Podcasts > The Psychology of your 20s

The Psychology of your 20s • iHeartPodcasts

A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. New episodes every Friday! For business enquires please email thepsychologyofyour20steam@unitedtalent.com New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/

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The Psychology of your 20s • iHeartPodcasts


  • 176. A conversation with my Mum

    Dive into the complex tapestry of generational wisdom in "The Psychology of your 20s" podcast, featuring a heartfelt conversation with host Jemma Sbeg and her mother. In this intimate episode, Jemma’s mother reflects on her own formative decades, recounting the challenges of navigating an academic and professional world rife with gender discrimination while simultaneously embarking on the journey of motherhood. Her anecdotes of professional perseverance at the Federal Treasury and the personal battles with imposter syndrome underscore a narrative of resilience and determination, offering a unique perspective on the intersection of career and family life.

    Listeners will be moved by the candid exploration of motherhood, feminist principles, and the evolving nature of the adult mother-daughter relationship. Jemma’s mother discusses the profound joys and fears that come with raising children, shedding light on the multi-layered role of a parent who champions feminist values and advocates for navigating personal boundaries. Witness the delicate evolution of their bond, as it matures into a dynamic of mutual respect and understanding, providing an insightful lens into the emotional availability that anchors their relationship through the trials and triumphs of life.

    Mar 8, 2024

  • 175. Living alone in your 20s

    Dive into "The Psychology of your 20s" podcast with host Jemma Sbeg, where the complexities of living solo during one's twenties are unpacked with a compassionate lens. In a stage where adulthood is both celebrated and tested, young individuals often choose to live alone, a step that signifies personal freedom and growth. This episode delves into the motivations behind this significant lifestyle choice, exploring the desire for an undisputed self-expression and the resultant sovereignty after leaving the nest of shared living spaces.

    While living alone is portrayed as a mark of independence, this episode balances the narrative with the real challenges and implications it presents. Discussions include the mental tug-of-war between enjoying solitude and the pangs of loneliness akin to hunger, and the financial literacy required to sustain a personal haven. Tune into the conversation as Sbeg shines light on the misconception that a solitary home equals social isolation and equips listeners with pragmatic strategies such as community building and shrewd budgeting to navigate this often exhilarating and introspective era of life.

    Mar 5, 2024

  • 174. Retroactive jealousy

    In the latest installment of "The Psychology of your 20s," host Jemma Sbeg takes an in-depth look at retroactive jealousy, a common yet rarely discussed issue that can strain intimate relationships. The episode dissects the psychological undercurrents of feeling threatened by one's partner's past, placing emphasis on the influence of prior traumas, insecurities, and a deep-seated fear of abandonment. Listeners will gain insight into how experiences from previous relationships can spill into current dynamics, leading to destructive behaviors such as unwarranted suspicion and confrontational tendencies.

    Diving into the solutions for those grappling with retroactive jealousy, this episode provides strategies to mitigate and move beyond the urge to revisit a partner's history repeatedly. Jemma Sbeg discusses the importance of honing one's self-awareness and the pursuit of individual healing to foster a more secure and trusting partnership. By embracing vulnerability and communication, and utilizing cognitive diffusion techniques, the podcast offers listeners a roadmap to disentangle themselves from the quicksand of jealousy and foster healthier, more resilient relationships.

    Mar 1, 2024

  • 173. Your guide to panic attacks

    Dive into the psychological landscape of anxiety with Jemma Sbeg on "The Psychology of your 20s," as she unpacks the complexities of panic attacks. Sbeg illuminates the connection between our ingrained fight or flight response and the modern phenomenon of anxiety-induced panic. She explains how this primordial instinct, designed to protect our ancestors from predators, has evolved into a trigger for extreme stress reactions in today's relatively safe environment. The discussion traverses how the sympathetic nervous system, once a crucial alert mechanism, can become overly sensitive, likening it to a hyperactive car alarm that sounds at the slightest provocation.

    In the quest to combat the disruption caused by panic attacks, Sbeg offers tangible strategies to regain equilibrium. She urges listeners to confront the onslaught of panic head-on with a blend of acknowledgment and visualization, proposing a 30-second exercise to let the panic peak and subside. Additionally, Sbeg shares grounding techniques and breathing exercises aimed at steadying the body's stress response. Sbeg’s practical guidance also includes the creation of a personalized checklist for calming tactics and conceptualizing anxiety as a contained, non-threatening presence, all valuable tools for those seeking to master their own response to panic episodes.

    Feb 27, 2024

  • 170. The psychology of acne

    Join Jemma Sbeg on "The Psychology of your 20s" podcast as she dives into the rarely discussed intersection of dermatology and psychology, examining the profound emotional impact of acne for individuals in their youth. The conversation sensitively explores the negative spiral into shame, anxiety, and depression that acne may trigger, exacerbated by social comparisons and media-driven beauty ideals. Understanding acne's psychological burden reveals the quiet struggle behind the physical manifestation, as acne sufferers navigate the challenges of social interactions and personal acceptance in a world that prizes flawless skin.

    The episode also offers insights into the biological underpinnings of acne, debunking common misconceptions about its causes, and critiquing the skincare industry's role in perpetuating damaging myths. Sbeg fosters a comprehensive approach to coping with acne, combining medical awareness with powerful self-acceptance strategies and advocating for a societal shift in perspective on beauty norms. This episode is not only about confronting acne but fostering a healthier dialogue about self-worth and dismantling the stereotypes that contribute to ongoing mental health challenges.

    Feb 16, 2024