What Is Verbal Judo? Communication Inspired by a Martial Art

Cartoon drawing of a man and woman engaged in a conversation, illustrating what Verbal Judo is

What is Verbal Judo? Why should you practice it? George Thompson contends that, by using a form of “tactical communication” inspired by the Japanese martial art of judo, you can resolve stressful confrontations without losing your cool. Verbal Judo involves directing the other person’s energy toward a solution that makes everyone feel understood. Read more to learn what Verbal Judo is and how it can improve your communication and relationships.

You Can Negotiate Anything by Herb Cohen: Book Overview

A young woman with her hand to her chin holding a book outside.

Is it possible for both sides to win in a negotiation? How can you discover your opponent’s ceiling? Can you make a negotiation pleasant? In You Can Negotiate Anything, Herb Cohen teaches you how to conduct the most productive kind of negotiation possible: one where both sides win. You’ll also learn how to win at competitive negotiation and the secrets to a favorable deal. Read below for a brief overview of You Can Negotiate Anything.

Herb Cohen’s 3 Tips for a Successful Win-Win Negotiation

Two men shaking hands outside with the sun behind them in a win-win negotiation.

What’s a win-win negotiation? What are situations where a win-win negotiation is necessary? Many people think of negotiation as a ruthless showdown between competitors, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Herb Cohen asserts that the most productive negotiations are win-win, in which two parties find a solution that’s better than what either would have come up with had they stated a list of demands. Keep reading to learn how to get a win-win negotiation that pleases everyone.

Why You Shouldn’t Look for Negotiation Compromises

Two men who know how to please everyone, shaking hands with each other outside.

Do you want everyone to win in a negotiation? Should compromises be allowed in a negotiation? Herb Cohen states that the first step in a win-win negotiation is to establish a common goal: Announce to the person you’re negotiating with that you want to find a solution that satisfies everyone’s desires. This way, once you get into negotiation, both parties will actively search for win-win solutions. Continue reading to learn why negotiation compromises fall short.

How to Win a Negotiation: 5 Tips for a Win-Lose Deal

Two people trying to win a negotiation, shaking hands by a cityscape.

Do you know how to win a negotiation? Does your negotiation partner want to be the only winner? Herb Cohen contends that sometimes, it won’t be possible to craft a win-win negotiation. When you suspect someone wants to be the only one who wins, it’s time for you to step up and take the win yourself. Let’s look at five tips that’ll help you win a negotiation.

How to Show Confidence in Negotiations You Want to Win

Two business people who are confident in negotiations shake hands.

Do you want to have confidence in negotiations? How should you change your body language to appear more confident? Herb Cohen says that the person who has more power in a given negotiation always wins. Power, however, is situational: If someone needs you to accomplish a specific goal, you have power over them in that situation. Take a look at how confidence goes a long way to convince the other party to step down.

How to Get Information Out of Someone in a Negotiation

A man cupping his ear to listen and get information out of someone.

Do you need information that someone isn’t willing to give up? What happens in a negotiation when someone shares information? Herb Cohen says that in a win-lose negotiation, each party has a negotiation ceiling: the maximum amount they’re willing to sacrifice in exchange for what they want. The goal is to discover the other party’s true ceiling while hiding your true ceiling so they can’t do the same to you. Discover how to get information out of someone while staying an enigma.

How to Manipulate the Other Party’s Emotions in Negotiations

A man cupping his ear and listening to people while maintaining emotions in negotiations.

What role do emotions play in negotiations? What forms of emotional manipulation can you use while negotiating? Herb Cohen notes that negotiators in the win-lose mindset can profit from emotional manipulation. That is, you do anything you can to evoke a specific emotional reaction from the other party that will help you get your way. Here’s how to handle the other party’s emotions in negotiations so you can win.

How to Improve Intimacy in a Relationship in Six Steps

A couple on a beach comforting each other as they learn how to improve intimacy in a relationship.

When learning how to improve intimacy in a relationship, what should you focus on? How do you build a deeper connection with your partner? To improve intimacy in a relationship, you need to attune to your partner’s feelings, connect physically and emotionally, and invest in each other’s dreams. Staying curious about your partner and continuing to date years into a relationship can also improve your connection.  Keep reading to learn more about building closeness.

How to Deal With Conflict in a Marriage: 2 Tips for Resolution

A couple struggling with understanding how to deal with conflict in a marriage as they're arguing and looking angry at each other

Do you know how to deal with conflict in a marriage? What should you do when you disagree with your spouse or have hurt feelings? To deal with conflict in a marriage healthily, you need to focus on regulating your own emotions and self-soothing so that you can react in a constructive way with your spouse. It’s also important that you listen to your partner, especially before offering advice and solutions. Here’s what you can do to handle disagreements in a healthy way.