy they should be spending on their lives outside of work. Keep reading to learn how organizations appeal to hustle culture and one solution for solving it.

How to Learn a Skill Fast: A 5-Step Accelerated Process

The 25 Cognitive Biases: Use-It-or-Lose-It Tendency

Do you need to pick up a new skill, like, yesterday? What’s the most efficient way to use your time and other resources? While there’s no way to skip straight to the last stage of the skill acquisition process, you can speed up the process. You can do this by researching the skill enough to practice intelligently, breaking the skill down into its essential components, and then putting in 20 hours of focused practice time. Read on to get practical advice from skill acquisition expert Josh Kaufman on how to learn a skill fast.

Imposter Syndrome at Work: What Is It & Can You Defeat It?

Imposter Syndrome at Work: What Is It & Can You Defeat It?

What’s imposter syndrome? How does imposter syndrome prevent you from performing your best? Imposter syndrome is a mindset that makes people believe their success is undeserved, no matter how hard they worked for it. This phenomenon can cause episodes of self-doubt, shame, negative thoughts, and psychological distress. Let’s dive into the effects of imposter syndrome at work, and how you can defeat it.

How to Build Professional Relationships per Jewish Beliefs

How to Build Professional Relationships per Jewish Beliefs

Why are professional relationships important? How do you build connections to improve business? In Thou Shall Prosper, Daniel Lapin advises recognizing that other people can be invaluable resources in your business pursuits. He notes that traditional Jewish beliefs can help you develop successful business relationships. Let’s look at how to build professional relationships, according to Lapin.

How Over-Accommodation Hurts Women’s Careers

How Over-Accommodation Hurts Women’s Careers

Why do women over-accommodate? What are the solutions to over-accommodation? In How Women Rise, Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith explain that women’s desire to constantly please others often causes them to be over-accommodating. They may downplay their emotions in an attempt to seem “professional” and not overwhelm men, but this causes them to lack authenticity. Continue reading to learn more about over-accommodation in women.

Female Networking: Why and How Women Should Do It

Female Networking: Why and How Women Should Do It

What are the benefits of female networking? How can women build a business network? How Women Rise by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith explains that women tend to excel at building social networks but may struggle to make effective use of them. This is because using contacts to advance their careers and asking others for help makes women feel manipulative and selfish. Continue reading to learn why women need to take advantage of networking, and how they can make connections.