The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales

Recommended by Uta Frith, and 1 others. See all reviews

Ranked #1 in Folklore, Ranked #5 in Fairy Talesee more rankings.

Once upon a time, two brothers wished to preserve their German folklore in a collection of tales that they believed had been handed down for generations. When they began in 1812 they had just 86 stories that rather harshly reflected the difficult life of European peasantry. Subsequent editions would grow to hold over 200 tales. As time passed, the Brothers Grimm found that their collection of fairy tales, with all of its royalty, magical creatures, and brave adventures, entranced those who read them. This compilation of fairy tales which includes the complete canon of over 200 tales has... more

Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales from the world's leading experts.

Uta Frith I think of this as a story about our genetic endowment at birth. We are all dealt out gifts of good genes and also some not so good ones. (Source)

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