a smiling cheerleader holding pom-poms illustrating how to maintain motivation long-term as discussed by Andrew Huberman

When have you felt truly motivated? How do you renew your motivation when it starts to wane?

According to Andrew Huberman, motivation can be sustained over time if you reward yourself in moderation. This helps you increasingly build the capacity to push through future challenges. He shared his advice for long-term motivation on an episode of the Huberman Lab podcast.

Keep reading to learn how to maintain motivation for the long haul.

How to Maintain Motivation

According to Andrew Huberman, motivation over the long haul requires self-reward. He shared his advice on how to maintain motivation in the context of a recent study. The research showed that the sense of relief you feel after experiencing stress can provide you with a rewarding feeling. In turn, this feeling reinforces long-term motivation, helping you persevere into the future. In other words, rewarding yourself after enduring stress might bolster your ability to push through similar challenges the next time they come along.


Sustaining motivation over the long haul is tricky, but balancing challenge and reward is key. To maintain drive and grit, we must grasp how strategic self-care fuels us for the journey ahead. Rooted in psychological and neuroscience research, this concept spotlights the link between conquering hurdles and personal advancement.

Let’s get some clarity on the concepts that are involved in this discussion of long-term motivation. Motivation provides the impetus for our actions. Challenges are obstacles faced along the way. Rewards are the positive results from our efforts. Burnout stems from prolonged stress.

The core themes here spotlight the importance of balancing challenge with caution and care for long-term motivation. Self-reward offers intrinsic satisfaction for accomplishments that powers us through new trials. Overcoming challenges drives growth and reinforces grit to keep striving. Staying active and curious also keeps our minds vital for years to come.

In the future, further research could uncover ideal strategies for sustaining long-term motivation via the right ratio of challenge to rest. Advances in neuroscience and psychology might reveal new ways to avoid burnout while optimizing motivation across goals.

More Perspectives

In weighing the merits of balancing challenges with rewards, we should note that one size likely doesn’t fit all when it comes to motives and incentives. While some people are powered by external rewards, others find deeper purpose or satisfaction more compelling reasons to keep stretching. So, the notion that we must always counter challenges with prizes may not universally hold true.

Also, the idea that self-treating after stress enhances long-term motivation warrants unpacking. While self-reward can offer some relief and reinforcement, its longer-term effects likely depend on personal factors and the nature of the taxing situation.

In short, while balancing challenges with incentives can absolutely help spur us ahead, we have to remember that motivation is complex and multidimensional. Taking a responsive approach that embraces diverse needs and recognizes the many paths for fulfillment promises to provide a more complete view of how we can sustain passion and purpose over the long haul.

How to Maintain Motivation: Insights From Andrew Huberman

Elizabeth Whitworth

Elizabeth has a lifelong love of books. She devours nonfiction, especially in the areas of history, theology, and philosophy. A switch to audiobooks has kindled her enjoyment of well-narrated fiction, particularly Victorian and early 20th-century works. She appreciates idea-driven books—and a classic murder mystery now and then. Elizabeth has a blog and is writing a book about the beginning and the end of suffering.

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