Podcasts > Raising Good Humans

Raising Good Humans • Dear Media, Aliza Pressman

As a parent, do you ever wish someone could just whisper some realistic and trustworthy support in your ear? And not make you feel awful for not having all the answers? Well, that’s what I’m here for. I'm Dr. Aliza Pressman, developmental psychologist, parent educator, asst. clinical professor, and co-founder of both Mount Sinai Parenting Center and SeedlingsGroup. And I'm a mom... trying to raise two good humans myself, so I'm in this with you! In each episode, we'll go deep (but brief) with both experts and parents to share the most effective approaches and tools and talk about the important bigger picture of raising good humans. My goal is to make your parenting journey less overwhelming and a lot more joyful! Please join me every Friday for new episodes of Raising Good Humans.

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Raising Good Humans • Dear Media, Aliza Pressman


  • S4 Ep 11: The Truth about Temperament: How to Better Understand your Child's Personality

    Dive into the complexities of your child's inner world with "Raising Good Humans." In this episode, Aliza Pressman chats with Koraly Pérez-Edgar about understanding the nuances of a child's temperament. Discover the vital role of a child's intrinsic personality and how it endures the test of time, cultural pressures, and shifting environments. They delve into how temperament is not only consistent but also deeply rooted in biology, impacting how your child might perceive and interact with the world.

    Grasping the "goodness of fit" can be a game-changer for both children and parents, emphasizing the need for a harmonious relationship between a child's nature and their surroundings. The speakers exchange insights on the significance of tailoring parenting techniques to suit the temperaments of individual children. This episode is a crucial listen for any parent seeking to foster their child's development, equipping them with the knowledge to craft supportive and flexible strategies that evolve with their child's unique personality journey.

    Mar 8, 2024

  • S4 Ep 10: Navigating the Landscape of Modern Parenting with Martha Stewart

    Join Aliza Pressman on "Raising Good Humans" as she delves into the landscape of modern parenting, navigating its complexities with domestic doyenne Martha Stewart in a compelling conversation on connection and resilience. As social media paves the way for communal parenting support, Pressman underlines the delicate art of introducing toddlers to significant life changes like new siblings by using time and seasons as relatable concepts. Touting the necessity for kids to face discomfort, she makes a case for the developmental importance of allowing them to grapple with challenges as part of their journey towards building resilience.

    In a candid exploration of personal history, Martha Stewart shares insights from her own upbringing in a boisterous household, shaping her parenting values that resonate throughout the episode. Pressman and Stewart advocate the powerful practice of self-reflection to understand and refine one's parenting approach, while promoting the influence of clearly communicated family values and rules. Pressman provides practical advice on maintaining emotional composure as a cornerstone for teaching emotional regulation to children and discusses the crucial practice of repair in family relationships, reinforcing the idea that conflicts are learning opportunities for both parents and children.

    Mar 1, 2024

  • Alanna Ubach on “Cool Moms,” from Pop Culture Moms

    Dive into the dynamic world of motherhood with Aliza Pressman as she engages in a vivid conversation with Alanna Ubach, Andie Mitchell, and Sabrina Kohlberg on the "Raising Good Humans" podcast. This episode offers an intriguing look into the character of Suze Howard, portrayed by guest speaker Ubach, and dissects the archetype of the 'cool mom' in contemporary society. Ubach draws inspiration from her memories of a real-life maternal figure, Linda Morales, to bring depth and nuance to her character. Unlike the often criticized pop culture trope, Suze Howard emerges as a guardian, prioritizing an informed and vigilant approach to her child's well-being over mere social acceptance.

    The episode explores complex maternal motivations, the importance of authentic communication between parents and their offspring, and the diverse challenges of raising different children. Through discussions around Suze's protective instincts and the compelling sibling dynamics between her daughters Maude and Cassie, the speakers shed light on different facets of parenting. The portrayal of Suze's involvement with the community's youths underlines a mother's influence and the delicate balance between friendship and surveillance. Tune in to 'Raising Good Humans' for an absorbing dialogue that examines the essence of evolved motherhood as it intersects with the ideals and realities of contemporary parental roles.

    Feb 27, 2024

  • Gut Health and Beyond: Uncovering the Power of Probiotics

    Plunge into the intricate world of gut health with this episode of "Raising Good Humans," as host Aliza Pressman sits down with guest Tina Anderson to unravel the complex relationship between our digestive systems and overall wellness. They discuss the significance of gut health in maintaining a strong immune system and its interconnectedness with brain function and emotional well-being, emphasizing the vital role of the vagus nerve as a communication channel in this bidirectional relationship.

    The conversation pivots to the advantages and functions of probiotics in fostering a robust gut microbiome and the importance of prebiotics as nourishment for these beneficial bacteria. While exploring various supplement options to support gut and brain health, the dialogue sheds light on practical considerations such as the efficacy of gummy versus capsule forms and the necessity for certain probiotics to withstand stomach acid. This episode offers a comprehensive lens on digestive health as a cornerstone of bodily and mental health, providing listeners with knowledgeable insights into how to potentially bolster their immune responses and cognitive functions through targeted supplementation.

    Feb 26, 2024

  • S4 Ep 9: Gaming, Social Media and Information Bingeing: Guiding Kids on Devices with Dr. Michael Rich

    Explore the complex realm of children and technology with the "Raising Good Humans" podcast, where host Aliza Pressman is joined by Michael Rich. Together, they delve into the critical role parents play in developing their children's relationship with devices. Rich emphasizes a strategy that focuses less on stringent screen time limits and more on an attentive and developmentally informed approach to younger users' digital interactions.

    Parents are confronted with the challenge of balancing screen time regulations while fostering constructive family dynamics and the podcast does not shy away from addressing such concerns. Offering real-world applications, including device-free family meals and shared digital experiences, the discussion evolves into actionable advice aimed at helping families navigate the intricate digital landscape. Starting from a perspective of understanding and cooperation, the duo’s conversation provides insights on how to effectively guide children in an ever-connected world.

    Feb 23, 2024