How to Talk to Strangers: 3 Important Things to Keep in Mind

How to Talk to Strangers: 3 Important Things to Keep in Mind

In our modern, seemingly borderless world, we have no choice but to interact with strangers. Yet we, as a society, are incompetent at making sense of the strangers we come across. So what should we do? Can we learn how to talk to strangers? We’ll discuss the three problems that cause us to have failed interactions with strangers and discuss how to talk to strangers in ways that are more successful. From Malcolm Gladwell’s Talking to Strangers.

Holy Fool: Who He Is + the Dangers of Knowing the Truth

Holy Fool: Who He Is + the Dangers of Knowing the Truth

Being able to detect lies seems like an unequivocal good. The Russian archetype of the Holy Fool demonstrates the benefits of being able to see the truth of a situation. Who is the Holy Fool? The Holy Fool is typically an eccentric character, sometimes even a crazy one, who has access to truths that other characters don’t have access to. The Holy Fool can be seen particularly in Russian stories and those by Hans Christian Anderson, such as “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” In modern times, the “Holy Fool” in society is often a whistleblower. We’ll cover the attributes of the

Celery Test: The Simple Tool for Making Better Decisions

Celery Test: The Simple Tool for Making Better Decisions

What is the celery test? How can it help you make better decisions, in life and in business? The celery test is a tool to help you make better decisions by understanding the purpose behind the decision. The celery test was made popular by Simon Sinek in his book Start with Why. We’ll cover the celery test analogy and how to use it to make good decisions. Then we’ll look at an example of how the celery test is used in making business decisions.

Do Facial Expressions in Different Cultures Mean the Same Thing?

Do Facial Expressions in Different Cultures Mean the Same Thing?

Do people make the same facial expressions in different cultures? More importantly, do they mean the same thing? We’ll cover one study that indicates that facial expressions in different cultures do not indicate the same feelings. Learn why you can never make assumptions about how people feel based on their faces, especially people from different cultural backgrounds.

#1 Leadership Weakness: A Fixed Mindset Ruins Your Company

#1 Leadership Weakness: A Fixed Mindset Ruins Your Company

What are some of the biggest leadership weaknesses? How can you avoid them to more effectively manage your company and increase its success? Leadership weaknesses range from being egotistical to being in denial, and almost all of the most common ones have to do with having a fixed mindset. Learn why even the biggest names in business fail when they demonstrate these leadership weaknesses.

Harry Markopolos: The Madoff Whistleblower that No One Heard

Harry Markopolos: The Madoff Whistleblower that No One Heard

Who is Harry Markopolos? How was he able to discover Bernie Madoff’s crimes before everyone else? And why did it take so long for everyone else to realize them? Harry Markopolos is a financial expert who’s deeply skeptical of large organizations, and of people in general. He discovered Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. He has a very low threshold for doubt. Consequently, his trigger point is extremely sensitive. We’ll cover how Harry Markopolos knew something was wrong with Madoff’s trading strategies and why Markopolos failed to get anyone’s attention.