Podcasts > Stuff You Should Know > Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

By iHeartPodcasts

In this enlightening episode of "Stuff You Should Know", Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant provide a comprehensive analysis of the evolution and implications of the Native American Reservation system. Harking back to its historical roots, the podcast presents an informative look at the system's origins and subsequent development. From the 19th-century displacement caused by the reservation system to the series of policy reforms influential in shaping today's structure, Clark and Bryant offer fascinating insights into a complex issue that continues to present challenges.

In the second segment, the duo focuses on life within the reservations, unearthing the profundities of the government's role in managing these areas and the diverse societal implications thereof. They venture into case studies from specific tribes, their socio-economic circumstances, and their struggles and successes. Further, they explore initiatives for cultural preservation in education and drive for greater political representation among the Native American communities. Tune in for the unique intricacies of the Native American experience, as captured by Clark and Bryant in this thought-inspiring episode.

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

1-Page Summary


This article provides a comprehensive examination of Native American reservations, inspired by insights from the podcast episode "Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW" hosted by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant.

Historical Context of Native American Reservations

Origins of the Reservation System

The episode begins with a discussion about the origins of Native American reservations. These reservations were primarily designed as a strategic approach to displace Native Americans from their ancestral lands to accommodate European and American settlers. Scenes of forceful seizure and acquisitions via treaties were not uncommon.

Formative Legislation: The Indian Appropriations Act and The Dawes Act

The hosts also discuss in detail the Indian Appropriations Act of 1851, which paved the way for reservations, prompting a significant change in the lifestyle of Native Americans. The Dawes Act enacted in 1887 is held as a significant turning point as it sought to assimilate Native Americans into mainstream culture by partitioning reservations into fragmented plots of lands.

Modern-Day Native American Reservations

Present-Day Living Conditions on Reservations

Josh Clark painted a grim picture of the current state of Native American reservations, highlighting issues such as high unemployment rates, insufficient basic services like law enforcement and education, and limited access to necessities such as clean water and internet.

Profiles of Specific Tribes: Navajo Nation and Seminole Tribe

Profiles of specific tribes such as the Navajo Nation, the Oglala Sioux Nation, and the Seminole Tribe were explored. Particular attention was paid to the unique circumstances of the Navajo Tribe, the largest Native American tribe with a reservation that spans Utah, Arizona, and extends into Mexico.

The Political Landscape: Government Policies and Tribal Reactions

Governing Structures and Tribal Autonomy

The hosts shed light on complexities such as differing jurisdictional matters and local laws to accommodate local needs and tribal cultures. These tribes retain the autonomy to run their own legal and schooling systems.

Impact of Different Presidential Administrations on Reservation Policies

The progress and changes in governmental support for indigenous rights, linguistic preservation, and safety improvements under the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations are examined, underscoring the political changes regarding the attitudes towards reservations.

Political Dissatisfaction Among Native Tribes

Both hosts noted the dissatisfaction with both major parties, alleging that they have failed to uphold their promises to improve life on the reservations.

Cultural Identity and Preservation Efforts on Reservations

The Role of Native American Culture in Arts and Cinema

Native Americans play a vital role in arts and cinema. The hosts recommend series such as "Reservation Dogs" and the movie "Smoke Signals", portraying the experiences and lives of individuals living on these reservations.

Language Preservation and Revival in Educational Systems

Efforts are being made to revive and teach lost traditions and languages in tribal schools, maintaining the cultural heritage of these tribes.

Financial Dynamics of Native American Reservations

The Role and Impact of Financial Aid

Financial aid has a significant impact on tribes, particularly those affected by climate change. However, Chuck Bryant criticized the policies of former President Donald Trump, especially regarding his negligence towards restoring reservation provisions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Successful Financial Models: The Case of the Seminole Tribe

The hosts also discussed the financial success of the Seminole Tribe, attributed to their profitable casino businesses. This tribe has achieved considerable financial prosperity, as each member receives an annual distribution of approximately $128,000 from the tribe's earnings.


Several initiatives are promoting voter registration among Native Americans living on reservations, such as the Million Voter Opportunity. This highlights the critical role of active civic participation among these communities in shaping their future. The podcast hosts concluded by expressing gratitude for listener feedback and acknowledging the crucial role of women in this historical narrative.

1-Page Summary

Additional Materials


  • The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 allocated funds for Native American tribes' relocation to reservations, marking a shift in U.S. government policy towards indigenous peoples. The Dawes Act of 1887 aimed to assimilate Native Americans by dividing reservation lands into individual plots, intending to encourage farming and private land ownership among indigenous communities. These acts significantly impacted Native American tribes' sovereignty, land ownership, and cultural practices, leading to long-term consequences for indigenous communities in the United States.
  • The Navajo Nation is the largest Native American tribe in the United States, with a reservation spanning parts of Utah, Arizona, and extending into Mexico. The Oglala Sioux Nation is a part of the Lakota Sioux people and resides primarily in South Dakota. The Seminole Tribe is a Native American tribe located in Florida and Oklahoma, known for their successful casino businesses.
  • Jurisdictional matters on Native American reservations pertain to the legal authority and control over the land and its inhabitants. Local laws within reservations are often a blend of tribal laws and federal laws, creating a unique legal framework. This complexity arises from the coexistence of tribal sovereignty alongside federal oversight. Tribes have the autonomy to govern themselves to a certain extent, including creating and enforcing laws within their communities.
  • The impact of different presidential administrations on reservation policies highlights how changes in leadership influence government support for indigenous rights, linguistic preservation, and safety improvements within Native American reservations. This can lead to shifts in attitudes and approaches towards addressing the challenges faced by tribes living on reservations. The policies and initiatives introduced by each administration can significantly affect the living conditions and opportunities available to Native American communities. The podcast discusses how the Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations have each brought distinct perspectives and actions regarding reservation policies.
  • The financial dynamics of Native American reservations involve various economic challenges and opportunities, influenced by factors like government aid, natural resources, and tribal enterprises. The Seminole Tribe's financial success is largely attributed to their thriving casino businesses, which have significantly boosted their economic prosperity and provided substantial financial benefits to tribal members. Financial aid plays a crucial role in supporting tribes, especially during times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, but differing governmental policies can impact the effectiveness of this assistance. The Seminole Tribe's model showcases how tribal entrepreneurship and successful business ventures can lead to substantial economic gains and improved living standards for tribal communities.


  • The reservation system was also a product of complex negotiations and some treaties were signed with the intent of protecting certain rights of Native Americans, not just for displacement.
  • The Dawes Act, while disruptive, was originally intended to promote agricultural development and self-sufficiency among Native Americans, though it failed to recognize the importance of communal land ownership in many Native cultures.
  • Some reservations have made significant strides in improving living conditions, with successful economic development projects and improved infrastructure.
  • While the Navajo Nation faces many challenges, it is also a site of cultural resilience and has made notable progress in areas such as solar energy development.
  • Tribal autonomy can sometimes lead to internal governance challenges, and not all tribes have the resources or capacity to manage their affairs effectively without external support.
  • Some Native American communities have expressed support for certain policies of past presidential administrations, recognizing benefits that have come from various federal programs.
  • There are Native American individuals and groups who align with major political parties and work within those structures to advocate for change.
  • Cultural preservation efforts are complex and can sometimes lead to debates within communities about the best ways to maintain traditions while adapting to modernity.
  • While the Seminole Tribe's financial model is successful, it may not be replicable for all tribes due to different circumstances, and there are debates about the social impacts of gaming on communities.
  • Voter registration initiatives are important, but there are also systemic barriers to voting that need to be addressed to ensure fair and equal access to the political process for Native Americans.

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW


This article provides a comprehensive examination of Native American reservations. The inspiration for the discussion is drawn from insights from a particular podcast episode titled 'Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW'. The podcast is brilliantly hosted by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant.

In this episode, the hosts extensively explore diverse facets of Native American reservations. The focus doesn't stay limite ...

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Additional Materials


  • Native American reservations encompass lands set aside for Indigenous tribes by the U.S. government. These areas have unique legal and political statuses, often governed by tribal governments. Diverse facets may include cultural preservation, economic development, sovereignty issues, and challenges like poverty and healthcare disparities. Exploring these facets involves understanding the historical context, treaties, federal policies, and contemporary issues affecting Native communities.
  • Native American reservations have significant implications on various aspects of Native American life, including sovereignty, self-governance, cultural preservation, and economic development. These implications stem from historical treaties and policies that have shaped the relat ...


  • While the podcast may provide a detailed insight, it is important to consider that a single episode may not be able to cover the full complexity and diversity of Native American reservations.
  • The hosts, Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant, while knowledgeable, may not be experts in Native American history or culture, which could affect the depth and accuracy of the discussion.
  • The podcast format, which often aims to be engaging and accessible, might oversimplify some aspects of the topic to fit within the time constraints or to appeal to a broader audience.
  • The article's reliance on a single source (the podcast episode) for a comprehensive examination might overlook other important works or perspectives that could provide a more nuanced understanding.
  • The term "comprehensive examination" suggests an exhaustive analysis, which may be difficult to achieve in the context of an article that is based on a podcast episode, given the complexity of the topic.
  • ...

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

Historical Context of Native American Reservations

Origins of the Reservation System

The episode begins with a discussion about the origins of Native American reservations. These reservations were primarily designed as a strategic approach to displace Native Americans from their ancestral lands, and shrink the lands to accommodate European and American settlers.

Scenes of forceful seizure and acquisitions via treaties were not uncommon. These tactics led to deep-seated impacts on Native American communities that are still felt today.

An important aspect of these initial negotiations was the U.S government agreeing to supply food to Native Americans. This was in return for imposing hunting limitations on them.

This change took place over 30 years, from the 1850s to the late 1880s, and it affected a myriad of tribes.

Formative Legislation: The Indian Appropriations Act and The Dawes Act

The hosts also discuss in detail the Indian Appropriations Act of 1851. This Act paved the way for reservations, prompting a significant change in the lifestyle of Native Americans by promoting the ...

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Historical Context of Native American Reservations

Additional Materials


  • The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 allocated funds for the establishment of reservations for Native American tribes. It aimed to concentrate tribes onto specific lands, often far from their original territories. This Act marked a shift towards formalizing the reservation system and controlling Native American populations. It laid the groundwork for the displacement and assimilation policies that would shape Native American history for decades to come.
  • The Dawes Act of 1887 aimed to assimilate Native Americans by dividing reservation lands into individual plots for tribal members. This policy intended to encourage farming and private land ownership among Native Americans. However, it resulted in the loss of communal land, cultural disruption, and exploitation by unscrupulous practices like land grabs and fraud. The Dawes Act significantly impacted Native American tribes by undermining their traditional ways of life and contributing to the further loss of their lands.
  • Geronimo, a prominent Apache leader, met with President Theodore Roosevelt in 1905. This encounter symbolized the end of the Apache Wars and marked a shift towards assimilation policies for Native Americans. It highlighted the complex relationship between Native American leaders and the U.S. government during a period of significant change in Native American policies.
  • The negotiations and treaties between the U.S. government and Native American tribes were complex agreements that often involved land cessions, promises of protection, and provisions for resources like food and supplies. Treaties were crucial for defining the relationships between tribes and the government, but many were later broken or not honored fully. The U.S. government used treaties as a means to control and assimilate Native American tribes, leading to significant impacts on their cultures and ways of life. These negotiations were influenced by power dynam ...


  • The creation of reservations was also justified by proponents as a means to protect Native American tribes from the encroachment of settlers and the violence that often ensued during westward expansion.
  • Some argue that treaties were, at times, entered into with the intention of establishing mutually beneficial agreements, although the outcomes were frequently detrimental to Native Americans due to unequal power dynamics and broken promises.
  • The Indian Appropriations Act and the Dawes Act can be viewed as products of their time, reflecting the prevailing attitudes and policies of the 19th century, rather than solely as mechanisms of displacement.
  • There were instances where Native American leaders used treaty negotiations to their advantage to secure resources or benefits for their people, even though these instances were rare and often overshadowed by the negative consequences of such treaties.
  • The supply of food and other goods by the U.S. government was sometimes seen by Native Americans as a necessary adaptation to the changing environment and the loss of traditional hunting grounds.
  • Some government official ...

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

Modern-Day Native American Reservations

Present-Day Living Conditions on Reservations

Josh Clark painted a grim picture of the current state of Native American reservations, highlighting issues such as high unemployment rates, insufficient basic services like law enforcement and education, and limited access to necessities such as clean water and internet.

Additionally, the hosts also shed light on the severe struggles these communities face with high suicide rates and various health problems.

Chuck makes an insightful point regarding the government's fiduciary role in securing lands for Native Americans via trusts. However, this does not mean every tribe has an individual reservation; some reservations are communal and are also inhabited by non-indigenous people.

A specific example given was an upstate New York reservation that is mostly occupied by non-Natives.

Profiles of Specific Tribes: Navajo Nation and Seminole Tribe

Profiles of specific tribes such as the Navajo Nat ...

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Modern-Day Native American Reservations

Additional Materials


  • Chuck's discussion on the government's fiduciary role in securing lands for Native Americans via trusts touches upon the legal obligation of the U.S. government to manage Native American lands and assets for the benefit of the tribes. This fiduciary responsibility stems from historical treaties and agreements between the government and Native American tribes. The government is expected to act in the best interests of the tribes when it comes to managing their lands, resources, and finances. Trust lands are held by the government for the tribes' use and are meant to protect tribal interests and assets.
  • In some cases, Native American reservations ...


  • While high unemployment rates are a significant issue, it's important to recognize that some reservations have successfully created economic opportunities through enterprises such as casinos, tourism, and cultural preservation initiatives.
  • The lack of basic services is a critical issue, but there are reservations that have made strides in improving infrastructure and services through community-led initiatives and partnerships with non-profit organizations.
  • Access to clean water and internet is limited in some areas, but there are ongoing efforts and federal programs aimed at addressing these disparities, which should be acknowledged.
  • While there are high suicide rates and health problems, there are also strong movements within these communities focusing on mental health awareness, traditional healing practices, and community support systems.
  • The government's fiduciary role is complex, and while there have been historical failures, there are instances where the government has worked to settle land claims and improve trust management.
  • The presence of non-indigenous people on some reservations can be s ...

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

The Political Landscape: Government Policies and Tribal Reactions

Governing Structures and Tribal Autonomy

The hosts shed light on complexities such as differing jurisdictional matters and local laws to accommodate local needs and tribal cultures. These tribes retain the autonomy to run their own legal and schooling systems.

In addition to this, the American Indian Movement (AIM) was formed as a response to rapid policy changes and was pivotal in championing the Indian Self-Determination and Education Act of 1975, which formally recognized tribes and endorsed reservations.

Impact of Different Presidential Administrations on Reservation Policies

The progress and changes in governmental support for indigenous rights, linguistic preservation, and safety improvements under the Obama, Trump, and Biden administ ...

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The Political Landscape: Government Policies and Tribal Reactions

Additional Materials


  • The American Indian Movement (AIM) is a grassroots organization founded in 1968 to address issues like poverty, discrimination, and police brutality against American Indians. It expanded its focus to advocate for Indigenous rights, including treaty rights, employment, education, and cultural preservation. AIM emerged from urban centers where many American Indians had relocated due to government policies like the Indian Relocation Act and the Indian Termination Act. The movement gained national attention through actions like the occupation of Alcatraz Island and the Trail of Broken Treaties protest in Washington, D.C.
  • The Indian Self-Determination and Education Act of 1975 allowed federally recognized Indian tribes to manage their own affairs by entering into contracts and receiving grants directly from the government. This legislation marked a shift towards self-determination for tribes, reversing previous policies aimed at severing government ties with Native American communities. The Act empowered tribes to have greater control over their welfare and education systems, emphasizing tribal autonomy and self-governance. It was a significant milestone influenced by American Indian activism and the Civil Rights Movement, promoting grassroots political participation and community development.
  • The reservation policies under ...


  • While tribes have autonomy, it is often limited by federal and state regulations, which can impede their ability to fully govern themselves.
  • The effectiveness of the American Indian Movement and the Indian Self-Determination and Education Act of 1975 can be debated, as some may argue that they have not gone far enough in addressing systemic issues faced by Native Americans.
  • The impact of presidential administrations on reservation policies may be overstated, as many of the issues faced by indigenous communities are deeply rooted and require more than policy changes to address.
  • The notion that attitudes towards reservations have changed may not fully capture the complexity of the issue, as some may argue that there has been a lack of substantial progress in changing ...

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

Cultural Identity and Preservation Efforts on Reservations

The Role of Native American Culture in Arts and Cinema

Native Americans play a vital role in arts and cinema.

The hosts highly recommend series such as 'Reservation Dogs', entirely written, directed, and starred in by Native Americans, underlining the significant creative contributions of Native cultural expression.

They also propose the movie 'Smoke Signals' as an authentic and humorous depiction of life on the reservations.

Language ...

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Cultural Identity and Preservation Efforts on Reservations

Additional Materials


  • "Reservation Dogs" is a television series created by Sterlin Harjo and Taika Waititi. It follows the lives of four Indigenous teenagers in rural Oklahoma. The show is significant as it is one of the few mainstream productions entirely written, directed, and acted by Native Americans. It has been praised for its authentic portrayal of Native American culture and life on reservations. The title "Reservation Dogs" is a play on words, referencing both the setting on a reservation and the iconic film "Reservoir Dogs."
  • "Smoke Signals" is a 1998 film directed by Chris Eyre, based on Sherman Alexie's short story collection. It is known for its portrayal of contemporary Native American life, humor, and themes of identity ...


  • While 'Reservation Dogs' and 'Smoke Signals' are important works, they represent a small fraction of the overall media landscape, and Native American representation in arts and cinema is still disproportionately low.
  • The creative contributions of Native Americans in arts and cinema, while significant, may not always reach a wide audience due to limited distribution and marketing resources.
  • Authentic depictions in media like 'Smoke Signals' are valuable, but one or two films cannot encapsulate the diversity and complexity of life on all reservations.
  • Revival and teaching of lost traditions and languages are crucial, but these efforts often face challenges such as funding, a s ...

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

Financial Dynamics of Native American Reservations

The Role and Impact of Financial Aid

Financial aid has a significant impact on tribes, particularly those affected by climate change. However, Chuck Bryant criticized the policies of former President Donald Trump, especially regarding his negligence towards restoring reservation provisions affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is also notable that governmental attitudes have fluctuated between promoting tribal autonomy and promoting urbanization during different periods.

Illustratively, Oklahoma is approximately half reservation land by legal definition. Whereas in California, land allotments known as 'rancherias' given to Natives are considerably smaller due to historical, violent campaigns in the 20th century.

Successful Financial Models: The Case of the Seminole Tribe

The hosts also discussed the financial success of the Seminole Tribe, attributed to their profitable casino businesses like the Seminole Classic Casino and Hard Rock Casino.

A salient detail shared is the Seminole ...

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Financial Dynamics of Native American Reservations

Additional Materials


  • In California, 'rancherias' are small parcels of land designated for Native Americans, often resulting from historical conflicts and policies. In contrast, reservation land in Oklahoma is legally defined and comprises a larger portion of the state's territory. The differences in size and historical context between 'rancherias' in California and reservation land in Oklahoma reflect varying approaches to Native American land rights and governance.
  • The misconception about the location of the inaugural Hard Rock establishment stems from confusion between Jackson, Mississ ...


  • While financial aid is important, it can sometimes create dependency or undermine tribal efforts towards economic self-sufficiency.
  • Criticism of former President Donald Trump's policies may not fully account for the complexities of federal response to the pandemic or other efforts that may have been made to support Native American reservations.
  • The fluctuation between promoting tribal autonomy and urbanization might be seen as a necessary balance, responding to changing times and needs of the Native American populations.
  • The statement about Oklahoma being half reservation land by legal definition could be misleading without context, as the legal status and practical governance of these lands can be complex and varied.
  • The smaller size of 'rancherias' in California could be viewed in the context of broader land use and population density issues in the state, not solely as a result of historical campaigns.
  • The financial success of the Seminole Tribe through casinos might raise concerns about the sustainability and ethical implications of gambling as a revenue source.
  • The acquisition of the Hard Rock franchise by the Seminole Tribe, while successful, mig ...

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Native American Reservations | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW


Several initiatives are promoting voter registration among Native Americans living on reservations, such as the Million Voter Opportunity and the accompanying initiative nativevoterimpact.org. This highlights the critical role of active civic participation among these communities in shaping their future.

Lastly, the hosts gave attention to the feedback from a listener who appreciated their episode about diaries, with a particular emphasis on the significant role of women in the hist ...

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Additional Materials


  • The Million Voter Opportunity is an initiative aimed at increasing voter registration and participation among Native Americans living on reservations. It focuses on empowering these communities to have a stronger voice in shaping their future through active civic engagement.
  • The Trail of Tears was a tragic event in American history where Native American tribes were forcibly removed from their ancestral lands in the Southeastern United States to make way for white settlers. This forced displacement led to immense suffering, with many Native Americans dying from disease, starvation, and exposure during the journey to their new territories. The Trail of Tears is considered by many scholars as an example of the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Native Americans by the United States government.
  • The Louisiana Purchase was a significant land deal in 180 ...


  • While initiatives like the Million Voter Opportunity are commendable, there may be structural barriers beyond voter registration that also need to be addressed to improve Native American civic participation, such as access to polling places and voter ID laws.
  • The effectiveness of online platforms like nativevoterimpact.org in reaching Native American populations on reservations might be limited due to issues like internet access and digital literacy.
  • The focus on the historical role of women in diary-writing could potentially overshadow the contributions of other marginalized groups in historical narratives.
  • Expressing gratitude for listener feedback is positive, but it is also important to ensure that a wide range of feedback, inclu ...

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