Justice on Trial

The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court

Ranked #5 in Jurisprudence, Ranked #11 in Constitutional Law

Justice Anthony Kennedy slipped out of the Supreme Court building on June 27, 2018, and traveled incognito to the White House to inform President Donald Trump that he was retiring, setting in motion a political process that his successor, Brett Kavanaugh, would denounce three months later as a “national disgrace” and a “circus.”

Justice on Trial, the definitive insider’s account of Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court, is based on extraordinary access to more than one hundred key figures—including the president, justices, and senators—in that ferocious political...

Reviews and Recommendations

We've comprehensively compiled reviews of Justice on Trial from the world's leading experts.

Donald J. Trump USA PresidentBook is doing really well. A study in unfairness to a potentially great Justice! https://t.co/i6GwghuEsU (Source)

Grover Norquist @waynegaddy @MZHemingway Lacked a phone number. She has a great book out. (Source)

Neal Houston Apparently, Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault, deleted her social media profile weeks before she sent a letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein detailing the allegation, according to a new book... HOW INTERESTING 🤔 (Source)

Rob Bluey Great interview! This is the must-read book about Justice Kavanaugh. And congrats to @MZHemingway & @JCNSeverino for debuting at No. 6 on the New York Times bestseller list! https://t.co/Xj8ptrWwAS (Source)

Sean Davis What has two thumbs and just got the Amazon #1 Best Seller delivered? This guy. Congrats to @MZHemingway and @JCNSeverino on the release of their spectacular book! If you haven’t ordered your copy, it’s not too late. https://t.co/EbmZO24f4F https://t.co/1QRC39TXUV (Source)

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