Team Topologies

Evolving Organization Design for Business and Technology

Recommended by Gene Kim, and 1 others. See all reviews

Ranked #1 in Topology, Ranked #34 in Devopssee more rankings.

Successful teams are fundamental to create successful outcomes for any business, across all industries, to include building and running modern software systems, and successful organizations take care in designing and evolving their team structures. In TEAM TOPOLOGIES DevOps consultants Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais share secrets of successful team patterns and interactions to help readers choose and evolve the right team patterns for their organization, making sure to keep the software healthy and optimize value streams. TEAM TOPOLOGIES will help readers discover: Team patterns used by... more

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Gene Kim @notoriousMVK @CloudBees Congrats to @matthewpskelton and @manupaisable for their amazing book, “Team Topologies,” which they’ll be signing this week, too! (Source)

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