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The Analects by Confucius.
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Confucius is one of the most famous philosophers in history, but what did he actually say? The Analects is a collection of Confucius’s teachings compiled into twenty chapters by his most devoted students, and it’s one of the foundational books of Confucianism. In it, you’ll find lessons about how to be a good learner, person, and leader.

Confucius lived from 551 to 479 BC, during the Chinese Zhou dynasty. He was a renowned teacher and government advisor. His teachings formed the basis of Confucianism, one of the most prominent philosophies in China and one that’s still widely studied today. We’ve based this guide on the 2014 Penguin Classics edition...

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The Analects Summary Learning From Traditions

Confucius believed that the best way to learn about the world was to study the past, meaning both history and religion. In particular, he admired the early years of the Zhou dynasty (established in 1046 BC), and he strove to bring back the values and practices of that time.

Confucius says several times throughout The Analects that he wrote nothing and discovered nothing. His teachings all come from classic works of the early Zhou dynasty, and the books he’s credited with writing are compilations of traditional beliefs and practices. In other words, Confucius doesn’t think he deserves credit for discovering or coming up with any new ideas—only for repopularizing old ideas.

(Shortform note: Although Confucius says he doesn’t want credit for his teachings, he’s arguably been given it—Confucianism has endured for thousands of years. His philosophy was so influential that texts on Confucianism were [required reading for the Chinese civil service...

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The Analects Summary How to Be a Good Learner

Although Confucius urged people to live according to traditional beliefs and practices, he also highly valued learning new things. The Analects contains several passages in which Confucius says there’s sometimes good reason to deviate from tradition because of new knowledge. We’ll begin this section by covering his insights on how to learn new ideas, and then we’ll explore his advice on learning from others.

Observe and Keep an Open Mind

According to Confucius, the best way to learn is to always be receptive to new information. In other words, no matter what you’re doing, pay close attention and look for things to learn. For example, instead of robotically doing your job in the same way every day, listen to your coworkers talking—they might say something you didn’t know about your job or mention a trick you could implement to improve your workflow.

However, Confucius cautions against studying everything you encounter. Instead, look specifically for knowledge that will benefit you. For example, there’s no reason for a diplomat to spend time learning plumbing skills when he could be studying a foreign culture or learning a new language—knowledge that could...

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The Analects Summary How to Be a Good Person

Confucius generally encourages students to think and learn for themselves, but he offers more direct advice about morality. He says that a single word can guide everything you do: the Chinese word shu, which means don’t do to others what you wouldn't want to be done to you.

(Shortform note: Shu seems to be a fairly straightforward concept, but there’s debate about how to translate the word itself. Some scholars say that it means self-reflection—you imagine yourself in others’ positions, “reflecting” yourself onto them and thereby developing empathy. Others translate it as...

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The Analects Summary How to Be a Good Leader

Confucius says that the main goal of his lessons is to turn you into an effective leader. A good leader must be learned and moral, which we’ve covered in the previous sections. They must also realize their own potential and help others realize theirs. Confucius’s lessons about how to do this boil down to using your resources wisely. Time and people are two of a leader’s most important (and most limited) resources. Getting the most out of those two resources is the hallmark of an effective leader.

Get the Most From Your Time

Confucius offers advice for how to use time wisely in both the short and long term to maximize productivity.

In the short term, focus on your own duties each day; don’t interfere with others’ tasks except to correct their mistakes. Also, help other people spend their time wisely by being realistic about what they can accomplish in a day. If you assign them new duties, make sure you’re taking away other duties instead of just piling on more tasks and assuming they’ll all get done.

(Shortform note: A common mistake leaders and managers make is assuming that people—including themselves—will be busy and productive the entire time they’re...

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Shortform Exercise: Reflect on Confucianism

Take some time to think about what you’ve read and consider how Confucianism might help you to improve yourself or your life.

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