Sign that says end racism being held up at a protest

Is systemic racism real? What’s the conservative perspective?

Systemic racism is real according to some, but not according to others. For example, on an episode of the PBD Podcast, conservative media figure Larry Elder argued that it is not real, and that, in fact, the belief in systemic racism harms minorities.

Take a look at what Elder argues about racism.

Larry Elder’s Perspective on Systemic Racism Narratives

Larry Elder, a well-known conservative political commentator and talk radio host, has been gaining attention in the political realm for his vocal opinions on a range of issues. Raised in Los Angeles, Elder has established himself as a conservative advocate, focusing on topics such as systemic racism and traditional family values. So, is systemic racism real? Let’s take a look at what Larry Elder has to say.

Systemic racism refers to the policies, practices, and structures within society that perpetuate racial inequality and discrimination, a controversial topic with differing perspectives.

In interviews and on the PBD Podcast, Elder has delved into the discussions surrounding systemic racism. He touched upon the Ferguson Effect and increased violence following the George Floyd protests, expressing frustration with the selective media coverage and advocating for a broader dialogue on the role of present fathers in addressing crime rates in Black communities.

Elder challenges narratives about systemic racism and instead emphasizes the significance of family dynamics and societal values. He raises concerns about fatherlessness — the absence or limited involvement of fathers in their children’s lives — and its potential impacts on child development.

Larry Elder suggests that believing that systemic racism is real may lead to decreased personal accountability and increased defeatism within minority communities. He shared a personal anecdote from a civil service exam where some people of color who were candidates believed they would not succeed due to systemic bias. Elder, along with several other Black individuals, defied this perception by passing the test.

Critiques of Larry Elder

Several assertions made by Larry Elder have been subject to scrutiny and counterarguments. While anecdotal evidence can be influential in debates about systemic racism as exemplified by Elder, it is equally important to ensure that arguments are supported by empirical evidence and address the structural factors contributing to systemic issues.
The existence of systemic racism has been well-researched and supported by studies such as this paper from the journal Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, available for reading through the National Library of Medicine.
Is Systemic Racism Real? Understanding Conservative Perspectives

Becca King

Becca’s love for reading began with mysteries and historical fiction, and it grew into a love for nonfiction history and more. Becca studied journalism as a graduate student at Ohio University while getting their feet wet writing at local newspapers, and now enjoys blogging about all things nonfiction, from science to history to practical advice for daily living.

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