Experts > Sony Kapoor

Sony Kapoor's Top Book Recommendations

Want to know what books Sony Kapoor recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of Sony Kapoor's favorite book recommendations of all time.


States of Matter

This unique overview by a prominent CalTech physicist provides a modern, rigorous, and integrated treatment of the key physical principles and techniques related to gases, liquids, solids, and their phase transitions. No other single volume offers such comprehensive coverage of the subject, and the treatment consistently emphasizes areas in which research results are likely to be applicable to other disciples.
Starting with a chapter on thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, the text proceeds to in-depth discussions of perfect gases, electrons in metals, Bose condensation, fluid...
Recommended by Sony Kapoor, and 1 others.

Sony KapoorThe best, the VERY BEST opening para for a Book, ever ... EVER ... Goodstein's "States of Matter" via @quantian1 (Source)

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