Podcasts > The Ramsey Show

The Ramsey Show • Lampo Licensing, LLC.

The Ramsey Show believes you can build wealth and take control of your life—no matter what stupid mistakes you've made with money. Join as Dave Ramsey and his team of experts answer your questions on the top problems holding you back. Listen now or ask your question live by calling 888.825.5225 weekdays from 2–5 p.m. ET. Learn more at www.ramseysolutions.com

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The Ramsey Show • Lampo Licensing, LLC.


  • Doing This Will Make You A Net Worth Millionaire

    Dive into the realm of personal finance management with Ken Coleman and George Kamel on "The Ramsey Show," as they discuss key strategies for achieving financial independence and building a meaningful net worth. In this episode, listeners are guided through the essential practice of budgeting and the tough discipline required to reduce and eventually eliminate debt. Ken and George explore the intricacies of navigating credit card debts and loans, emphasizing the importance of prioritization and the commitment to cutting superfluous spending.

    Alongside vital debt reduction tips, the episode also ventures into the fiscal challenges that couples face while planning for their big day. With a rational approach towards budgeting for a wedding, the speakers and callers engage in conversations about balancing grand expectations with financial realities. They offer insights on cooperative decision-making between partners to set realistic financial boundaries, aiming to avoid post-celebration monetary regrets and to lay a solid financial foundation for the newlyweds' future together.

    Mar 8, 2024

  • Your Financial Situation Is Not Hopeless

    Dive into the complexities of personal finance with Rachel Cruze and Jade Warshaw in "The Ramsey Show" as they explore strategies for overcoming debt and building wealth. The duo discusses the merits of disciplined budgeting, the debt snowball method, and whether refinancing or paying off mortgages early is the right route to a debt-free life. From using windfalls to eliminate consumer debt to the foundational importance of budgeting, every angle is covered to equip listeners with the knowledge to reshape their financial destiny. Candid conversations with callers provide practical examples, including advice on navigating home renovations without accruing further debt and the consequences and alternatives to declaring bankruptcy.

    Beyond just debt management, this episode also delves into the interplay between money management and personal relationships. The experts tackle the considerations of combining finances in a marriage, dealing with different attitudes towards debt, and the importance of communication and a joint approach to financial strategy. For young adults stepping into self-sufficiency, the benefits of renting over buying and the emotional growth from independence are examined. For the entrepreneurially inclined, the segment on small businesses highlights the essential nature of clear bookkeeping, the advantages of automated accounting software, and the indispensable role of working with a CPA to navigate tax management effectively. "The Ramsey Show" provides a holistic view of financial health, ensuring listeners are well-armed to face their economic challenges head-on.

    Mar 7, 2024

  • True Maturity Is The Ability To Delay Satisfaction

    Delve into the intricate world of personal finance with Dave Ramsey and Ken Coleman in "The Ramsey Show," where real-life financial and emotional complexities are unpacked one call at a time. In this episode, Ramsey adeptly navigates the maze of tax filing and back taxes, alongside lending an ear to the emotionally charged narratives of his callers. From guiding an individual torn between familial responsibilities and financial pragmatism to advising a caller who has just emerged from the tumult of personal loss, the episode is a testament to Ramsey's commitment to provide both financial guidance and empathetic support, offering free financial coaching to those grappling with life's unexpected turns.

    On the path to fiscal maturity, Ramsey shares sagacious advice about debt repayment and the groundwork for a secure financial future, underscoring the transformative power of behavior change and the value of education in wealth building. Meanwhile, Ken Coleman imparts career wisdom, instructing on how to marry one's passion with astute planning and seizing career-enhancing opportunities. Whether the listeners are stepping into the aviation industry or transitioning to tech, Coleman, through his own broadcast experience, and Ramsey illuminate the journey towards both professional satisfaction and financial prosperity.

    Mar 6, 2024

  • If You Don't Choose Your Pain, It Will Choose You

    On "The Ramsey Show," financial experts Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze tackle the daunting mountains of debt that listeners face, bearing witness to the triumphs and challenges encountered on the road to financial freedom. This recent discussion unravels the intricate fabric of personal finance, from the dedication of a couple who cleared $117,000 in 54 months to the prudence of a diligent individual on a modest salary managing to earmark $500 monthly for debt liquidation. Dave and Rachel dissect the architecture of a successful debt payoff plan, putting a spotlight on the meticulous budgeting and goal setting that fuel the noteworthy accomplishments shared by callers from all walks of life.

    Within the financial wisdom dispensed, Dave Ramsey underscores the importance of identity security, especially when involving children in credit activities—a cautionary advice that's seconded by Rachel Cruze's insights on credit health. The emphasis on spousal understanding and communication as cornerstones of unified financial strategies surface through the callers’ experiences, illustrating the diverse dynamics within financial partnerships. "The Ramsey Show" presents a blend of motivational personal victories and practical guidance, navigating through the collective experience of its callers, who confront and conquer fiscal challenges while keeping their loved ones and future security in clear sight.

    Mar 5, 2024

  • Your Emergency Fund Is A Force Field Between You And Life

    Dive into "The Ramsey Show" where experts including George Kamel and Jade Warshaw, alongside experiences from callers, provide sound financial strategies to navigate post-graduation life and beyond. The podcast offers comprehensive guidance on budgeting, tackling debt, and prudent home purchasing. Budgeting takes center stage as George Kamel introduces the EveryDollar app for tracking expenses and delineates a strategy to cap household costs at a quarter of one's take-home pay. Key insights on the wisdom of delaying major financial commitments like buying a house underscore the show's common-sense approach, advising graduates to lay a sturdy financial foundation through saving and careful planning.

    The episode further delves into the world of debt management and retirement planning—two areas fraught with challenges for many. Listeners learn about the extraordinary tale of a graduate who wiped out a six-figure student loan balance in less than two years by embracing additional work and making lifestyle sacrifices. George Kamel and Dave Ramsey reiterate the concept that short-term austerity can lead to long-term financial freedom. In the realm of retirement, the show conveys the significance of early and consistent investment, recommending contributions of around 15% of income to retirement funds and underlining the virtues of diversification in investment portfolios for a secure financial future. Each discussion point is aimed at empowering individuals with the necessary tools and mindset for financial success.

    Mar 4, 2024