Podcasts > Date Yourself Instead

Date Yourself Instead • Lyss Boss

You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.

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Date Yourself Instead • Lyss Boss


  • How to let go of the toxic cycle, set boundaries, and move on

    Journey through the challenging terrain of breaking free from toxic relationships with Lyss Boss on the "Date Yourself Instead" podcast. In an episode centered on recognizing and detaching from unhealthy dynamics, Boss compares the turmoil of these partnerships to the volatility of addiction, focusing on the intense emotional rollercoasters they often induce. She deftly identifies the red flags that may signal you're in the grasp of a detrimental connection, including persistent feelings of guilt and a pervasive sense of volatility, urging listeners to confront the harsh reality that expecting a transformation can be a lost cause.

    Boss emphasizes the importance of introspection, encouraging listeners to examine their own willingness to endure toxicity, whether it's rooted in love, fear, or misplaced hope. Reinforcing self-worth and the art of letting go, she suggests drawing strength from the universe or spiritual beliefs to facilitate a breakthrough in understanding one's intrinsic value. The importance of strong personal boundaries takes center stage as Boss guides through the process of self-discovery, advocating for forthright communication and the refusal to compromise on the respect and care one fundamentally deserves in any partnership.

    Mar 11, 2024

  • Your only competition is YOU - stop comparing yourself to other people

    In "Date Yourself Instead," hosted by Lyss Boss, the focus is turned inward to fostering self-contentment and reaching personal heights of achievement. Boss passionately speaks about the trap of comparisons, emphasizing the importance of concentrating on individual goals and celebrating one's own milestones. Through her lens of experience, including her background in opera singing, she demonstrates the power of self-confidence and how recognizing unique abilities can lead to fulfillment. The host argues that by cultivating self-belief and owning our distinct traits, we inherently draw in a cohort of supportive and like-minded people into our sphere.

    Boss delves deeper into the concept of vying solely against oneself on the path to success. Using the genesis of her own podcast as an example, she highlights the merit of disengaging from the comparative victories of others and remaining authentic to one's values and journey. A shift in mindset is proposed, where self-validation becomes the driver of action, overshadowing the pursuit of external approval. Boss's narrative is underpinned by the power of positive associations, citing the supportive nature of friendships like that with Haley, and stresses the significance of being surrounded by encouraging peers. Boss concludes that projecting confidence and concentrating on self-improvement has the magnetic effect of attracting a circle celebrating collective triumphs without envy.

    Mar 4, 2024

  • I got sick from a toxic relationship + how I healed my PCOS naturally

    Dive into the personal narrative of Lyss Boss on "Date Yourself Instead," as she opens up about her battle with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Sharing her struggle from the tender age of 14, Lyss illustrates her formidable journey—beginning with excruciating pain and leading to the discovery of ovarian cysts. The condition, seemingly running in her family, challenged her to explore various hormone supplements in an effort to regularize her menstrual cycle and alleviate the pain that often left her bedridden.

    Through a candid recounting of her experiences, Lyss sheds light on the complexities of PCOS diagnosis and treatment. She reflects on the range of symptoms that ultimately led to multiple diagnoses by different doctors and the prescription of varied treatments, including birth control and metformin. Despite facing physical complications like weight gain and mood fluctuations, she remained committed to understanding and managing the symptoms. Her testament offers an intimate look at the implications of health issues intertwined with the stress of toxic relationships, and her resolve to embrace natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments for her well-being.

    Feb 26, 2024

  • How to master your emotions and remain in your power

    Dive into the world of emotional intelligence with Lyss Boss on "Date Yourself Instead," as she examines the essential skill of controlling one's emotions in relationships. This episode sheds light on the importance of maintaining stability and respect by staying true to oneself during confrontational moments. Lyss reveals how taking a step back to stay calm can facilitate clearer thinking and better decision making, highlighting the strength found in walking away from disputes and seeking solace in trusted companionship to discuss emotional grievances.

    In a candid exploration of toxic relationships and the path to emotional maturity, Lyss reflects on her journey from impulsive reactions to measured responses. She shares invaluable insights on using personal setbacks as stepping-stones towards growth, advocating for emotional restraint as a weapon against manipulation. Furthermore, by embracing the power of detachment in the face of betrayal, Lyss underscores reclaiming personal power through inner focus and composed resilience. Her personal narratives showcase the transformative effects of processing emotions inwardly as a means to peace and self-improvement.

    Feb 19, 2024

  • My biggest dating icks + dealbreakers in 2024

    Dive into the intricacies of modern dating with Lyss Boss in the "Date Yourself Instead" podcast, where she candidly shares her latest thoughts on relationship dealbreakers and dating "icks" in the contemporary romantic landscape. Exploring the nuances of what turns a potential partner from a 'yes' to a definitive 'no,' Lyss Boss paints a picture of the interpersonal dynamics that can make or break a budding connection in today's world.

    In addition to shedding light on personal experiences and societal observations, Lyss issues an invitation to join her 'Dare to Detach Masterclass,' offering listeners the tools to master the art of emotional release. Providing a blend of personal insight and actionable advice, "Date Yourself Instead" serves as a platform for singles seeking guidance on navigating the complex territory of commitment, respect, and self-love in the era of digital dating and beyond.

    Feb 12, 2024