Experts > GJ Hart

GJ Hart's Top Book Recommendations

CEO/California Pizza Kitchen

Want to know what books GJ Hart recommends on their reading list? We've researched interviews, social media posts, podcasts, and articles to build a comprehensive list of GJ Hart's favorite book recommendations of all time.

Eating out has gone from a special occasion treat to a daily occurrence for many people. Cooking TV shows usher viewers into restaurant kitchens and freezers, while smart phones allow diners to analyze wine list prices before placing an order. The author, who developed and sells restaurant management software attributes restaurant success and longevity to managing four factors: ingredients, beverages, space, and an "X factor" unique to each entity. Two chapters detail the real-life "Underground Culinary Tour," an exclusive New York City tasting tour, overseen by Mogavero, for a select group... more

Tom ColicchioAvero has become the go-to tech company for the hospitality industry, but the secret to Damian's success lies in his deeply rooted passion for food.... which The Underground Culinary Tour illustrates brilliantly! (Source)

Kevin Browneval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'theceolibrary_com-leader-2','ezslot_7',164,'0','1'])); Damian's incredible vision and ability to combine his passion for food and analytical intelligence have helped bring an extraordinary tool into existence. The insights and information Avero offers have allowed Lettuce Entertain You and the entire hospitality industry to see a different side of the... (Source)

GJ HartDamian Mogavero has blazed new territory in how to utilize data to improve our restaurants.. His passion for food is unparalleled. It shows how loving what you do can be both inspiring and creative. Check out The Underground Culinary Tour to see exactly how creative Damian is. (Source)

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