A smiling man holding a prescription pill.

What’s the Ozempic weight loss trend? What was Ozempic originally prescribed for?

On The Daily podcast, Michael Barbaro interviews Dani Blum on the surprising trajectory of Ozempic. The drug is a diabetes medication that people have found a secondary use in weight loss.

Discover more about the current trend involving using Ozempic to lose weight.

The Unexpected Rise of Ozempic

Originally designed to manage diabetes, Ozempic and similar drugs are part of a group known as GLP-1s, which not only impact insulin regulation but have led to the unexpected side effect of weight loss due to their influence on satiation and hunger control. This discovery has led to their off-label usage for body weight control, which has caused a current Ozempic weight loss trend frequently seen on social media platforms such as TikTok.

Ozempic’s Side Effects and Weight Management Capabilities

GLP-1s, such as Ozempic, promote a sensation of satiety and interact with brain regions responsible for hunger control, contributing to their efficacy in weight loss. 

Renata Lavach-Savy’s treatment, however, led to immediate severe side effects, including extreme nausea and such a reduced appetite that she had to remind herself to eat. 

There is also a concern regarding the uncertain long-term impacts and the possibility of weight regain after ceasing the treatment, as these drugs are often used off-label, incurring high costs not covered by insurance.

Social Media and Public Figures: Catalysts for Drug Popularity

Public interest in Wegovy, which has a higher dose of the active ingredient semaglutide than Ozempic, caused increased demand for Ozempic, particularly during shortages. 

Social media and influential endorsements, notably Elon Musk’s promotion of Wegovy on Twitter, have played a pivotal role in thrusting these medications to the forefront of the weight loss conversation.


In recent years, there has been growing interest in the unexpected weight loss effects of certain diabetes medications known as GLP-1s (glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists). These drugs, originally developed to manage diabetes, have shown promising results in helping individuals shed pounds. This podcast delves into the phenomenon of off-label usage, which refers to using a medication for a purpose other than its approved indication. It explores how GLP-1s have gained popularity as weight loss aids and examines the influence of social media platforms and influential figures in driving public interest and demand for these medications.

To understand this topic fully, it is important to grasp some background knowledge. Diabetes medications play a crucial role in managing blood sugar levels, but they can also have unexpected benefits beyond glycemic control. GLP-1s are a group of drugs that regulate insulin and have been found to impact weight loss by affecting satiation (the feeling of fullness) and hunger control. However, using these medications off-label for weight loss raises concerns about long-term impacts and uncertainties regarding potential risks such as weight regain or unknown long-term effects.

Recent events have further fueled the discussion around GLP-1s for weight loss. Shortages of Wegovy, a medication similar to Ozempic but with a higher dose of semaglutide (the active ingredient), led to increased demand for Ozempic during that period. Additionally, influential figures like Elon Musk endorsing Wegovy on social media platforms like Twitter contributed significantly to the popularity surrounding GLP-1 medications for weight loss.

Looking ahead, there are several avenues worth exploring within this field. Further investigation into other medications or drug classes that may have unexpected weight loss effects could provide additional treatment options. Conducting long-term studies is essential to assess the safety and efficacy of using GLP-1 medications specifically for weight loss purposes. Moreover, combining these medications with other interventions such as diet and exercise may yield even more significant benefits.

While there is excitement surrounding these findings, ethical considerations arise when using medications off-label for weight loss purposes. The responsibility lies with healthcare providers who prescribe them while considering potential risks versus benefits carefully. Hearing firsthand accounts from individuals who have used GLP-1s for weight loss could provide valuable insights into their experiences and outcomes.

The economic implications could not be overlooked either; insurance coverage plays an essential role in determining access to these off-label treatments. There are also potential financial burdens on patients face when seeking alternative options. 

Why the Ozempic Weight Loss Trend Has Gained Traction

Katie Doll

Somehow, Katie was able to pull off her childhood dream of creating a career around books after graduating with a degree in English and a concentration in Creative Writing. Her preferred genre of books has changed drastically over the years, from fantasy/dystopian young-adult to moving novels and non-fiction books on the human experience. Katie especially enjoys reading and writing about all things television, good and bad.

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