10 Signs He Is Not a Nice Guy (Even if He Says He Is)

10 Signs He Is Not a Nice Guy (Even if He Says He Is)

What are the signs he is not actually a nice guy, even if he thinks and says that he is? How can you spot this deceptive nice guy? In his book No More Mr. Nice Guy, Robert Glover explains the frustrating—and often manipulative—Nice Guy mindset. According to Glover, a not-so-nice-guy is someone who might claim to be nice, but in reality, they are fueled by fear, insecurity, and external validation. He lists the key signs that he is actually not a nice guy like he says he is. Below are the ten tell-tale signs he is not a nice guy.

Positive Masculinity: What It Is & How to Tap Into It

Positive Masculinity: What It Is & How to Tap Into It

What is positive masculinity? How can you embody positive masculine traits? Dr. Robert Glover argues that due to parental relationships and some major societal shifts in the 20th century, some men grew up believing masculinity was inherently bad—but tapping into positive masculinity can lead to improved confidence and self-sufficiency. Here’s what Glover has to say about positive masculinity.

The Happiness Advantage: Quotes to Brighten Your Day

The Happiness Advantage: Quotes to Brighten Your Day

What are the best quotes from The Happiness Advantage? How can you reap the benefits of being happy and positive? In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor shows how being happy and positive has some powerful benefits. Understanding the key quotes from The Happiness Advantage will help you apply his lessons to your own life, promoting improved physical and mental health. Here are the best quotes from The Happiness Advantage.

The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor: Overview

The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor: Overview

What can you learn from The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor? What are the key points? Most people think that happiness comes after success, and that success comes after hard work. But we’ve had the equation all wrong: Happiness isn’t the result of success—it’s the cause of it. In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor introduces his formula for success, based on research in neuroscience and the relatively new field of positive psychology. Keep reading for an overview of The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor.

10 Powerful Daily Affirmations for Men

Don't Wait to be Happy — Use Love to Get Happiness

What are some examples of daily affirmations for men? Do positive affirmations actually work? When used correctly, positive affirmations have been shown to boost your motivation and self-confidence. But sometimes it’s difficult to know what to tell yourself, which is where our list of daily affirmations for men can help. Keep reading for ten powerful daily affirmations for men.

Happiness in Positive Psychology: What We Can Learn

Happiness in Positive Psychology: What We Can Learn

What is said about happiness in positive psychology? What can we learn from studying the science of happiness? The field of psychology has historically been uninterested in studying happiness. Instead, it’s focused on unhappiness and mental health challenges. The relatively new field of positive psychology inverts the lens: Instead of focusing on why unhappy people are suffering, positive psychology asks why happy people are thriving. Keep reading for more about happiness in positive psychology.

How to Stop Being a Nice Guy: The Ultimate Guide

How to Stop Being a Nice Guy: The Ultimate Guide

Do you want to know how to stop being a Nice Guy? What effective tips can help you overcome Nice Guy Syndrome? In the face of struggle, dissatisfied men use the tactic they know best: Be nice. However, according to Dr. Robert Glover, “being nice” rarely yields the desired outcome, and Nice Guys’ insecurities frequently emerge as passive-aggressive or dishonest behavior. In No More Mr. Nice Guy, he offers a step-by-step plan that tells you how to stop being a Nice Guy in your personal life, career, and relationships. Find out how to stop being a Nice Guy below.

Neuroplasticity of the Brain: How to Be Happy

The 25 Cognitive Biases: Cognitive Inertia

What is the neuroplasticity of the brain? How can understanding this concept help you become happier? In recent history, scientists have discovered the neuroplasticity of the brain. This is the idea that our brains change and grow throughout our lives. In The Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor shows that we can use this concept to become happier and more positive. Here’s more about the neuroplasticity of the brain and how it relates to happiness.