Purple Hibiscus

Recommended by Nicola Sturgeon, and 1 others. See all reviews

Ranked #5 in African, Ranked #6 in Africasee more rankings.

Fifteen-year-old Kambili and her older brother Jaja lead a privileged life in Enugu, Nigeria. They live in a beautiful house, with a caring family, and attend an exclusive missionary school. They're completely shielded from the troubles of the world. Yet, as Kambili reveals in her tender-voiced account, things are less perfect than they appear. Although her Papa is generous and well respected, he is fanatically religious and tyrannical at home—a home that is silent and suffocating.

As the country begins to fall apart under a military coup, Kambili and Jaja are sent to their aunt,...

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Nicola Sturgeon @JB_VisualArtist Great book - I’m a huge Chimamanda fan. Enjoy. (Source)

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