Podcasts > In Her Ellement

In Her Ellement • Boston Consulting Group BCG

AI and digital expert Suchi Srinivasan and fintech practice leader Kamila Rakhimova from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) talk to the women at the vanguard of business, digital, and technology. They’re digging into how these powerhouse leaders got where they are—everything from the joy of projects gone right to the realities of family responsibilities. And crucially, asking: what was that moment you knew you weren't merely getting there...you had arrived? That's when you know you're in your element. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy

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In Her Ellement • Boston Consulting Group BCG


  • Flexibility in Tech with Juniper Network’s Sharon Mandell

    Embark on a journey into the intersection of technology, career evolution, and leadership with "In Her Ellement" as it welcomes Sharon Mandell, the insightful CIO of Juniper Networks. Joining hosts Suchi Srinivasan and Naveen Awad, Mandell reflects on her ascent from a software engineer to occupying pivotal CTO and CIO roles, underscoring the fusion of technical prowess and executive acumen required in the rapidly advancing tech landscape. The episode reveals how an unexpected foray into business management and a keen eye for innovative frontiers contributed to Mandell's distinguished career, featuring anecdotes from the early days of networking and internet application development to her strategic decision to pursue an MBA.

    Delve into the ethical and operational transformations at Juniper Networks, where Mandell has played an integral part in navigating the company through the waves of technological change, from crafting the internet's infrastructure to embracing AI-driven advancements. The episode discusses Juniper's embrace of ethical AI principles, stressing transparency and the prevention of bias in AI systems. Moreover, it explores broader themes such as overcoming imposter syndrome, the importance of career flexibility, and the societal benefits of shared parental leave. Discover the essence of Mandell's leadership philosophy, where success is measured not solely through personal achievements, but by the collective growth and success of the teams and individuals she mentors within the tech ecosystem.

    Mar 4, 2024

  • Clearing Space for Yourself with BCG’s Adi Zolotov

    Join Adi Zolotov and your hosts Adi Zolotov, Suchi Srinivasan, and Kamila Rakhimova on "In Her Ellement" as they traverse Zolotov's career evolution from astrophysics to tech consulting. Learn how her background in computational algorithms and data science became instrumental in her role at the Department of Defense, demonstrating the transferability of academic prowess to pivotal national security work. Zolotov's story unfolds as she takes a daring leap into national security, ultimately leading her to oversee the data science division at the Center for Naval Analysis.

    Beyond her career trajectory, Zolotov delves into the art of maintaining a work-life balance as a woman leader, underscoring the significance of mentorship. She advocates for a breed of mentorship that is both personal and professional, tailored to the distinct challenges faced by women in leadership positions. Further touching on her experience of often being the lone woman in technology and consulting spheres, Zolotov shares her approach to focusing on her expertise over gender dynamics. Additionally, she provides her perspective to those embarking on careers in AI and tech, encouraging them to pursue their interests with depth over breadth in this ever-expanding field.

    Feb 19, 2024

  • Role Modelling Vulnerability with Kensho’s Bhavesh Dayalji

    Delve into the crossroads of technology and leadership with "In Her Ellement," as Bhavesh Dayalji shares his transformative journey from the Atlas experiment at CERN to the forefront of the AI industry. His candid narrative reveals the shift from a focus on pure science to the expansive possibilities of technology in business, taking listeners through his pivotal roles in banking, consulting, and the buildup of Kensho Technologies. Leveraging his unique position as CEO of Kensho and Chief AI Officer for S&P Global, Bhavesh Dayalji embodies a commitment to fostering cultures of intellectual curiosity and concise guidance within the fast-paced realm of AI.

    As the conversation evolves, Bhavesh, alongside Suchi Srinivasan and Kamila Rakhimova, addresses the essential role diversity of thought plays in AI development. They tackle not just the perennial gender gaps in STEM but also the broader context of inclusivity and its profound impact on innovation. Through their discussion, Bhavesh Dayalji models the courage to be vulnerable in professional settings, emphasizing the creation of a psychologically safe environment where authenticity isn't just encouraged but celebrated. Aspiring AI enthusiasts receive valuable advice on embracing hands-on experiences to fuel their passion—a cornerstone for making meaningful advancements in the field.

    Feb 5, 2024

  • Meet the Host Kamila Rakhimova

    In the newest installment of "In Her Ellement," host Kamila Rakhimova and guest Suchi Srinivasan delve into the former's multifaceted career journey, from international development to her strides in the world of finance and technology. Rakhimova, whose life and career trajectory have been profoundly influenced by her early experiences as a State Department exchange student, brings to the forefront her passion for empowering the underserved and her transition into the mathematically rigorous field of quantitative finance. Her narrative continues with the steps toward leadership, advising business executives, and fostering innovation through her role in the Alexa Startups program at Amazon.

    The conversation takes a further dive into Rakhimova's dedication to elevating women in tech, finance, and venture capital, as she shares her own experiences navigating these predominantly male spheres. The importance of aligning one's career with their inner purpose and intuition is a central theme, as Rakhimova stresses the significance of authentic self-expression over societal pressures and the lure of prestige. Reflecting on her practice of meditation and spiritual purpose, she offers insights on how staying true to one's values can inspire meaningful engagement and disrupt conventional pathways to success. Through "In Her Ellement," listeners are encouraged to explore the harmony between personal growth and professional advancement.

    Jan 22, 2024

  • Developing Confidence with Icertis’ Deanna Lanier

    In the latest episode of In Her Ellement, Deanna Lanier shares her unique journey from her initial role in sales at IBM to her current position as Chief Strategy Officer at iCertis. Throughout the episode, Lanier recounts the critical steps and strategic career choices that propelled her into the ranks of tech leadership. Key to her ascent were lateral moves, the pursuit of further education, and an emphasis on leading initiatives rather than just people. Now a leader in AI and Contract Lifecycle Management, Lanier discusses how she infuses her work with a blend of technical expertise and strategic vision to drive innovation in the industry.

    Aside from her personal climb, Lanier, alongside Suchi Srinivasan, delves into the broader challenge of increasing female representation in tech leadership roles. Taking responsibility as a mentor and advocate for women in tech, she illuminates the importance of diversity, confidence building, and the integration of AI in professional growth. The episode also highlights the delicate art of balancing work with family life, showing that career progression and motherhood are not mutually exclusive but rather a dynamic equilibrium that requires constant adaptation. Lanier's candid experiences offer both inspiration and practical advice for professionals navigating their own paths in the realm of technology and beyond.

    Jan 8, 2024